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NaGaCreMo / NaGaCreMo 2015!

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 01:09
Wish I had 31 days for my entry... Just 8 days left...

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 01:51
only 8 days left.... thats a tight squeeze but im sure you can put something good together. I go back to work on the jan6th and will be trying to fit in as much coding as i can from afterwork to working on it during the weekends.
Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 18:47
I have the day off tomorrow so I'm probably going to spend several hours coding away during the morning (and a couple tonight).

I don't have much so far, I really just got the initialization routines working, and I need to find the best way to handle collision (GetSpriteCollision() works well, but I want to see if I can't find a better way).

One thing I need to find the best way to do is collision for the tiles. A simple for-next loop ought to do it, something like this...

That shouldn't be too hard! Hardest part will be figuring out how to store the level data... I might just hard code it into separate files and see where that takes me.

It's back, baby!
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Posted: 4th Jan 2015 00:44
Posted an update in my project but it is a vlog on my blog...

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Posted: 4th Jan 2015 01:33
Nice work!

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Posted: 4th Jan 2015 01:43
THANK YOU! TheComet! [Assuming you mean me?]

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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 00:35
Progress Update:

I understand Double Posting for an update is ok in this board...

If not I apologise...

I made another video update showing saving and loading inside the editor, I forgot to mention I will also add in the ability to move the spawn point on the y axis

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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 14:07
Here's my WIP I'm aiming to make a demo of by the end of the month: Oh Man!

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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 18:44
cool... i've always been a fan of your work bax! Your very good with lighting effects.
Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 19:01
Added your project into the first post there, bax. Great looking work!

This is only as far as I've gotten. An unexpected death of a friend pretty much ensured that I wasn't going to program yesterday, but luckily this is a simple enough game it won't take too long to finish.


Not super impressive, the paddle can't even move yet haha. But the collision between the bricks works and that's what I really wanted to get working first!

I plan on adding some enemies that will appear at random intervals, and let's just say that when you clear all of the bricks, the game won't be over *quite* yet!

It's back, baby!
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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 21:54 Edited at: 5th Jan 2015 21:55
Like the concept!

Yodaman Jer - an idea for the first post, add each project as links instead of a code list... also link to the NCGM board in case someone was linked from outside the board and does not know the NCGM board exists


Also nice to have baxslash on the list


Ignore that lol just saw the WIP links!

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 10th Jan 2015 00:50
Hmm, I know I have been indecisive about exactly what it is I'm doing and it's already the 9th.

I have settled on it. In an unexpected turn of events, yes, I am going to make a game, but not a computer game.

Instead, it is something experimental I am going to try with my roleplaying group on FFXIV, inspired by table top Roleplaying. A system that can be used, particularly when it comes to in-character fighting - something roleplayers can get accused of is god modding - as in they just deflect anything you throw at them, but use a table-top roleplay system, then it's fairer.

In testing the water for something I am cooking up, I had a fight with one of the people I roleplay with an used a handy site called, we decided they'd be evenly matched - so the role of the die would determine the out come of each action. But obviously, other things need to come into play, I mean, when the fight isn't 50/50. I will be coming up with a way of doing roleplay that suits my roleplay group - they are already willing to try stuff out to see if it works.

I've never actually done tabletop roleplay, so it will be done based on my imagining of things.

Of course, I expect to hear somebody shout "NEEEEEEERD", but I am okay with that.

But figure I do something to benefit my group and to get my creative juices flowing. I will promise to use programming to write my battle calculators, okay?

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Posted: 10th Jan 2015 01:11 Edited at: 10th Jan 2015 09:10
Hmm, not sure what you mean Sepp... can you clarify what it is you will be making? something physical or a program?


I wonder if TGC are following the progress of this years NGCM?

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 10th Jan 2015 21:27
Nothing physical or programmed.

It's a game in a sense. To explain, there is a geek culture out there of roleplayers, which takes place in many forms, the one I do is the kind that actively roleplay in MMORPG's (perhaps think "less socialable LARPers), or at least, I play Final Fantasy XIV and run a roleplaying community there, I did so on a whim, never roleplayed, never ran a guild on an MMO, but thought, "this is something I gotta try" and threw myself in the deep-end and have found it a LOT of fun. The idea is you create your own character, give them a personality and story, you play the game as these characters - to me, it brings two of my biggest loves together, writing and gaming. I have about 8 different characters I roleplay, the group follows a pirating, crime and black market theme. You essentially interact with the game's world and lore. It is very geeky, but awesome.

This kind of thing stems from the old tabletop roleplays, like Dungeons and Dragons. What I am looking to do is create a roleplaying system that enhances roleplay, makes a game of it, like you would with Dungeons and Dragons. So, you make an action, role a die (or some dice) which helps determine the result of said action. I proposed the idea to my community, they like the idea and would love to try it out.

So I figure for NaGaCreMo, I will look to create a game that can be integrated with our roleplay.

As an example, this is the roleplay I tested the water with. One of my characters, X'hayu, got into an argument with a pirate called Amelia. It escalated into a fight, so they agreed to meet at a specific place to fight it out.

What I did was have an action, so "X'hayu swings her sword at Amelia, if it connects, blood will be drawn" and then have the reaction "Amelia jumps to the side to dodge X'hayu's attack." How we did on that occasion, because we were only testing the water, is flip a coin to see if the action is successful or not and play the fight out until the odds decline in somebody's that instance, I lost the fight.

[Warning: There is an offensive comment in the chat log, hence the picture sits in a link]

The idea is to have a system where a fight like that can be done less randomly. We decided they were evenly matched, so flipping a coin was good for this test. But of course things like Dungeons and Dragons run off of difference rules and principles to the game and rely on character sheets as well and so on. So the idea is to make something that works with our roleplaying.

To my mind, this makes roleplay a little more unpredictable and exciting and also avoids what's called "godmodding", where somebody deflects every attack. Perhaps like playing a multiplayer game and somebody has god mode switched on. For example, the above roleplay, X'hayu and Amelia are exceptional fighters, unchallenged and unbeaten by many, this is an excuse some roleplayers will use to say "my character wins" and it can spoil it for all if you get into a fight with somebody who makes themselves unbeatable. It is generally considered bad roleplay, because realistically speaking, you aren't unstoppable, nobody can be Chuck Norris except Chuck Norris, I'm afraid and he lost to Bruce Lee, anyway.

The good news here is that I already have some systems in play from RPG's I've tried coding before, so I can use some of the calculations and systems and put them to paper and mould them around FFXIV. I wish to use something simple, easy to follow and remember that's effective and fun to play. Hence I am not reading D&D manuals to do this, because a system that indepth couldn't be done in a month and wouldn't benefit us, because we'd be roleplaying with a manual by our side.

But it's not all fights and battles though, just one element. What I run is very plot focused, so it follows a story and various characters who play a part in it and have stories of their own. With it, I even write stuff for characters - like short stories. For example, as pirates, we aren't looked to positively on by a group in the game called the Maelstrom, who are essentially the navy of city state called Limsa Lominsa, one of their corrupt officials sought to blackmail my character, Captain Saefinn, who, instead of being black mailed, decided to go to war with him, because he's very headstrung and protective of his crew. In this, a series of back & forth happened, until he came to this realisation, he was a liability on his crew and felt the best thing to do was turn himself in so that his crew could be safe. Because of the horrible crimes he's committed (and they're not very pleasant) it meant the death penalty. Well, for it I decided to write a short story of his confession: Click me to read. Which basically sat between 2 roleplays, one where he tells a character called Rose he's turning himself in and passing his reigns to her and the the follow up RP where everybody clubs their heads together to come up with a plan to break the Captain free and stop him from swinging from a noose. Stuff like this can be quite exciting when you get into the flow of things.

Coding wise, I think I would program any calculators, perhaps using ASP.NET so they can be put to web use, some already exist for the MMORPG's stat system, like this calculator I use when choosing what gear to upgrade on my healer. Something similar could be done with stats from a character sheet.

Of course now, you can see me for the sad git I am. I've been running this since FFXIV: A Realm Reborn was in BETA, our group used to have a really good reputation on the Gilgamesh server, but since we transferred to Balmung, we've done less to make a name of ourselves - but I am looking to change that (sadly, we had some drama issues after moving servers and that took a lot of my attention)

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Posted: 11th Jan 2015 06:31
Sepp, Strings.Reduction()

Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 12th Jan 2015 10:20 Edited at: 12th Jan 2015 10:22
I finished my demo. (it is for PC's)
The download is in my WIP.

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Posted: 12th Jan 2015 14:21 Edited at: 12th Jan 2015 14:22

CE Pocket Poker WIP [AGK] NaGaCreMo [2015]


Missed out closing bracket for link

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Posted: 15th Jan 2015 18:35

I achieved my NGCM!

You can see my project post in my thread on the forum, but it just mainly links to that blog post...

You can download the project on that blog post, strongly suggest you read the whole page before downloading...

Thanks all!

I am going to rest now before my health deteriorates further...

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 15th Jan 2015 18:41
Just letting everyone know I haven't forgotten about NaGaCreMo, I've been having a heck of time getting my Breakout clone to work. Some of you have probably seen that in The Posting Competition!

Thankfully Ortu has been helping me figure out the ball physics, so I'm very close to having at least a working demo of some kind. I s'pose I'd better tell you how the game will work!

- Each level will begin with a vertical series of bricks the player must destroy
- As each brick is destroyed the ball will get ever-so-slightly faster
- When the level is almost cleared, and there are TWO to FIVE bricks left, the computer will choose one of the remaining bricks to become "active" as the opponent paddle (this is where the Pong mashup comes into play)
- The newly opposing paddle will do everything in its power to keep the ball from destroying the rest of the bricks - even having the ability to shoot lasers at the player in later and more difficult levels

I'm not sure how I'm going to store power-up data just yet so that probably won't happen until a much later date, but I should be able to get most of it working by the end of the month!

Screenshot to prove I'm not full of you know what!

It's back, baby!
Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 05:37 Edited at: 16th Jan 2015 05:38
Quote: "Thankfully Ortu has been helping me figure out the ball physics, so I'm very close to having at least a working demo of some kind. "

I just finished a quick game playing around with ball physics.
Still waiting for someone to try it out. (WIP 6 Marbles)

Your defensive pong thingy sounds cool Yodaman Jer.
Looking forward to trying it out.

@ MrValentine
Hope you feel better soon

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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 06:14
Quote: "Hope you feel better soon"

Cheers! Although it is still downhill right now...

What is that WIP?

Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 17th Jan 2015 08:04
Quote: "What is that WIP?"

6 Marbles is a casual game based on an old Electro-Mechanical Arcade Machine that I used to play back in the day.
Of course, the digital video game version has a few extra features than the original, but it is still a very simple game to play.
I started this Jan 13th after finishing the demo for my NaGaCreMo pledge. (it took less than 30 hours to make the demo for this one)
You can find it in the AppGameKit Showcase forum.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2015 20:45
This thread should have been stickied and the '14 thread unstickied...

Some very interesting projects have come out of this years NGCM...

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Posted: 25th Jan 2015 19:23
I made it also!

i updated my first post on kingdom battle grounds and you can find the proto type beta there.

you will need .m4a codec for music playback.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2015 19:34
.m4a, is it installed with VLC? I mean does it work if VLC is installed?

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Posted: 25th Jan 2015 19:39
maybe? chances are if you have agk2 installed then you should have also gotten the codecs just to make agk2 work.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2015 19:40
Is there no package for redistribution?

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Posted: 26th Jan 2015 06:22
must be? but its easy enough to search for on google
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Posted: 26th Jan 2015 10:32
I meant with AGKV2

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Posted: 26th Jan 2015 12:35 Edited at: 26th Jan 2015 12:36
Ok, here's my demo (second version as the first had a few speed issues as well as a few annoying bugs): DEMO

That's my first successful NaGaCreMo

Now to knuckle down and finish the game!

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Posted: 26th Jan 2015 14:57 Edited at: 26th Jan 2015 14:59
congrats bax! i'll try it out

@val yeah its not a proper redistributable yet as i dont even need to enter a serial key yet. its just a self installer.
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Posted: 10th May 2015 23:45
In my usual fashion I did not complete anything.

However, I have managed to do something post-NaGaCremo. I mentioned I was going to create the rules to a game, for roleplaying, as I run a Roleplaying group on FFXIV. The rules are meant as a simple way of doing fighting-based roleplay, we tested the system on Monday, refined it and it's working thus far. I have finalised the rules of the current version and stuck them on our website:

Given roleplaying battle systems can get more and more complicated the more you delve in, but wanted something simple, yet effective. To make the roleplay enjoyable and challenging, but not getting to convoluted in rules and just having fun and focusing on story and plot too.

There's a few things we need to add and want to put in the works. But this is what works at this stage.

Also about the website...that was my 2014 entry that I never got to a decent state. It's still a WIP, but I am making progress with it and it is looking sweet - needs some tweaks with the CSS, I did run into a problem when doing a tidy up today with the CSS sheet, but modified it to make sure it looks clean, but will fix the problem in my next update to make better use of space.

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