Zombie 47
Although I have not used this command, this is what the Syntax list says it does...
Description: Is true if the player’s current weapon is jammed.
Example: :currentweaponjammed:state=1
It can be used together with this command..
Description: This plays a preset gun animation for the current gun held. No
animation is played if the animation does not exist.
Range: X = cock. endreload, fixjam, handbutton, handdead, handpush,
handtake, idle, jammed, move, run, select, startreload, swaptoalt
Example: :state=1:presetgunanimation=cock
Then in the "Gun Spec" syntax list is this command.
Description: This defines the animation frames for when the weapon jams while
being fired.
Range: StartFrame, EndFrame = Any animation frame numbers. End frame
must be equal or larger than StartFrame.
Example: jammed = 16,35
So I take it that when a player fires a weapon too much, you can have it "jam" on the player
for a given time frame?
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...