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Newcomers DBPro Corner / reflection shading problem

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Joined: 24th Feb 2005
Location: nm usa
Posted: 12th Aug 2014 03:49
using dbpro. Hello there. Im tying to make some water. was gonna use a flat object with reflection shading and prolly a slightly colored semi transparent matrix to wave on top of it. im not real good with dbpro. I cant get my flat box to reflect my sky at all just the map around it. i tried to point my object at the sky but all it did is rotate my box all jacked up sticking out of the ground and still no sky. not really sure how to use the shading any help would be appreciated.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2014 09:51 Edited at: 12th Aug 2014 10:25
I attached a project I have ported from DarkGDK by WLGfx with additions. To see the sky reflected remove the REM in line 44. Try adding the Ghost Effect parameter to line 35 with different values to see the affect it has on the reflected surface. You may want to look into using a reflective shader other than the built-in reflective shader.


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Joined: 24th Feb 2005
Location: nm usa
Posted: 13th Aug 2014 06:50
thank u very good example

A child's dream never dies.

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