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FPSC Classic Scripts / Radioactive script?

Deine Mutter
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Joined: 13th Jan 2015
Posted: 10th Apr 2016 13:32
Hey. I'm trying to make a script that does the Player 20 Points damage and Loops a Geiger Sound whilst the Player is within the trigger Zone.
This was my first try:

It doesnt work properly. What to do?
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Posted: 10th Apr 2016 16:34
DID you use a hurt zone? try that.
gamer, lover, filmmaker
Deine Mutter
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Joined: 13th Jan 2015
Posted: 10th Apr 2016 17:09
It removes the Players health too fast. I'd like it to remove 20 HP every 5 seconds.
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Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 11th Apr 2016 02:59
Deine Mutter
You almost had it with your script. Here, this should do it...

Removes 20 player health every 5 secs. Adjust timer as needed.
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...

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