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Work in Progress / Christmas Command tiny game very tiny dev cycle in progress

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 19:28 Edited at: 23rd Dec 2016 19:33
Yesterday, I finally started work on a game for release this Christmas Eve (yes I know that is tomorrow night).

Due to the short time frame I spent a lot of time just coming up with a game idea I thought I could do a decent job on in the short time I have available.

Christmas Command has you protecting Santa Claus while he loads his sleigh preparing for take off.

The game will play much like the old Missile Command. I plan on adding two elf gun stations. Player will move crosshair around the screen and each click to fire one of the elves will launch a shot to that location.
The elves will alternate the firing.

This is what I have so far...

I normally focus on gameplay first and foremost but this time I wanted to spend a little more time on the visuals.
It is still low res low color (256 x 144 with maybe 50 colors total being used). There are about 48 different colors total used so far with a good number of them used for the "copper" background effect.

And now I need to get some more work done on this.
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 20:13
Okay for this update I drew the animated elves, their battle stations and coded it up.

No firing or mouse crosshair to track yet. I will get back to this later this evening. Need to get out of the house and get some things done.

TI/994a (BASIC) -> C64 (BASIC/PASCAL/ASM/Others) -> Amiga (AMOS/BLITZ/ASM/C/Gamesmith) -> DOS (C/C++/Allegro) -> Windows (C++/C#/Monkey X/GL Basic/Unity/Others)
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 23:12
Looks good. Merry Xmas
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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 05:00
@seppgirty thanks! Glad you like it and a Merry Christmas to you & yours as well.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 05:01
Crosshair and enemy bombs are in. Kind of. At least the graphics are all done.

I also updated the graphics for the battle stations the elves man (hmm I guess they elf those don't they?).

Now it is starting to look like a game.

Just a matter of having the bombs hit and blow up, level completion tracking probably some kind of meter that fills up as Santa loads the sleigh, some kind of damage meter for when a bomb hits a sleigh, probably let the bombs impact the battle stations, elves and Santa too. And of course, the actual firing of the elve's magical weaponry and collisions between those and the baddies.

Then a title screen and so forth. And after that is all done if I have any time left I might actually add one more enemy or something like that.

Running out of time now. Won't do any more tonight. So it is all up to how much time I get to work on it tomorrow.
TI/994a (BASIC) -> C64 (BASIC/PASCAL/ASM/Others) -> Amiga (AMOS/BLITZ/ASM/C/Gamesmith) -> DOS (C/C++/Allegro) -> Windows (C++/C#/Monkey X/GL Basic/Unity/Others)
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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 13:23
You should have "BIG BOX STORE" Being the one bombing Santa. Take him and his free toys out.
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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 17:31
Lol blast amazon delivery drones and dropped packages out of the sky. Parody the amazon smile arrow with a frown arrow

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Posted: 25th Dec 2016 02:04 Edited at: 25th Dec 2016 02:26
@seppgirty and @Ortu that is a very good idea. Would fit the theme well.


Alright, another dev session.

Now it is playable. Which meant I could finally get to the play balancing.

First thing I noticed is the positioning of the elves needed to be changed. So I moved them much closer to the sleigh.
Next thing was that the alternating between left and right when firing did not play well. So I changed that. Now when the player fires both elves target the cursor at the same time.

Because of those updates I was able to speed up the game play to make it more exciting.

50% larger image of a smaller segment from the same video capture.

Now for another break from this to enjoy Christmas Eve. Then later I will work on it again. Get a HUD up at that time. I am thinking now it will just be one big level. The enemy rockets will start off slower and less frequent and as time passes the delay between them reduces and their movement speed increases. So it becomes basically how long can you survive. Of course, there will be an ending... if you survive long enough you will win.

I originally wanted to release this tonight... about now in fact but just haven't had enough time to put in on it. Of course, I just started on it Thursday night so had I started 1 day earlier that would have made a huge difference too.
Anyway, I will either finish it very late tonight or sometime tomorrow when I get a chance to.

BTW - I plan on releasing the source for this project the same as I did for my ultra tiny Attack of the Crows game a week or so ago.
TI/994a (BASIC) -> C64 (BASIC/PASCAL/ASM/Others) -> Amiga (AMOS/BLITZ/ASM/C/Gamesmith) -> DOS (C/C++/Allegro) -> Windows (C++/C#/Monkey X/GL Basic/Unity/Others)
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Posted: 25th Dec 2016 07:18 Edited at: 29th Dec 2016 19:15
I didn't complete the game but I put what I have up on GameJolt.

You can play in your web browser here but there is not much gameplay in there yet.

And you can download the AppGameKit project source here.

Feel free to add on to the game, finish it off. Or make new graphics and repurpose it into a different theme, etc.
TI/994a (BASIC) -> C64 (BASIC/PASCAL/ASM/Others) -> Amiga (AMOS/BLITZ/ASM/C/Gamesmith) -> DOS (C/C++/Allegro) -> Windows (C++/C#/Monkey X/GL Basic/Unity/Others)
Chris Tate
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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 17:05
This looks like fun
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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 17:25
@Chris Tate Thanks. It would be if finished. lol

I only gave myself 2 days to do the game kind of like a LD Compo except I was busy with Christmas stuff too. But I think what I ended up with a good solid foundation that can easily be built on.

That is why I offered up the full project source & media files here. In case anyone wants to use it as a base to jump start such a project. Or just change the theme and build on as desired.
TI/994a (BASIC) -> C64 (BASIC/PASCAL/ASM/Others) -> Amiga (AMOS/BLITZ/ASM/C/Gamesmith) -> DOS (C/C++/Allegro) -> Windows (C++/C#/Monkey X/GL Basic/Unity/Others)
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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 23:13
I've tried to play this in the browser but it just says loading....
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Posted: 28th Dec 2016 00:15 Edited at: 28th Dec 2016 00:15
@seppgirty the AppGameKit project source and media files are linked to in the post above if you want to make a desktop build.

It's very basic for sure. More like the foundation for making a game.

No idea why would it be stuck on Loading... that is displayed before the program even actually runs as far as I know. lol
TI/994a (BASIC) -> C64 (BASIC/PASCAL/ASM/Others) -> Amiga (AMOS/BLITZ/ASM/C/Gamesmith) -> DOS (C/C++/Allegro) -> Windows (C++/C#/Monkey X/GL Basic/Unity/Others)
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Posted: 28th Dec 2016 23:26
It now works in the browser. I gave it a play and it's a good start for a game. Thanks for sharing.
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