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iOS and MacOS / [Bug] Problem with agk file under Windows and OS X

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Joined: 17th Apr 2015
Posted: 17th Apr 2015 23:11 Edited at: 18th Apr 2015 01:04
EDIT: Title wrong: not agc, but agk file - sorry


now, that I successfully compiled my project with a Mac the first time, I have a little problem.

The project file, created with AppGameKit for Windows, looks like this:


Some files reside in the sub-folder \Src, and as you see, some files reside in the folder ..\Shared above the main project folder.

Under OS X, the project will be successfully (!!!) compiled and is running fine, but the editor cannot open the project files, when double-clicking into the file list.

In the agc file, the problem seems to be the %5C. When replacing them by %2F, all is good under OS X AGK.

Also, I wonder why under Windows AppGameKit uses %5C as well as %2F in the project file.

I think, the solution would be to always use %2F under Windows, because Windows can handle (forward) slashes in paths.

Thanx in advance,
Years of Service
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Joined: 17th Apr 2015
Posted: 20th Apr 2015 03:34
Thanx (v2.0.13)

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