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iOS and MacOS / Possible Bug - Mac - AGK IDE 2.014b

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Joined: 30th Jun 2015
Posted: 1st Jul 2015 00:45
Hello All,

I recently picked up AppGameKit on the steam sale and I'm really liking it so far. I have two machines that I'm testing it out on. A laptop running Linux Mint and a Macbook Pro. I noticed on the Macbook when clicking File -> New From Template, there is no drop down here like in the linux version. Basically I can click the actual option of New From Template (which appears to do nothing) but I'm not getting the option of setup.agc or main.agc like I do in the linux version.

Is this a bug?


P.S. I'm loving the software so far. Very intuitive and having a lot of fun broadcasting my prototypes to my phone. great work.

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