Thanks Morcilla for the great help =), well the fact is 3DS files are not loading for me for some time, program crashes if I try to load any 3DS file, dont know if maybe was due to certain update, in any case, I have been using X files for long time now, just I never got around the limb rotation in this fashion. So since this 3DS to DBO option is not available, I guess I should continue with X files as I dont think there is other way to accurately make DBO files. I have tried following your suggestion, I made a 360 frames animation in 3D Studio, exported to X file and then I adjust the wheel frame based on a variable value, I did this because I want to go backwards too, I know I could just play the object and set speed if it was only forward, well the solution making the animation as you suggested is working fine, just at some point I see like the wheel stop for a milisecond when it goes really fast, maybe its only my bad perception of this... I mean its not happening like every time it completes a 360ยบ loop but just after some seconds (some loops) so I wonder if its maybe optical ilussion as when it goes really fast the eye cant see the wheel like its but more like an almost continuous surface.
By the way I have always been impressed by your Solar System simulator, but I never got to see this video with different views from spaceship and all these ship maneuvers, its quite awesome work you are doing =), I know you give it for free but really you deserve to receive something by all that great work, so I hope it goes really well for you and your ptoject in the future =).