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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / [Dynamix] Dark Dynamic + enhanced animation = crash

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Posted: 16th Sep 2014 04:17

When combining two test games one with enhanced animations properly working and one with dark dynamix properly working, it will crash every time I try to apply an animation to the character controller. I chose to do then separately at first because I was in the progress of learning how to use them and wanted to make sure they worked before combining them together.

I have attached the combined test game but with any part of applying animation to the character controller commented out.

I can't figure out if I need to use different code to make them work together or if this is a limitation of either dark dynamix or enhanced animations.

Any help is appreciated.


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Posted: 17th Sep 2014 00:11
Just popping in to try and see if this might be right or not, but have you tried reversing your update order? like update animation first and then update physics second, or vice versa...

I say this because you have to perform similar situations when playing with A.I. and Physics...

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Posted: 17th Sep 2014 02:33
Unfortunately changing the order didn't remove the crash, but it was something I wouldn't have thought of trying.

I tried to do a work-around to not animate the CC and make the CC invisible with another object positioned and following the CC and applying animations to it instead. I learned that any "EnAn_oacUpdate" or "EnAn_oacPlayAnim" at all in the code will just crash. It seems the 2 really can't work together currently.
Matty H
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Posted: 18th Sep 2014 16:41
I don't have Enhanced Animations so it's hard to say what the problem is here.

I am almost certain Fallout used Enhanced Animations with Dark Dynamix on Carnage

If he is around, hopefully he will come in and let us know

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Posted: 30th Sep 2014 05:18
I'm still hoping that Fallout and Ron Erickson (hopefully correct person: creator of enhanced animations) will get back to me as I did PM them on the 19th.

Carnage the only things I could confirm is that it does use enhanced animations and it does not use dark physics. It also uses the GDK version, I may need to look into Dark GDK.

I am also in contact with TGC to help resolve this issue. They did say "physics engines tend to take full control of any meshes you are using" but then my work around of animating a separate object not controlled by physics would have not crashed as well.

Something also I noticed I didn't say in my previous posts is that it compiles properly but will crash any attempt to run it.
Matty H
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Posted: 30th Sep 2014 15:42 Edited at: 30th Sep 2014 15:43

Before your loop, you should have a call to dynSimulate. I doubt this will fix the issue but you should try it.

If that does not work then try this:

This time you would not put dynSimulate before your loop.

If this does not work I will contact TGC and get access to Enhanced Animations so I can look at this in more detail.

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Posted: 1st Oct 2014 04:44
For a moment I thought it worked but then I saw I forgot to uncomment the enhanced animation parts, after uncommenting it compiles and then crashes "Darkbasic Pro Project has stopped working".
Matty H
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2014 12:41
I now have access to Enhanced Animations but I have no time today so I will take a look over the weekend.

Matty H
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Posted: 6th Oct 2014 15:44
Hi Bago,

If I comment out all Dynamix functions it still crashes for me:

So the crash may not be Dynamix related? Let me know what happens when you try this, thanks.

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Posted: 7th Oct 2014 02:08
When I try that code it works fine for me.

Another thing I have tried was I had previously been using RC 7.7 then downgraded to 7.62 so dark dynamix could even be recognised, I thought that this may have left a remnant of 7.7 behind that may clash in some way so I deleted every file that remained behind after the uninstall and then reinstalled fresh and upgrading direct to 7.62 with only Dark Dynamix and Enhanced Animations plugins. But this still has the same results even though my work window now looks different again. (Pictures below)


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Matty H
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Posted: 7th Oct 2014 11:46
Sorry, that code I posted does work for me but when I uncomment the line:

It crashes for me, let me know if this happens to you?

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Posted: 7th Oct 2014 13:39
Yes that did crash.

Working again from the ground up the moment I tried to add a function into the code it started crashing. Backtracking I found the source of the crash "global oacID = EnAn_oacCreate(2)" for some reason it can't be set as global or it won't work.

Changing my original code and removing the global in front allowed to line "EnAn_oacPlayAnim oacID, 1, IdleAnim, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0" to not crash. Then I had to move all movement code out of the function and suddenly it is all working.

I am happy a solution was found but feel a bit bad that you ended up getting Enhanced Animations to help when it was a fault with "global".
Matty H
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Posted: 7th Oct 2014 15:09
Hey don't worry, I got Enhanced Animations for free

Not that I will ever use it though since I currently use AGK/UE4/Unity3D

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