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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Fragmotion-Scale problem

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Posted: 1st Mar 2015 22:48
Having a problem with scale in Fragmotion. I'm working with a
couple static entities that I need to convert to dynamic.
They work fine a static entities, but whenever I give them a bone, some weights and export to FPSC they show up very small in size?
I can easily scale them larger, but that creates other problems.
Wondering if anyone knows what's going on or what I'm doing wrong
thank you

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2015 04:43
I don't know about the weight things but scaling objects in MilkShape tend to do it for me. Although I don't use them animated. Do you have a pre-made object with the same set of animations?

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2015 18:54 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2015 18:54
Quote: "Do you have a pre-made object "

Unfortunately I cant post anything I made so far since they
are from a paid official model pack. Scaling also isn't a problem
in Fragmotion, (its easy to do) funny thing is when I import (merge) both the dynamic AND static model into Fragmotion they
are both of equal size. It's just when I export the "dynamic" one
and bring it into FPSC

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2015 00:53 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2015 00:55
So you are saying that once you add a bone it messes up your export size.That is strange. What version of fragmotion are you using?

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2015 15:41 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2015 20:45
Hi seppgirty
I'm using V1.3.1, the newest I believe. Noticed once I added
an animation to the model was a little larger in fpsc. About
1/4 of the static one. Once I scaled it 400% it was of perfect
size, but the animation was weird and I lost collision?
(the player falls thru)

Basically what I trying to do is have the player walk across
objects (platforms,large crates,containers..ect) that rock/move
when the player gets on top of them. I attached a pic of my export

Edit: well after many attempts I got the scale correct by
adding more bone to the mesh. The animation plays smooth, it's
just that darn collision.(as in none) I can't get the player
to be able to stand on these dynamic/moving entities while moving.
I read thru several posts with similar problems. Right now I'm
focusing on "colon" in my scripts to see if that helps?

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Posted: 4th Mar 2015 00:49
Quote: "I'm using V1.3.1, the newest I believe."

I still use fragmotion 1.2.6 He changed the .x exporter in 1.3.1 So if you still have problems try the older version.

Can't help with the collision

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Disturbing 13
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Posted: 4th Mar 2015 13:45
Not sure if this helps but Fragmotion's weights really doesn't work well with FPSC or Gameguru. I had this problem with getting LOD to work and found out vertex weights in Fragmotion was the culprit. Milkshape's vertex weights work much better. Hope that helps.

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Posted: 4th Mar 2015 16:41
@seppgirty I still have V1.2.2 and will give that ONE more try.
Yes, he change quite a few things in the newer version.

@Disturbing 13
Quote: "Milkshape's vertex weights work much better"
Ok, if all fails then I'll start over with Milkshape
from scratch.

Thank guys for your input.

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Disturbing 13
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Posted: 5th Mar 2015 10:01
Quote: "Ok, if all fails then I'll start over with Milkshape
from scratch."

Not necessary. Fragmotion exports as a functioning animated Milkshape3d file. Then you can just open it in Milkshape and do what you need to with vertex weights. No need to start from scratch. I often use both programs in tandem.

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Posted: 5th Mar 2015 20:48
@Disturbing 13 Oh yes, your right. Milkshape did do the trick
with setting the weights. My animated object is now rock solid and
the player can now stand on them (it does still take some trial and error). But I can now move forward

@seppgirty Yes I try it with both V1.2.2 & 1.3.1 and in this case
the bone weights were not working out. But I will definitely continue using Fragmotion for the animation and other work.

Thank you guys for your help.

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