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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Discontinued Model Packs... Specifically Model Pack 53 "Task Force 341"

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Posted: 4th Jan 2016 05:58
I noticed that many model packs are now discontinued. Are there any plans to release them again? I expect if I need certain assets and they are no longer being sold, I would have to contact the artist who developed the pack... In this case, I need Pack 53 and Pack 9, from Errant AI. I'm working on a procedurally-generated military game in Unity (yea I know, kill me, I'm not using DarkBasic for once ), and it would really help to have commercial access to these wonderful assets that have now just disappeared. Thanks for any help or direction you can give me!
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Posted: 4th Jan 2016 23:18
It looks like model packs 2,4,8, 17, 18, 23, 24, 26, 38, 40, 41, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,62,63,64,66,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76 ARE ALL DISCONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ARE the shutting down classic?

I bet they are getting moved over to GURU.

Not cool LEE Bamber! Not cool at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted: 4th Jan 2016 23:33
They are stripping everything from the store. I knew about the DBP products since it's now open source, But come on man. I don't know if they are moving everything to steam? Will they let us know what's going on or are they just going to shut everything down on us.
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Posted: 4th Jan 2016 23:47
Yep, Richard Vanner replied to my help ticket and said they are retired from sale. It seems we would have to contact the authors of packs to retrieve them/purchase them. Or some may open source their packs. Errant AI, if you ever see this, please message me about whether it could be possible for me to buy the Task Force 341 Pack and Weapon Pack 9 from you! Thanks!!!!!
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Posted: 4th Jan 2016 23:55
Additionally, is there a user search on these TGC forums? Is there any way I can find Errant AI's profile or a forum he has written in to message him? Thanks, I'm a noob on forums.
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Posted: 5th Jan 2016 00:01
starmind knows cosmic prophet. (his pack is gone too.) maybe he knows erriant ai......... or maybe black fox knows him.
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Posted: 5th Jan 2016 00:06 Edited at: 5th Jan 2016 00:08
This is Erriant ai youtube page

This is his profile page. his email is on ther in lower left corner
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Posted: 5th Jan 2016 01:03 Edited at: 5th Jan 2016 01:05
I'm wondering if the packs we DID purchase, and are in our accounts if needed will
still be there for download?

@KenGames Not really anymore in a sense. A lot of things have been striped from
the forums.
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Posted: 5th Jan 2016 03:45 Edited at: 5th Jan 2016 03:55
Quote: "I'm wondering if the packs we DID purchase, and are in our accounts if needed will
still be there for download?"

The packs you have purchased should be still there to download when needed. There is no reason why they cannot keep them there. Mine still show and if they go missing, it is a simple email to Rick to get them back. Not only FPSC packs, but DBP and all plugins, etc we have purchased over the years. If they are going to remove them, then one would think a nice message to customers would be sent out to give time to grab. However, I have all our purchases backed up to a backup drive.

Quote: "starmind knows cosmic prophet. (his pack is gone too.) maybe he knows erriant ai......... or maybe black fox knows him."

I know Errant. I'll send him an email and direct him to the thread.

Quote: "Will they let us know what's going on or are they just going to shut everything down on us."

To quote BSG... "all of this has happened before.... all of this will happen again."

To be honest, it is not a big surprise (but is a disappointment). FPSC Classic was dropped like a piece of trash still in BETA and no support, multiplayer is now defunct, packs are dropping. Even no support for DBP (or plugins). Part of the evolution of software... and companies. Looks like Game Guru and AppGameKit v2 are all that get the focus (and support).
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Posted: 5th Jan 2016 15:53
I remember reading this sticky back at the end of August, 2015 Multiplayer for FPSC Classic is no longer supported. and laughing. Was it ever supported?
Obviously I don't agree with all of TGC's business decisions but that's - at least in part - because I don't know that much about this kind of business.
Quote: "all of this has happened before.... all of this will happen again"

Indeed. The major issue with Classic is that it was never completed, not by the developers or our standards. Many promises were made that never happened and the product was dropped. Then we were sold X10. Again, many promises were made that never happened and the product was dropped. Then we were sold Reloaded. Again, many promises were made that never happened and the product was dropped. Then we were sold GameGuru. Guess what?

I haven't been keeping up much here lately but I'm guessing that most of the model packs are being ported to GameGuru. Packs from those like ErrantAI are too valuable to let die. Others may end up going free. At the rate this forum and software is falling, it may not matter soon.
I\'m sorry. My responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.
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Posted: 6th Jan 2016 00:10
Lee has mentioned on the guru boards that the only programs tgc are supporting are AppGameKit and GURU. (No surprise there.) He mentioned in the DBpro board that they will probably put the hands on dark basic pro books on steam. They already started porting FPSC classic models over to Guru models.

They seem to have cut ties with " Tall Studios shoot em up kit" I contacted the and this was there reply...

Quote: "Thank you for pointing this out - we knew they had stopped selling it as they have stopped selling any 3rd party software, but they haven’t made it clear on their website that it is still supported and available elsewhere. We don’t want our customers thinking we have stopped working on it! You should already be able to download updates from the Tall Studios site but other TGC customers can contact us with their TGC serial number and we will give them access to the updates - email or use the Contact Us page on the Tall Studios website. Unfortunately we have no way to contact our TGC customers directly to let them know this - we will ask TGC if they can send out a message or display one on their website.

Thanks again,

I understand that everything will be moved to steam and i can't blame them. Just please let us know when they are shutting down this site. I've been here for to many years and have many good memories.

LET US KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted: 6th Jan 2016 00:53
Quote: "I understand that everything will be moved to steam"

Oh great Steam seems more down than up and running lately.
I used to love it, but lately..

Ever since Christmas week it's been a hassle to log on. Here's one of Steam own press releases.
Quote: "As we’ve reported previously, the site has become a target for hackers, with as many as 77,000 breaches a month."
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Posted: 7th Jan 2016 10:17
Hi All, just got this link sent to me as I tend not to frequent the legacy forums much these days (GameGuru keeps me very busy). From 2016, we decided to discontinue stuff that was not really selling anymore, and officially withdraw from selling FPSC and DBP. The good news is that we'll be open sourcing these projects so you can continue using them, and my hope is that all the FPSC model packs TGC own will be released for free as part of this move to an open source release. All FPSC model packs we do not own have had their authors emailed to ask if we could make them free as well, but of course, some authors may not agree to this devastating act of generosity Hopefully you understand that we're a very small team and simply could not run support across everything we've done over the last 15 years, so decided to correct a few historical wrongs and focus on fewer things, in the hopes the individual result will be better. Sometimes we have to do things as a company that is not particularly popular, and discontinuing sales and support for over 50 products is perhaps one of them.

If you feel we have missed something, putting you in a difficult positions through this transition, please don't hesitate to email me at and I'll see what I can do to put things right. I would also be interested in learning what features you found are missing in GameGuru to prevent you moving from FPS Creator Classic as I want to make sure those items are on the community voting list so we don't miss anything.
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Posted: 7th Jan 2016 15:29
Quote: "The good news is that we'll be open sourcing these projects so you can continue using them"

When you say "open sourcing these projects", will it include the actual interface for FPSC? The reason I ask is a while back there was discussion on adding features and KeithC mentioned the ability to "swap" items while in the editor. For example, I place "crateB" in my level but want to swap it (or multiple instances) with "crateA". I wrote code that can do this, but to make it work I would need to tie it into the interface and perhaps even assign a button to it.

As far as moving on from FPSC and DBP, I assume that customer purchases are still going to be available to download when needed? Or do we need to get them backed up?
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Posted: 8th Jan 2016 17:26
Quote: "As far as moving on from FPSC and DBP, I assume that customer purchases are still going to be available to download when needed? Or do we need to get them backed up?"

The new website that will be launching sometime in January will still have all your order history and allow you to download any purchases just like normal.
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Posted: 9th Jan 2016 00:22
Quote: "The new website that will be launching sometime in January"

So are these forums shutting down by the end of January? Will we be losing 10 years of info?
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Posted: 9th Jan 2016 10:54
No these forums will continue to be supported into the future, we have no intention of removing them.

The new website will be replacing and our whole backend system for managing orders.
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Posted: 10th Jan 2016 00:01
Quote: "No these forums will continue to be supported into the future, we have no intention of removing them."

That's great news. Thanks for the answer THE NEXT.


Quote: " I would also be interested in learning what features you found are missing in GameGuru to prevent you moving from FPS Creator Classic as I want to make sure those items are on the community voting list so we don't miss anything."

I actually own Game Guru. I bought it because it was supposed to have 3rd person view. (It has a wizard and a staff and that's it.) While it's shaping up and features are being added all the time it still can not make a complete game. Sad to say that fpsc has better AI. (can go upstairs.) Player load/save. Much easier to import custom characters.

Hoping Guru will meet more of my needs by the end of 2016.
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Posted: 10th Jan 2016 03:01 Edited at: 10th Jan 2016 03:19
Quote: "starmind knows cosmic prophet. (his pack is gone too.) maybe he knows erriant ai"

Yep. and Yep. Since the foxes are contacting Jake, I will contact Cp. Please keep in mind Cp has health problems and it is hard for him to write back. It may take awhile for him to respond.

Email sent.
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Posted: 10th Jan 2016 15:04
Quote: "Please keep in mind Cp has health problems and it is hard for him to write back"

I didn't know he had health problems. I was wondering why he completely disappeared from here and the GURU boards. Make sure to give him our best wishes and prayers. He is a good and generous guy.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2016 00:30
Quote: ". Please keep in mind Cp has health problems and it is hard for him to write back"

Same here, give him my best wishes also. I was wondering what happened. I had a feeling it
was his health.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2016 16:29
Wtf i coming out of prison and know ? wats going on here can someone tell me pls
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Posted: 15th Jan 2016 18:28
Hi maxiqueen123, nice to see you again Well as you can see most of the forum went to
Game Guru. So it's kind of quiet here lately....
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Lots and lots of random features...
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2016 14:54
That's really a pity.

I was lucky to buy BSPs WW2 Characters and Weapons Packs shortly before the closure (must have been a hunch) but I hesitated to buy the Vehicles and Building Pack and now the're gone. I checked out BSPs stuff on GG but not only would it be a hassle to change the .fpe of every single item but the whole pack would cost me 50 - 100% more.

But I'm glad I still got the WW2 Characters and Weapons because I never could transfer those from GG to FPSC - even if they where available.
In case you find my grammar and spelling weird ---> native German speaker ^^
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2016 18:42
I'd like to contact Ross for the model pack 62, myself... too many nice scripts and tutorials to just go bye bye.
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Posted: 12th Apr 2016 09:28
Most of the packs can be found and redownloaded (for free on the Github). IF your using Game-Guru, you can download the converted packs from here:
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2016 20:08
Quote: "They are stripping everything from the store."

So, I know my downloads for the model packs are still in my Products for my Account, and are still downloadable, but what about the store items???

I had a hard drive go bad and I lost my Boss Commando (Bond1 character), which if memory serves was a store purchase as an individual item and not a pack.

If the store is getting stripped, then how can we re-download our store purchases when we need to???

I will have to look through all of my other drives in the hopes I had another copy of it over the years, but a download would have been a lot easier and may be needed anyway.

Quote: "If you feel we have missed something, putting you in a difficult positions through this transition, please don't hesitate to email me at and I'll see what I can do to put things right."

I would hate to have to bother you Lee, or Rick, or Bond, for 1 character knowing how busy you guys are. My fault I guess for not having better backups, but I had grown accustomed to being able to come back here to TGC when I needed to re-download something (this was my best backup safety net). I had not made a huge amount of store purchases or anything, but I am in need of that particular character at the moment, so it would be nice to have a download section in our account for store purchases made if the store is going to be taken down. If that is too much trouble though, then I understand. I just hope I can find a backup of that character somewhere.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 13:23
Quote: "If the store is getting stripped, then how can we re-download our store purchases when we need to??? "

If you mean the TGC Asset Store then you can download all your purchases by logging in on the website
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Posted: 13th May 2016 17:18
If you haven't seen it; check out his thread here:
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Posted: 25th May 2016 00:30
This is really dumb. I really wanted model pack 4 but now I can't. Any way that someone can give me model pack 4 or some of the characters from it? I also wanted model pack 9 and 10. Any help there?
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2016 20:49
Ok I got model pack 9 and 10 from EAI, but how about model pack 4? Anyone know Bond1s email?

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