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Work in Progress / Finis Tempora new project for 2016

Chris Ritchie1973
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Posted: 8th Feb 2016 00:17 Edited at: 8th Feb 2016 20:09
Hello all
I have taken a break from developing Ulidia for a while so that I didn't become stale for me.
I have wanted to create something with Evolved's Advanced lighting for a while now and I
have found myself playing a lot of zombie or survival type games so I thought I would try my hand at my own.
This is some footage of very early engine development so expect it not to represent the end game.
Let me introduce Finis Tempora. Thanks for watching.

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Posted: 8th Feb 2016 23:19
Looking really good Chris. Love how the muzzle flare lights up the room. Keep us updated.
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Posted: 9th Feb 2016 00:02
Looking nice indeed.
Like Sepp said, the muzzle flash lighting is really cool in the dark. Slightly unrealistic with the very yellow colour perhaps, but still very pleasant on the eyes.
Do you have any gameplay plans that you wish to share at this stage? I realize it probably isn't implemented yet but it could be interesting to hear where it is headed still.
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Posted: 9th Feb 2016 00:41
Looking good man, very smooth well put together gameplay. Looking forward to more on this!
Chris Ritchie1973
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Posted: 9th Feb 2016 17:14
Thanks for the kind words guys.
I have thought quite a bit about game play and I know what I want and want I don't want.
What I really don't want is a 'walking simulator', too many of these types of games seem to center around a time sinking nature of game play, where you need to spend hours
running around quite a barren type of landscape only to find minimal rewards.
Further more I don't want the player to have to find raw ingredients to make basic tools to survive with personally if I need an axe I go to the hardware store.
I do want the zombies to be the main threat in the game and I want them to appear in reasonable numbers, if the player has a gun it's only fair that the zombies
should have strength in numbers to maintain a good difficulty balance.
I see puzzle solving as a big part of the game play.
For example most shops will be pretty securely locked especially the ones with guns and ammo in, so it should be up to the player to try to find a way in based on what they have around them.
You might be able to gain entry from the building next door or find a dodgy air vent on the roof or just steal the digger from up the road and ram raid your way in. All in all keep the player thinking
and make it fun.
I have many ideas rattling around in my head but at the minute I am working of the principals of small(ish) maps fast(ish) game play and no downtime with quite a few explosions.
James H
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Posted: 9th Feb 2016 23:26 Edited at: 9th Feb 2016 23:27
I had wondered what had happened to this, keep up the good work
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Posted: 11th Feb 2016 15:26
Looking forward to watching this evolve!
Chris Tate
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Posted: 11th Feb 2016 19:14
Top quality as expected of you Chris! Good luck with Advanced Lighting, should be great fun.

Quote: "I have found myself playing a lot of zombie or survival type games"

They are also a great fun to watch! (I mostly watch lets plays these days, and I like watching H1Z1 and 7DTD). Looking forward to seeing this progress. It would be a dream to have a popular zombie survival game by one us!
Chris Ritchie1973
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Posted: 12th Feb 2016 13:56
This is high praise thanks a lot guys.
7DTD is my favourite I am playing it with a few good friends at the minute so expect to see a fair bit of influence from that game.
Chris Tate
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Posted: 14th Feb 2016 12:47 Edited at: 14th Feb 2016 12:48
7DTD is a good choice for inspiration. H1Z1 is relatively speaking better implemented and refined (possible due to the development team having more resources) but it has less potential than 7DTD from what I can tell. I think in 5 years 7DTD will evolve, and H1Z1 will be somewhat less popular unless they expand on the current run and gun model.

7DTD is a brilliant game. It was a shame about its rough start, but its latest updates have really drawn in a lot of players it seems. It would be quite a monster to get to work with the Dark Basic object system, with an almost 100% dynamic array of entities; but that is what would be motivational to attempt, as some what of a challenge. Good luck.
Chris Ritchie1973
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Posted: 15th Feb 2016 16:38
I only came to 7dtd about a month ago so it's all good apart from the odd frame rate issue.
As far as implementing the completely destructive environment it would take a helluva better programmer than I, I'm just looking at certain game play elements to take from it.
One thing they have done well in 7dtd is the ability to make me feel scared and panicky at times this is something I hope to achieve with my game.
Chris Tate
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Posted: 16th Feb 2016 14:58
Quote: "they have done well in 7dtd is the ability to make me feel scared and panicky at times"

Lol. It has gotten quite graphic and cinematic with recent updates, not to mention a lot more zombie classes.
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2016 07:38
Look forward to a video update hopefully soon.
A child\'s dream never dies.

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