Hi UbuntuRox104.... and welcome.
I think I understand what your saying. If you could, post
the scripts your using for this action your trying to achieve.
That way we can help you better.
Also BlackFox has a wealth of info on his thread avail. here...
I think your looking at setting up variables and using trigger
and win zone to get this to work. Not hard, just some scripting.
Also, do a search at bottom and see what comes up. I do
remember something on this awhile back. I'll get back if I
find something.
edit: after a quick search, found the easiest method is to use
the "nextlevel=x" command before the "win" zone. Look in your
syntax list for a full explanation. This way you can decided
with triggers or variables which level comes next.
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..