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FPSC Classic Scripts / Scripted scene not working

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Joined: 7th Oct 2015
Posted: 27th May 2016 04:43 Edited at: 28th May 2016 17:34
Hello, the script works for the first part until the entity walks the waypoint. After the entity gets to the end she is supposed to continue the scene and speak to the player but just walks to the end of the waypoint and does nothing else. I have no idea why. Any help is appreciated

Here where the script stops working (in bold) The entity wont go any further then the bold line

:state=9:etimerstart,fpgcrawtextsize=36,fpgcrawtextfont=Arial,fpgcrawtextr=0,fpgcrawtextg=0,fpgcrawtextb=255,fpgcrawtextx=50,fpgcrawtexty=80,fpgcrawtext=Nevermind you need to see this!,state=10
:state=10:fpgcrawtextsize=36,fpgcrawtextfont=Arial,fpgcrawtextr=0,fpgcrawtextg=0,fpgcrawtextb=255,fpgcrawtextx=50,fpgcrawtexty=80,fpgcrawtext=Nevermind you need to see this!
:state=11:waypointstart,setvar=move 1,state=12
;erster Halt
:state=12,varequal=talk 1:waypointstop,setvar=move 0,rotatetoplr,state=13
:state=13:etimerstart,fpgcrawtextsize=36,fpgcrawtextfont=Arial,fpgcrawtextr=0,fpgcrawtextg=0,fpgcrawtextb=255,fpgcrawtextx=50,fpgcrawtexty=80,fpgcrawtext=Look at what's being done here!,state=14
:state=14:fpgcrawtextsize=36,fpgcrawtextfont=Arial,fpgcrawtextr=0,fpgcrawtextg=0,fpgcrawtextb=255,fpgcrawtextx=50,fpgcrawtexty=80,fpgcrawtext=Look at what's being done here!
:state=14,etimergreater=3000,varequal=trashcan 1:etimerstart,state=17
Years of Service
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Joined: 7th Oct 2015
Posted: 27th May 2016 04:44
here is the script


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TMoney Moterbike Dude
Years of Service
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Joined: 15th May 2016
Posted: 3rd Jun 2016 23:46
Hey. I can't really help you. You could use the speakandmove script. It's right here. If that doesn't work for you, then maybe you could make it a cutscene. The character walks to the player and then when the character get's to the player you stop that part of the scene and make the next part where they are standing there. Then after the cutscene the character walks off. If that doesn't work for you, then sorry, I can't help you anymore.


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