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NaGaCreMo / MultiChef [2016]

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 10th Jan 2016 18:16 Edited at: 10th Jan 2016 18:19
How is this in any way related to game creation??? Oh yeah, big guy, think cos you're a MOD that you can just abuse your god-like powers and do what you want.

Whilst, yes, this is very true, however, my real justification is perhaps even more lame. AppGameKit is used to make apps and apps are kinda in the criteria somewhere and this is a web app, so...and I er, I have been multitasking my video gaming whilst coding, so there's games on some level...

Anyway, what the devil is MultiChef?

Firstly, it is a terrible name that sounds like I work in marketing somewhere and decided to butcher (get it, butcher? It's a food reference!!) the English language with some buzz word that is perhaps catchy, but also unoriginal and probably already patented or something. So, let's just call it a working title.

Secondly, it's a web application for storing recipes! Yeah, like nobody's done that one before. I intend to have a few features I would personally find useful in such an app. However, this project will have two results: one, I will code a web app dedicated to collating recipes for use with a Multicooker, because I use mine a lot and get frustrated there isn't a recipe base for stuff that I can do in it. The second result is that I would release it as a CMS, because let's face it, I am most likely going to be the only one to use it for the purpose of cooking multicooker stuff, I have no visions of grandeur of being the a big recipe site, however, what people might find useful is if they wanted to have their own recipe app. They upload this CMS up, have the option to put in their own text, put in their own logo and use their own css. I will include set up instructions and even tutorial on how to register a free Heroku account and how to get it up and running. It is quite simple, but a couple of things that might confuse.

A couple of screenshots: and explanation of what's been done:


A Recipe (no, I do not make my bolognase with chicken ):

I haven't had much time to work on it today. But it is quite a simple and straight forward project, which is good, considering I don't always get oodles of time.

Some of the things I wish to cover:
-Options for those choosing to diet. If a person is being mindful of their weight, a person who creates a recipe can put a value based on the points system a person is using if they are using a points system (like calories, Weighwatchers Points or Syns)
-Options to build a shopping list from recipes you wish to try
-Options to search based on food type, meals and keywords.
-A place to keep track of your own recipes.
-A place to write useful articles, tips and tricks.
Crazy Programmer
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Posted: 10th Jan 2016 18:30
Looks very interesting

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AGK Developer
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Joined: 24th Aug 2005
Location: Calgary,Alberta
Posted: 10th Jan 2016 18:57
looks like something my wife would use! lol yeah i dont

looks good!

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