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FPSC Classic Scripts / Scripted fog for dunamic entities

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2016 19:03
I dont know where is place of this thread: its about shaders and scripts also
FPSC fog doesnt work with shaders.
In the default shaders this value is using for fog color and range

But its have no sense because they are not update inside shader.
So if you use for example bump shaders for your segments you can't change fog range.
You can set fog color but not range.Its because fog color is added by engine after rendering the main shader.
So here the main question:

Is it possible to set entity effect value by script? If yes, it will be easy to change fog range for all 3d scene.
Or it is possible to make shaders work with FPSC fog?
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Posted: 4th Mar 2016 11:06
Hi Kuper
Not quite sure what your trying to do here? Apply "fog" to an Entity or to your level/scene?
"Fog" can easily be applied to ones levels in the seuplevel.fpi and then can be changed
using scripts. I don't think I've seen it applied to Entities?
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Posted: 4th Mar 2016 11:11
it doesnt work with shaders
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Posted: 4th Mar 2016 23:17
I'm not getting at what your trying to accomplish here? What/which shader are you trying to use.
Is it a full screen shader or an entity shader? Or perhaps, do you mean the "fog" settings don't
work when you use shaders? Is that what you mean.
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Posted: 5th Mar 2016 00:28
fog is not postprocess effect so, it doesnt work with entity/segment/character shaders
there is functions in standart shaders which are used for fog creation usually, but they dont work - because FPSC dont pass
them information about fog setings in your level
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Posted: 5th Mar 2016 13:33
Hi Kuper,
I went through my "post process" effects and I did find a script for "fog" in my folder. (take a look at yours, you may have it also?)
It works good, it is an adapted bloom effect. I also tried the built-in fog settings and they also work fine. I'm using V1.20 & BlackIceV7.0

Place in a trigger and have player walk into it. It should trigger fog. Yes it doesn't work well indoors
but just fine outdoors.
There is also "particles fog" one can use ( heavy on resources, but looks great & realistic) and lastly
one can use a simple "fog" type HUD.
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Posted: 5th Mar 2016 19:43 Edited at: 5th Mar 2016 19:47
yes this is standart trigger script for fog.everybody know that
All default segment and entities ( also isome entities or characters from packs ) doesnt use shaders at all
They have no specular, bump
Fog will work well with them because FPSC render them using default lighting system

The problem is that I cant set fog start / fog end settings when i use shaders.
Fog is one of the oldest things in game graphics I cant believe that it doesnt work here
The Storyteller 01
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Posted: 6th Mar 2016 14:28 Edited at: 6th Mar 2016 14:29
I think I know what Kuper means.

FPSC 1.20 no longer has FOGSTART and FOGEND actions in the script list.

Instead it's now FOG=X only

The description in the "Unofficial FPSC Complete Script Syntax" from 09th June 2011 says on page 90
Quote: "FOG=1<X<1000
switches fog on and sets the fog between x and 1000 units."

I never managed to make it work so the fog appeared right in front of me, it always starts 5-6 segments away no matter what.
In addition dynamic entities can still be seen through the fog which makes it completely useless.

PS: I haven't found any connection to switching shaders on or off in the build process.
In case you find my grammar and spelling weird ---&amp;amp;gt; native German speaker ^^
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Posted: 6th Mar 2016 16:49
Thanks The Storyteller 01 !
This script tip I didnt know
But it still doesnt work with applied shaders.I ve found some segment shaders from bond1 but they dont create fog too.
I think the main problem that FPSC doesnt pass fog value to the shaders.
It is strange - for example ambient color works well

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