try to split your code in small parts. You can #Include (or something like that) some .DBA files in another .DBA file, so you can have a PLAYER.DBA for handling the player, and you can have a MENU.DBA for handling the menu and that sort of things. In my game I don't really use any include unless my code is very big, but splitting your code is the best way to keep your code clean. Anyway, if you didn't know, the BASIC was the FIRST programming language before C, everyone in the past used it, even the employees used it!. Also you can use functions and go to a specific location in your code using labels. Frankly, the BASIC language is the same as Visual Basic, Blitz BASIC 3D and even PureBasic!!! and the language continues using his same syntax: a main loop, functions and subs, so, why do you find the BASIC language hard??? I cant understand....
I'm a newbie