Hi alexander1973.
You can make four counter to control each animation . Somethin like this :
ink rgb(0,100,0),0
box 0,0,20,20
get image 1,0,0,20,20,1
ink rgb(255,255,0),0
box 0,0,20,20
get image 2,0,0,20,20,1
autocam off
sync on
`four counters
Dim counter(4) as integer
`initial values
`mouse over
if cont1=0 and mousex()>20 and mousex()<38 and mousey()>20 and mousey()<38 and mouseclick() then cont1=1
if cont2=0 and mousex()>20 and mousex()<38 and mousey()>60 and mousey()<78 and mouseclick() then cont2=1
if cont3=0 and mousex()>20 and mousex()<38 and mousey()>100 and mousey()<119 and mouseclick() then cont3=1
if cont4=0 and mousex()>20 and mousex()<38 and mousey()>140 and mousey()<158 and mouseclick() then cont4=1
if cont1=1 then counter(1)=counter(1)+1
if cont2=1 then counter(2)=counter(2)+1
if cont3=1 then counter(3)=counter(3)+1
if cont4=1 then counter(4)=counter(4)+1
for i= 1 to 4
if counter(i)>3000 then counter(i)=0
next i
if counter(1)=0 then cont1=0
if counter(2)=0 then cont2=0
if counter(3)=0 then cont3=0
if counter(4)=0 then cont4=0
set cursor 50,20
print counter(1)
set cursor 50,60
print counter(2)
set cursor 50,100
print counter(3)
set cursor 50,140
print counter(4)
`animating Sprite
if cont1=1 then sprite 1,20,20,2 else sprite 1,20,20,1
if cont2=1 then sprite 2,20,60,2 else sprite 2,20,60,1
if cont3=1 then sprite 3,20,100,2 else sprite 3,20,100,1
if cont4=1 then sprite 4,20,140,2 else sprite 4,20,140,1
I'm not a grumpy grandpa