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iOS and MacOS / Amazon rejection for odd crash the is no reproducible on my Mac

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Joined: 2nd Oct 2010
Location: St Petersburg, Florida
Posted: 5th Aug 2014 01:33
Wondering if anyone can help out.
We're getting rejected from Amazon for the following issue (we're submitting for OS X only):

Quote: "Dear Napland Games,

Your submission has failed.

Title : Sudoku In Space
Platform : Mac
Reason : Your binary submission has been rejected as the application crashes with the following error: "Application Specific Information: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[AVAudioPlayer rate]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x5662d0'" Please revise your binary and resubmit. "

Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this and the game works 100% fine on our Mac Mini running OS X 10.9.4
If anyone has insight please let me know!
If anyone wants to test on their own Mac then please send me an email and I'll provide you with a download link.


DBPro Tool Maker
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Posted: 5th Aug 2014 19:41 Edited at: 5th Aug 2014 19:42
Quote: "unrecognized selector sent to instance"

This happens when Objective C can't find the property that's being referenced.

According to the OS X documentation
( the "rate" property is only supported on OS X v10.8 and later. It's possible that Amazon is testing on an older version of OS X. Maybe the Amazon store will let you set a minimum requirement of OS X v10.8.


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Location: St Petersburg, Florida
Posted: 5th Aug 2014 19:50
Maybe that's the deal, but I told them Mountain Lion and higher.
Paul actually gave me an altered library and we'll see if that goes through. They were pretty quick on rejecting the last one and this one is still processing so I have hopes.
They're rejection feedback is terrible. The first rejection was "it crashes all the time". That's it. I wrote them and asked them to tell me at what point, if they get an error codes, and what OS version. They haven't replied back. So I just resubmitted and they actually gave me a little more info (what you see above).
Hopefully I'll hear back in the next 24-hours and know if Paul's new library worked.
Thanks for finding that info for me though!

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Joined: 2nd Oct 2010
Location: St Petersburg, Florida
Posted: 19th Aug 2014 05:46
Paul's new library worked. Amazon decided to leave the app in review, but make it available in the store without changing the status, so I never knew it was approved...
Anyway it worked

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