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3 Dimensional Chat / DeleD Designer, an online 3D modeling app looking for feedback

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Location: The Netherlands
Posted: 15th Jul 2016 14:18
Hi all,

3D modeling is hot and getting hotter day by day. Is an online 3D modeling tool something you could use?

We're working hard to create a free web-based 3D modeling application called DeleD Designer. It is meant for 3D modellers looking for an easy-to-use online 3D editing app. No animation, no rendering, just solid web-based 3D tools wrapped in a friendly interface.

We're getting ready to go live and are looking for feedback! A beta version was released some time ago at What's good, what can be improved? We'd love to hear you tell us what you want a 3D modeling tool to be! So please drop us a line at our website or here in the forums.

DeleD Designer
Van B
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Posted: 15th Jul 2016 14:40
Hi Jeroen, did this start a long long time ago? - the name reminds me of a modelling system being developed in VB, just wondering if it's the same. It was posted here, but it must be 10 years ago now - if it is the same project then I have to commend you on your level of commitment!
The code is dark and full of errors
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Posted: 15th Jul 2016 15:28
Hi Van B! You may have remembered DeleD, which is a 3D application for Windows I did develop 10 years ago together with Paul-Jan Pauptit. It was developed in Delphi. Active development of DeleD stopped in 2010 but the program is still available for download at

3D coding has always been my passion and now that web technology allows advanced 3D graphics in a browser (with the arrival of web-gl etc), I decided to recreate DeleD from skratch. Have been working together with Paul-Jan Pauptit again, too. The app is now called DeleD Designer and we're working hard to make it more advanced than the original DeleD in many areas.

It's cool to see you remember DeleD - that strengthens us in the believe we're on the right track!
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Posted: 15th Jul 2016 23:58
I have deleD installed on my computer right now. I still mess around with it. I have to check out the new one.
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Posted: 17th Jul 2016 10:21
Hi seppgirty! It's so nice to hear you have DeleD installed on your computer! Even after development stopped 6 years ago, DeleD is still being used widely.

It would be great if you could check out the new DeleD. I think you will recognize many things from the old DeleD and, hopefully, appreciate the new things we've put in there too. I'm most interested in your opinion so please let me know!
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Posted: 31st Jul 2016 11:43
Just added double-axis moving and scaling to 3D views in DeleD, by request. We're open for more requests so if you have anything you like us to implement next, please do tell!
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Posted: 25th Oct 2016 21:42
I used deled years ago. I would like to see movement in the 3d window the same as unreal game editor. I used that program a decade ago, LOTS, I can not use any 3d prog that doesnt have camera movement exactly the same as the perspective window in unreal ed.

I would also like if it could import maps from unreal ed, and keep additive or subtractive geometry intact.

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