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Code Snippets / [DBP] - Return Object Vectors into CSV Strings

Chris Tate
DBPro Master
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Joined: 29th Aug 2008
Location: London, England
Posted: 7th Jul 2015 20:46 Edited at: 8th Jul 2015 22:05
The Object vector CSV functions in this snippet provides you with what you need to quickly output text or assign values containing the position, rotation, scale or size of objects or limbs.

Rather than writing the following frequently used operation:

Text 0, 0, Str$( Object Angle X(id), 1) + "," + Str$( Object Angle Y(id), 1) + "," + Str$( Object Angle Z(id), 1)

You can perform the same with less code by writing the following:

Text 0, 0, ObjAng$( objectId, iDecimalPoints )

Each function has an additional version which returns the comma seperated string with spaces. All functions require a decimal point count.

I provided a Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4 version of this solution here, which requires Matrix1 utilities to validate vector types.

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