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Work in Progress / Ulidia hack and slash RPG update September 2014

Chris Ritchie
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Posted: 25th Sep 2014 01:33 Edited at: 5th Nov 2014 21:59
Hello all
Just a quick update on my dark ages hack and slash rpg Ulidia since the last time I was here.
Game features:
The inventory system is now complete, the player will start with one bag which will hold 15 items this can be upgraded to 4 bags so 60 items in total. Small things like apples arrows etc. will stack up to 20 meaning that the player should have ample space.
All types have been added selling food and drink amongst many others.
Merchant bought food and drink will be inferior to player made food.
The merchants have limited stock which is replaced by other traders and town folk as the game progresses.
The bare bones of this system are working but still in its infant stages.
The villagers and other characters will respond to whatever you type in and try to keep the conversation going with related questions or statements. I know this has been a dodgy subject in the past but I think it is the only way to make encounters seem less scripted.
Particles have been added to the engine. We have smoke, fire and mist at the minutes but this will increase to blood rain and hopefully snow.
The draw distance has increased dramatically from the previous update giving a better sense of a large country.
Added in some mist at the horizon to give a bit more atmosphere.
New water shader added in with actual 3d waves
Rocks and cliffs added in thanks to the fantastic Medusa Pro.(Great job guys!).
More foliage added in to break up the green areas of grassland.
Interiors have started to get added in with some nice light mapping.
Currently trying to get the combat to a 'bare bones' state where I can improve it whilst adding other game elements. Most important of these will be the quest system which I am hoping will feel very natural. Quests and jobs will be attained via over hearing conversations with other characters or being given information through questions asked. Both of these incorporate so many other different systems in the game they should keep me busy for a while.
Some new screens added to my website until I can get a new video made.

Thanks for reading

Lead programmer ULIDIA
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Posted: 25th Sep 2014 03:22
Looking really nice; it seems your images won't link in properly though; they can be viewed on the linked to site by clicking on the first "empty" image (it seems some additional website-related work may be required ).

Looking forward to further progress and maybe a video on this

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Posted: 25th Sep 2014 05:21
Holy crap man! I remember that name, isn't this the one set in Ireland against Viking invaders? I had no idea this project was still being worked on.

Glad to see it and it is looking fantastic. Has a nice Mount and Blade feeling to it. I am quite interested to see how your chat and combat systems work out, so keep the updates coming :p

Chris Tate
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Posted: 26th Sep 2014 02:00
Welcome back

Chris Ritchie
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Posted: 29th Sep 2014 01:34 Edited at: 5th Nov 2014 22:01
Thanks for the comments guys appreciate it.
Not been a bad week managed to get some stuff done.

UI :

Fixed a bug that was stopping the last inventory item you viewed from resetting.

Visuals :

Added a lot of detail in and around Cairlyn lake as it was looking a bit barren.(screenshot below)
More work done on interiors including Garrons Inn , where you will need to travel to, to find a bed and catch up on the lastest rumors.
Fixed a bug that was causing some grass models to disappear.
Added piers into the water areas in preparation for adding the fishing element into the game engine.

Performance :

Clawed back about 5 FPS by fixing a few for / next loops that were needlessly running all the time.

Gameplay :

Whilst working on the chat system I had a rethink about a certain element of the game that is always tricky.
I am trying to stay as gritty to a dark ages time period as I can and this will ultimately mean some swearing by the characters in the game. Now, I am aware that opinion is split on the subject and I really don't want to offend anyone who is playing the game, on the other hand I thought it added a lot of character to The Witcher series.
I am thinking in order to combat this I will put in place a system where the characters will only swear if they have been sworn to by the player. So anyone who wants to roleplay with that as an element can turn the air blue. But be careful if you swear at some characters who take offence by it you will lose faction with that character, possibly limiting the chance of future help.

I have added in the ability to harvest firewood from certain trees.
Firewood will be a vital element in the game mechanics of the players stamina system.
The longer the player is awake the more their stamina bar decreases, this can only be replenished by eating or sleeping. As you can only eat so much at some point you will need to sleep. This time at the minute is set to a day and a half of game time, this can be fine tuned later when we work on game balance.
In order to sleep you will either need to find a bed in an Inn or tavern, or you will need to create a camp.
In order to create a successful camp you will need certain items with you, these include firewood, a flint striker and a bedroll. It will be possible to create a camp without them but you increase certain risks of sleeping in the wilds. If you do not create a camp fire for instance you're rest will be lesser meaning you will regenerate health and stamina slower. Also a camp fire will ward of attacks from wolves and wild boar during your rest.
If you're stamina bars runs dry you will still be able to move , just painfully slowly.
Thanks for reading and I'll update soon.

Lead programmer ULIDIA
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Posted: 8th Dec 2014 07:39
My god it looks like Oblivion but prettier.
I've been recording heaps of natural sounds lately... I can do soundfx if you'd like?

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Van B
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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 14:16
Looks awesome!

The one thing I'd say, and it's just a minor thing - always have bushes at the bottom of cliffs. It helps break up the transition between grass and cliff, but it tends to happen naturally anyway, as bushes tend to need protection from wind to establish, so it's natural to see bushes at the base of cliffs. This is just based on that second last screenshot you've uploaded, that scene looks really good but the stark cliff line detracts from it a bit IMO.

It is a really pretty game, reminds me of a lot of places in Scotland, except the weather looks much better in your screenies

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Chris Tate
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Posted: 10th Dec 2014 16:37
This deserves more credit than it has gotten so far; I hope there will be more updates to look forward to. How is the video going?

Chris Ritchie
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Posted: 18th Jan 2015 02:50 Edited at: 18th Jan 2015 02:52
@ Pristine studios
Thanks !
@ Van B
Thank you, I have taken your point and added bushes around the bases of all cliffs, it looks way better now. Ireland is a bit like a mini Scotland as far as scenery goes and you are right its normally raining here too, a good reason to make it nice and sunny, but there will be all types of weather effects in the final release.
@ Chris
Its all good mate, I know not many check these boards any more but it gives me a good record of progress to look back on...

New Video!

Showing off some graphical updates and some new systems including inventory and merchants, enjoy.

Lead programmer ULIDIA
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Posted: 18th Jan 2015 04:33 Edited at: 18th Jan 2015 04:34
wow this project is really coming along nicely, the shaders are a nice addition and really improved the atmosphere. also your lod system is nice too, i dont even notice the change of detail when you get close to objects
Chris Tate
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Posted: 18th Jan 2015 17:22
I love the water effect; looks better than most I see in games. I pretty much admire the environmental effect as a whole including the sound.

Is this an open world game or a sequential one?

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Posted: 18th Jan 2015 18:01
I really like the all visuals. It is one of the most good looking projects made with DBpro, that i have seen.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2015 22:44
Definitely coming along nicely. Always good to see a smooth, responsive UI in DBpro projects, the environments look cohesive with a nice use of color, though the bloom feels a bit over strong at times. Are you using blitz terrain for this?

The conversation system: really interested to see how this develops, it reminds me of the old PC games by Sierra and is something that I am planning to work on for Sulium as well.

Keep up the progress, I'm looking forward to playing this

Chris Ritchie
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Posted: 19th Jan 2015 17:43 Edited at: 19th Jan 2015 17:45
Thanks for checking it out guys appreciate it.
@ Chris Tate
The entire game will be open world.
@ Ortu

The bloom is fully scalable in the options, my friends are always telling me I use to much
I am using advanced terrain, Blitz would probably be better but the game was to far down the line to change it. The conversation system needs to be robust, I will be putting a good few months work in to make sure I have as many words recognised as possible. I have friends testing this for me so that I have a log of every conversation they have and I will add anything that makes sense.

Lead programmer ULIDIA
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Posted: 21st Jan 2015 16:47
Very Nicely Done!
Are you using any type of physics or is it all animation?
If not, are you thinking about using a physics engine in the future?
Your video was smooth and well narrated.
I always find narrating a video difficult.
Just a little constructive criticism, put some heather on the mountains they are a little to brown.

WindowsXP SP3,Vista,Windows 7 SP1, DBpro v7.7RC7
Stab In The Dark Editor
The coffee is lovely dark and deep,and I have code to write before I sleep.
Chris Ritchie
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Posted: 21st Jan 2015 18:07
@ Stab

Thanks man, I botched up quite a bit of narration during that some of it is pure nonsense, but it was a first attempt so I'll build on it
I have been thinking about physics a bit, I need physics just to drop the items from inventory so that they fall naturally on the ground, I also want the enemies weapons to fall from their hands upon death, so yes physics will have a part to play in the game, I am kinda hoping your bullet physics will be done by the time I need it
Totally agree with you on the mountains they are not final and I will add foliage to them in the near future. Thanks for showing an interest.

Lead programmer ULIDIA
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Posted: 21st Jan 2015 22:23
If you are interested in being an Alpha tester send me an email.

WindowsXP SP3,Vista,Windows 7 SP1, DBpro v7.7RC7
Stab In The Dark Editor
The coffee is lovely dark and deep,and I have code to write before I sleep.

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