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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Unexpected model deformation, Can anyone explain why this happens?

Sinister Spoon
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2015 13:53
Ok I've had a little look around the forums and although Im sure
someone at some point has had a similar issue I cant seem to find
any information on it (mostly due in part, to not really knowing what its called to be able to search it properly)

Basically between sketchup and entity workshop v2 I sometimes
seem to get a translation error (no error box or anything and im
just guessing at the name of what might be happening) but basically
almost every vertex on the model seems to get locked to the origin
point and stretched back to it, leaving me with a model that looks like the attached file.

If anyone can offer an explanation of why this happens Id be extremely grateful. It is causing major issues for me as every time this occurs the only method I can seem to use to work around
it is to remodel the entire asset and hope it doesnt happen again.

It seems somewhat arbitrary regarding which models it does it to,
all models are built the same way but when exported from sketchup this happens to around 10-15% of them.

Hopefully I posted this in the right place and someone out there may be able to assist.

smoke em if you got em


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Posted: 3rd Feb 2015 18:49
Insted of using Entity Workshop, you can export the model, with its centre at the centre for convinence, to .x format and use an existing .fpe file to make the model usable.

Sinister Spoon
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Posted: 12th Feb 2015 13:04
So essentially just export as an .x file straight from Sketchup, use the existing .fpe from the failed version and manually enter the file name of the new raw .x file and then just add it to the fpsc entity bank as per usual?

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2015 13:28
Yup that is it. As easy as pie. Don't know about you, but I do it that way.

Sinister Spoon
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2015 00:35
Yeah it works but it then sets off a memory cap error, makes me think my original theory on something Im doing with regards to the model in sketchup is the problem here, on most of the models im exporting where the problem occurs sketchup hangs on the export screen for hours sometimes.

Ive stopped creating groups, copying and pasting or mirroring and rotating during modelling which has seemed to satisfy FPSC somewhat, its a strange thing as most of my models are extremely low poly due to the blocky art style im incorporating.

Id use milkshape if it werent for the fact that sketchup is just so damned easy to use I can knock out a serious amount of models in a day, I suppose like any manufacturing process though, the larger the number of products per day, the larger the risk of defective ones

Still it would be useful to know whats causing it

smoke em if you got em

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