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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP] - [Multi Format] - Platypus Peril

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Posted: 11th Sep 2015 19:31
Okay, I have put the educational software on hold for a while and have decided to do something a bit more fun in making a platform game
This is in part due to Crazy Programmer and Conjured Entertainment giving me lot's of inspiration with their projects.

First off, I am not fully sure of where this is going to go as I haven't made my mind up with a title, theme or graphic style yet! and I might also do an educational title at the same time as this yet lol but right now I am maybe thinking some sort of pixel retro style?

Anyway I decided to have a mess with the percentage system as I decided to do my next project in this style due to not being happy with the black bars on the apps on different devices.

If you saw my other post for this you will see that first it is not easy to think this way in %age's, especially being an old school programmer! It just doesn't seem natural but I think I am just about getting my head around it now

This is where I got up to anyway:

I have now expanded it a bit and am making a level editor and game all in one.
I use a simple tag at the start of the program to either start the map editor or game:

So far the levels are static and only one screen in size but I plan to expand this to scroll the levels and be large in size.

In editor mode you can start making a level on a blank screen or you can load a previous created level and edit that if you want. Once done I just press the "S" key to save the level.

The loading and saving of the levels is very simple as they are saved as a .txt file, which I might rename to .dat later, not sure yet.

This is how they were stored originally in the code itself using 10 x 10 blocks:

but now in the .txt file they are stored like this:

and now I read the levels in all at once at the start and store them like this:

I might have to change this when the levels get much bigger but for now it works well and fast as the levels are built like this:

Game mode so far simply has the level loaded with a virtual joystick and 2 buttons for fire and jump as I haven't even got a player on there to move yet

So that's where I am at after coding for a couple of days.

What do you think? Any ideas, feedback, comments etc are welcome

Here are a couple of quick video clips showing you where I am up to so far, nothing special.....yet haha

Game Mode:

Level Editor Mode:

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Posted: 11th Sep 2015 22:56
Sweet Paul! So much in so little time...I wish I could see the videos on my computer but a 6inch rain last night and today has had my internet crushed all day long. No telling when it will be back.

From what I can looks like you are off to a fantastic start!

The way you have laid out the editor and game in one is very interesting 😎

Can't wait too see more!

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Posted: 11th Sep 2015 23:05
Very nice work

I always like if there are leveleditors in games. Will this editor be in the final game?

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Posted: 11th Sep 2015 23:22
Looking good man.
Mine was more of an experiment than a project, but I guess I will go ahead and start making one because they are a lot of fun!

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Posted: 12th Sep 2015 04:09
Crazy Programmer and Conjured Entertainment - Thanks for the inspiration for me to have a go at a game.

Quote: "Very nice work

I always like if there are leveleditors in games. Will this editor be in the final game? "

Thanks Jack, not sure if I will be leaving it open in the finished version,, although when you think about it, this is the type of thing that Mario Maker does but a million times better lol

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Posted: 12th Sep 2015 04:17
Quote: "not sure if I will be leaving it open in the finished version"

It would be a neat idea...Have your game levels, then have a special feature you buy (In app purchases) to create your own and play.

Im really looking forward to see which direction you go with the whole project

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Posted: 12th Sep 2015 20:55
"a couple of days" - that is awesome progress Paul!!! Great job. I love reading and seeing people's games in progess. Wish more would jump on and show what they're up to!

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Posted: 12th Sep 2015 21:46 Edited at: 12th Sep 2015 21:52
Quote: "then have a special feature you buy (In app purchases) to create your own and play. "

Now you got me thinking Cheers Will.

Quote: "that is awesome progress Paul!!! Great job"

Cheers David, really enjoying this project as I haven't done a platform game before, mainly done Amiga Demo's and Educational Software lol.

Quote: "I love reading and seeing people's games in progess. Wish more would jump on and show what they're up to!

Me too and to be honest, the showcase section is my favourite place to go on the forums.

I just need to slow my mind down a bit because it goes into overdrive when I start something off and I tend to go off at massive tangents

Ideas so far I was thinking of making more than one game as I go along with this project and as I learn more stuff along the way so I don't get bored.


All games based on old retro games using Retro Gamer magazines as inspiration.
First make a multi level game using single screens with no scrolling.
Increase number of blocks on a screen at a time and make another game using push scrolling onto new screens.
Change format to proper scrolling platform game style and again change gfx and make new game.
Make level editor available in game as mentioned above.

So I will be using and updating one set of code in doing this as it will be a gradual progress and also making multiple games

Well that's now the plan but we'll see if it works

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Posted: 12th Sep 2015 22:06
cool editor! Nice work paul!
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Posted: 12th Sep 2015 22:41
Quote: "cool editor! Nice work paul!"

Cheers SoftMotion3D, quite basic yet but will get there

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Posted: 13th Sep 2015 22:13
looks already promising
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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 00:34 Edited at: 18th Sep 2015 00:35
Quote: "looks already promising"

Cheers michael

Okay, so I have not had chance to do much coding with working late shifts the past week however I have done a little bit by changing the block size on screen.
I have gone from 10 x 10 to 25 x 20 which fits the format better on the screens I have tried it on.

I have also had an idea for the first game and sort of style but have to think about it a bit more as I don't want to do a total rip of the game in mind but my own version.

So the game I am up to now basing this first version on is the retro game: (Chuckie Egg!)

So now with this in mind I had a mess with my editor and this is the first test level to get a character working and sorting the game play.

The next thing now then will be to get everything working in this level and then I can change the gfx to the style I have not thought yet and then do the rest of the levels and scoring system.

Watch this space

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 00:52
Quote: "So now with this in mind I had a mess with my editor and this is the first test level "

Looking sweet...I'm liking the concept

Quote: "get everything working in this level and then I can change the gfx to the style "

I cant wait to play a demo

Keep up the progress, it is looking even more promising.

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 01:20
Quote: "I cant wait to play a demo"

Bit off yet and the character is a blue block at the minute while I test things

Loving retro gaming at the minute so it is having a big influence on my coding etc, always bought Retro Gamer but doing the Amiga Style demo got me quite excited in the retro stuff again

Quote: "Looking sweet...I'm liking the concept "

Cheers Will and your project has given me the inspiration to crack on with it all

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 04:41
Right going to bed soon as totally goosed after doing a bit of code and using the physics commands for the first time!

Not got the system how I want it but have the platforms and controls working on the test level now with the square block!
Had the sticky wall problem at first but this is now sorted too

@Funnell7, that block looks familiar Using a cube for test purposes hehe

Have a look here:

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 05:38
Quote: "@Funnell7, that block looks familiar Using a cube for test purposes hehe "

I started off with the same cube...I don't know if Funell has noticed yet but I am still using his RayCast Down function for jumping

Quote: "Not got the system how I want it but have the platforms and controls working "

That's the first step to getting started
One step closer to where you want to be

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 07:02
jumping looks a bit stiff, are you using physics or manipulating a velocity variable?

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 11:56 Edited at: 18th Sep 2015 11:57
Quote: "@Funnell7, that block looks familiar Using a cube for test purposes hehe "

Quote: "I started off with the same cube...I don't know if Funell has noticed yet but I am still using his RayCast Down function for jumping

Lol and lol... Its all good, sharing is caring

Paul, have you managed to get the ladders to work yet? That's abit of a sore subject on these forums lol...

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 14:24
Quote: "One step closer to where you want to be "

Quote: "jumping looks a bit stiff, are you using physics or manipulating a velocity variable?

Using the built in physics impulse but not got it know where near where I want it and only got it up and running last night. Going to have a mess with it and also the velocity commands but might even do my own platform system yet if I don't like it because at the moment I am not sure if it will suite the style of game.

Quote: "Paul, have you managed to get the ladders to work yet? That's abit of a sore subject on these forums lol...

Oh dear lol, I have picked another project which will be a nightmare like Paint Pot was?
I haven't even started on the ladders yet and that might be another reason to do my own platform system instead of using the physics commands so will see

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 15:19
Quote: "I haven't even started on the ladders yet and that might be another reason to do my own platform system instead of using the physics commands so will see "

Challenge accepted, I will solve the ladder issues today *Crosses Fingers*

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 15:21
Well I have decided on the name of this first game! It is going to be called:

Platypus Peril

Try saying that 10 times after a few

If a MOD would be so kind to change my thread title that would be great

Could it be changed from:

[WIP] - [Multi Format] - SpecTre's Platform Game (Working Title)


[WIP] - [Multi Format] - Platypus Peril

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 15:22
Quote: "Challenge accepted, I will solve the ladder issues today *Crosses Fingers*"

Haha who's going to get it first

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 16:12

I win

Its nothing great but it works for only spending 10 mins on it.

LadderImage attached, i would download it because it is the size i want it to be for this test....also its a good ladder to have.

Press the Up Arrow key once your at the ladder, I did not work on climbing down the ladder as its just the reverse of climbing up.

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 18:00
Quote: "I win"

Well done nice example.

Quote: "Press the Up Arrow key once your at the ladder, I did not work on climbing down the ladder as its just the reverse of climbing up."

Does it count as winning if it doesn't go down? Joking

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 19:14
Quote: "Oh dear lol, I have picked another project which will be a nightmare like Paint Pot was? "

Lol, was just a little inside joke for those who were around about 6 months or so ago... There was this chap who for the life of him couldn't get ladders to work with physics

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 20:11
Quote: "Lol, was just a little inside joke for those who were around about 6 months or so ago... There was this chap who for the life of him couldn't get ladders to work with physics"

That will be me lol when get it up and running proper, taking me a while to adjust the physics on the %age system at the moment. Can't seem to get the ray casting down to work yet to see if on platform or not.
Working in Virtual resolution but driving me mad to get it to work in the %age!!!

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 20:17

Used - instead of + lol, sorted!

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Posted: 18th Sep 2015 20:52
Version working with better physics

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 03:49
Quote: "Version working with better physics"

Sweeet! Its looking better

Also another way you could work out the ladder is animate your player climbing a ladder and just hide the real player while the animation of the ladder is playing and position him where needs be when animation is done.
Just another way of getting the job done.

I was planning on having another go at it, but then went golfing and got to go hunting when I got home from golf

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 10:53
Quote: "I was planning on having another go at it, but then went golfing and got to go hunting when I got home from golf "


I think I am going to have to have a serious think about this ladder thing because the way I want to do it is to actual just walk to the ladder and then go up and down the ladder with the arrow keys but be able to stop on the ladder if you let go of the key or jump off it if you want to and also walk left and right on the ladder too until you fall off. You should also be able to jump on the ladder.
Going down the ladder you should be able to just press down to get on the ladder if you are above it.

Think this may be a bit complicated with the box2D physics so far. Might be a running joke yet as Funnell7 said
I might even have to do the physics in game myself yet.

Does anyone know if the box2D physics system will do this before I start messing with it?

Unfortunately I am working over the weekend!

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 15:06 Edited at: 19th Sep 2015 15:07
Quote: "Does anyone know if the box2D physics system will do this before I start messing with it?"

It sure will Let me work out an idea I just had, its really fun messing with this ladder

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 16:12
I was thinking of an idea to turn the physics off for the player character only when comes into contact with the ladder and then to move it up and down the ladder, then turn the physics back on when jump or walk off. Want to get coding!

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 16:23
Personally....I'd code the character controller. It gives you so much more control and that's key to a good platformer. Think Leander from the good ol' days!

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 16:23 Edited at: 19th Sep 2015 16:58

The player can now jump on the ladder (Once) after the jump it will end the ladder climb.

The reason I just went ahead and ended it was because to get the jump down right using the built in physics you must turn the gravity back on.

If you wish to jump more than once on a ladder, your going to need a timer function to turn back off the gravity and continue climbing.

Also moving left or right will hop off the ladder.

^ This is just the first thought that came to my head...I'm sure there are many ways of doing it. None being right or wrong

Edit: On 2nd thought I would not use a timer to jump more than once on a ladder.

I would set variables
X# = GetPlayerX(Character)
Y# = GetPlayerY(Character)

When you jump you get

StartJump = GetPlayerY(Character)

If StartJump > Y# + JumpHeight
end jump
continue climb

^ Working example of jumping more than once on a ladder

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 17:19
Looking much better! good work.

And that name, oh gosh it's so kosher.

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 21:44
@Will (CP)
Looks good, will try it after the weekend when not working!

Cheers, it is getting there and glad you like the name of the game.

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 21:53 Edited at: 19th Sep 2015 21:53
As I can't code at the minute, here is a rough pen drawing I did of the design for the platypus character!

What do you think?

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Posted: 19th Sep 2015 22:15
Looks really good, I wish I could draw

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David Gervais
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Posted: 20th Sep 2015 00:19 Edited at: 20th Sep 2015 00:20
did someone say Platypus? Sorry I couldn't resist.. lol


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Posted: 20th Sep 2015 01:16
@David Gervais, haha, that's great

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Posted: 20th Sep 2015 02:06
Hey David, with being a MOD and all, could you use your magic and change the title of this thread please from:

[WIP] - [Multi Format] - SpecTre's Platform Game (Working Title)


[WIP] - [Multi Format] - Platypus Peril


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Posted: 20th Sep 2015 19:39
Your game seems to be great. The physics, on the last video, is really good.

What are you doing to not "snap" to the border of a block, when you jump and are in collision with that border ?
The example of Crazyprogrammer is great too ! Thanks
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Posted: 20th Sep 2015 21:36
Sorry, but I'm having fun at your expense.. made a different platypus (animated 4 frame walk, 2 frame climb and single frame jump) facing right, but you can xflip to get it walking left.)

First the zip with the sprites..

Followed by a sneaky animated gif..



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David Gervais
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Posted: 20th Sep 2015 21:37 Edited at: 20th Sep 2015 21:39
Here is the animated gif. I wonder if it'll show with the img tags?..


Well, I'll be, it does work..


P.S. Feel free to play with them.


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Posted: 20th Sep 2015 21:54
Looks amazing David

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Posted: 20th Sep 2015 22:03 Edited at: 20th Sep 2015 22:06
Quote: "Your game seems to be great. The physics, on the last video, is really good."

Cheers Blendman!

Quote: "What are you doing to not "snap" to the border of a block, when you jump and are in collision with that border ? "

I got it working with both impulse and velocity so it doesn't stick to the walls with the code mentioned above and with the velocity method as mentioned by Crazy Programmer you use the no friction setting.

So all great and also good examples by Crazy Programmer

I am seriously thinking about scrapping the box2D physics method though now and coding my own system to get the authentic retro jump etc so watch this space for another method
I must be mad lol

@David Gervais, great gfx as always! That is super cool.

Quote: "Sorry, but I'm having fun at your expense.."

Feel free to have a play, all ideas etc are good and love your gfx

Thinking of style, game design and how to play the game at the moment but if it is okay with you can I see if I can use this for the test version so far for future videos etc?

Cheers guys.

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Posted: 20th Sep 2015 22:42
Quote: " authentic retro jump "

What games are you referring too?

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Posted: 20th Sep 2015 23:02
Of course you can use them, that's why I posted the zip with the sprites and the sample gif.. Go crazy, have fun! If you are going to 'scale' the sprites I suggest you use the _2x versions of the sprites, they seem to look decent all the way down to 25%, which is half of the originals. but the originals scaled to 50% don't look as good.

Anyways, have fun with them, even if only for placeholders.


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Posted: 21st Sep 2015 01:11 Edited at: 21st Sep 2015 01:13
Quote: "Go crazy, have fun!"

Cool, cheers David as always

Quote: "What games are you referring too?"

Like Chuckie Egg and Bubble Bobble on the Spectrum

Still going to try and complete the ladder in this version though first and think doing own physics might be a good learning curve too.

re the ladders I have been having a read and I think it might have something to do with CreateMouseJoint command so will have a look there on Tuesday when get back to coding

Quote: "I must be mad lol"

Still stick to this quote of mine too so far

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Posted: 21st Sep 2015 02:59
Quote: "Like Chuckie Egg and Bubble Bobble on the Spectrum "

Just layed some eggs with Chuckie, its a nice game. I like where you are aiming towards retro styled games...Its going to turn out nice!

Quote: " think doing own physics might be a good learning curve too."

Good luck! Keep me posted on how it turns out, I'm kind of curious myself

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