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FPSC Classic Scripts / "Sprites" as Entities?

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Joined: 29th Jan 2016
Posted: 29th Jan 2016 22:39 Edited at: 30th Jan 2016 07:37
I love older games like Wolf 3D and Doom, and am an avid user of programs like Poser and Daz|Studio, so whipping up character art is something I enjoy doing. My question is, would it be possible to assign a flat planar object as say, an enemy entity, or the weapon a player is holding and instead a model cycling through frames of animation, assign a different alpha-mapped sprite as it's texture for each frame? How difficult would that be to code in FPSC's scripting language? I realize the plane would also have to be coded to face the camera at all times as well.
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Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 30th Jan 2016 14:52
Hi SherbertTCat and welcome
If I understand you correctly, your wanting to use a sprite/decal for the texture on an entity/weapon?
If so, then yes. It's very easy to do. I did something similar with a weapon here......
The trick to this is to use a shader called "diffuse_spriteatlas.fx" The shaders are located in your "effectbank" folders.
One can use 2x2, 4x4 or a 6x6 texture sprite/decal. One only needs to UV map your entity to the new decal.
Apply the this shader and a few other tweeks to your "weapon specs" or entity fpe file and your done.
No special coding is needed. Take a look first at the "torch" model files and see how they are setup.
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Posted: 30th Jan 2016 18:28
That is very encouraging!
I wonder if I'll have much luck making me some enemies using that method as well.
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Joined: 19th Feb 2012
Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 31st Jan 2016 22:55
Using just sprites (as in the games that use sprites for characters and animation) then no.
That method wont work ( i'm just guess here at what you mean or might be getting at)
In FPSC the sprites/decals are applied to either a static entity or a character (NPC's can move)
Someone here awhile back tried that method by applying sprites to a square like object/box
or maybe it was a flat plane, but it wont move like a character would. That was the drawback.

But don't let that stop you from trying something NEW FPSC classic has the ability to overcome
many obstacles just with your imagination. If your stuck with something and need help, please do ask
best luck
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...

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