Welcome to the forums.
To make sure your posts are seen, you should post in AppGameKit Chat or AppGameKit Newcomers corner. This board is for mainly DarkBASIC (and was created before AppGameKit existed).
I will move the post in a while, but leave it here for the time being so you don't lose track of it.
Let us know if you are using Tier 1 (Basic) or Tier 2 (C++)
Firstly, you can't multi-thread AppGameKit, it is not thread-safe. Internally it is doing weird and wonderful things, but at the level we interact with it, it is not possible.
You only need one main loop that cycles eternally. Beyond that, think about turning switches on and off. Your switches are variables with a value of 0 and 1 (at the simplest level). In Pseudo code you can now switch on your barriers after a set time and enable their movement...
barrierSwitch = 0
DO //Main Loop
Do standard stuff
if time > 10 seconds then barrierSwitch = 1
if barrierSwitch = 1
Move barrier
LOOP // End main loop
Here, the barrier is switched on once the time reaches 10 seconds
Once the switch is set to 1, the chunk of code that moves the barrier is allowed to run in each cycle.
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Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur
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