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FPSC Classic Scripts / Activate bloodspurt in black ice mod?

Deine Mutter
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Joined: 13th Jan 2015
Posted: 18th Apr 2016 18:24
Title says all
Nomad Soul
Years of Service
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Joined: 9th Jan 2007
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 21st Apr 2016 01:38 Edited at: 21st Apr 2016 01:40
You need to add the following command in a script to enable bloodspurt.

BLOODSPURT=X - This causes blood to spurt out of the entity and collide with the level. X defines where the blood spurts from.
X = 1 – Last damaged position,
X = 2 – Head position,
X = 3 – Centre of model, blood falls vertically down.
Example: :state=0:bloodspurt=1

If you take a closer look at the enemies in the black ice mod demo level they are using an AI main script called 'main-weapon-blood.fpi' which includes bloodspurt.

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