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FPSC Classic Scripts / text on the screen

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Posted: 6th May 2016 23:51 Edited at: 6th May 2016 23:53
hi guys...
I have a problem
I am using the following script

it only works once, if I put another picture in another trigger zone it does not work , just another phase (level), can someone help me? thank you

I am using the following script:

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Posted: 7th May 2016 00:05
how do I run it several times ?
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Posted: 7th May 2016 02:06 Edited at: 7th May 2016 02:17
Hi HudsonBalboa
I know sometimes it's hard to explain exactly what you need/want?
Your title says "Text on Screen" but your script is for a image type hud.
Are you wanting to show "text" or picture/image hud?
I think your trying to show more than one picture ? Correct?
How many?
Here's a link to help you along. Scroll down till you see "Displaying a HUD"
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Posted: 7th May 2016 02:18
Yes , exactly, an image on the screen.
but if I do it more than once it does not appear at the same level

thanks for answering
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Posted: 7th May 2016 02:39
Quote: "but if I do it more than once it does not appear at the same level"

Do you mean "more than ONE picture" or have the script reset & run when player is in triggerzone again?
Here's a simple script to display more than one hud.

You can easily add more images to the top and keep adding to the script timer meet your needs.
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Posted: 7th May 2016 04:15

thanks for answering again, friend!

I want him to run again when I Enter the trigger zone

I want him to run again when I Enter the new trigger zone

Sorry my bad english....
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Posted: 7th May 2016 04:16

I need it to work when I get back in the trigger zone
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Posted: 7th May 2016 04:17

I need it to work when I get back in the trigger zone , using the same script, just changing the image ( hud ) that appears on the screen. ( Along with sound and everything else) it no longer works when you step through it once, the next trigger it does not work , already tried other image formats (which is written my text ) already tried to change folders , change a little the script but nothing worked , I would be very happy if you could help me , my friend, I thank you very much !
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Posted: 7th May 2016 05:41
in short: What I want the script to work .
I want it to work in various TG in the same level ( phase) . because only this giving to use once a light , then it no longer works with any images or anything like
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Posted: 7th May 2016 12:18 Edited at: 7th May 2016 12:19
Quote: "I need it to work when I get back in the trigger zone, just changing the image ( hud ) "

Ok, I think I understand what you mean. This script should display one message when play enters trigger.
Then when player enters trigger a second time it displays second message.

Remember to change the image names to match yours.
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Posted: 7th May 2016 19:04

thank you friend .

SO , I need it to work when I enter another trigger zone , when I use that script I posted it does not work , only works the first time that I step over , so I add it in another trigger zone and just does not work . not exactly appear another image when the same floor trigger zone but when I step on it elsewhere in the levelthe first time that I step over , so I add it in another trigger zone and just does not work . not exactly appear another image when the same floor trigger zone but when I step on it elsewhere in the level
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Posted: 7th May 2016 19:05

the script I posted only works only once when I enter it, and when I put it elsewhere map shows nothing , I think now I could explain better ( rs ) hug
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Posted: 7th May 2016 19:13

One more thing , friend, how can I add time this script for the message getting more screen time ? the script is as follows:

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Posted: 7th May 2016 21:42
Quote: " I need it to work when I enter another trigger zone "

Ah, I think I understand. You want another trigger to trigger this script?
BlackFox explains it clearly in this posting...

Quote: "how can I add time this script for the message getting more screen time"

Add an "etimer" after the hud shows for how long you need to.

Look at the code, you'll see I gave it 5 sec's. (1000=1 sec) Adjust to you needs.
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Posted: 9th May 2016 05:20 Edited at: 9th May 2016 05:22
thank you, you helped me a lot my friend!
I just have one last question, and it is the most important of all !

I am using this script for the first TG

and this for the second:

but when I go to the second TG does not work , simply nothing appears on the screen...

I have two TG , one away from the other...

just what I first floor works , the second does not , nothing appears . I have to change something in the script for this?

thanks for replying again!! thanks thanks!!!! alot


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Posted: 10th May 2016 13:20
I really can't see why this wont work? Double check your image file path & the file name.
Is it "hudimagefine=gamecore\text\" or is it in "hudimagefine=languagebank\gamecore\text\" ?
Sometimes that makes a difference.
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Posted: 12th May 2016 23:03
thanks my friend!! thanks a lot!!!

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