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DLL Talk / Using Visual Studio DLL or Purebasic DLL in DB Pro

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Posted: 8th Oct 2016 07:49 Edited at: 8th Oct 2016 07:51
I would like to know if there's an example or help resources where I can call a DLL function either made with VS2008 C DLL or PureBasic DLL using DBPro.

I have the header and the DLL for the C++ functions I'm trying to use with DBPro
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Posted: 9th Oct 2016 18:23 Edited at: 9th Oct 2016 18:30
Hi, punkyb.

Here are just a couple of resources on writing plug-ins in visual studio C++ 2008.
IanM's Guide To Writing Plug-ins
WickedX Plug-In (source include in thread)

This is a good resource using DBPro's functions to call the functions in the DLL.
Useful external DLL?

Since you have the header file and DLL, You could write a wrapper for the DLL functions. You can download the wrapper I made for Cards32.dll with source on this thread.
DBCards Plug-In
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Posted: 10th Oct 2016 15:47
Thank you WickedX! I think this will help me get started. I will probably just post back or follow-up if ever I ran into some build problems.
Alex Deef
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Posted: 26th Oct 2016 10:32
I think this will help me get started for me too.

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