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iOS and MacOS / [Bug?] Problems when creating files

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Joined: 17th Apr 2015
Posted: 18th Apr 2015 00:05 Edited at: 18th Apr 2015 01:18

I just successfully created my Game under OS X Yosemite (Tier 1, AppGameKit Basic). In my Game I create a text file without having changed any base folder.

I experienced a problem:

AGK creates the file under
/Users/MyUserName/Library/Application Support/AGKPlayer/media.
I don't know, whether /Users/MyUserName/Library/Application Support/AGKPlayer is ok.
And, I'm missing the sub-folder /MyApp. /media was created directly under /AGKPlayer.

Under Windows (same source code) all is fine:
Files are created in C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Local\AGKApps\MyApp\media.

Anything's going wrong under OS X ?

Kind regards,

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