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Newcomers DBPro Corner / reading and writing memblocks

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Posted: 14th Jan 2017 20:26
using dbpro

been using darkasic for a while but have stayed away from memblocks and arrays as much as possible. However I have to use them for my new project but im not really sure where to start
I want to make a memblock from an image and then read the memblock and recreate the image from the data, im making a paint kind of program where switching bitmaps and and reading pixels is to slow for smooth drawing.
im drawing pixels to 1 bitmap reading them then recreating them on another so I can have a scaled version but my max fps is about 34 fps. just need an bare bones basic example of reading pixel data and writing it to memblock. any help is appreciated.
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Derek Darkly
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Posted: 17th Jan 2017 00:52
Hello Smerf!

There is a memblock image example on This Thread regarding Matrixes and Heightmaps.
Hope it suffices!
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Posted: 17th Jan 2017 04:41 Edited at: 17th Jan 2017 04:43
That code is actually over complicated for me since i don't understand the basics behind memblocks. What is in the bytes were reading? how many bytes represent a pixel, are the colors included in this byte if so how do we grab them separately.
your code is reading from grey scale and grabbing no color data as far as i can tell

your code

the tear down of your code

what do we do with this date and how do we get color? super beginner with memory handling mate
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Kevin Picone
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Posted: 17th Jan 2017 05:18

The colour data for each pixel in the mem blocks is made up of 4 bytes. So there's byte that represent the for Alpha level, a byte for RED level, a byte for GREEN level and one for BLUE.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2017 02:52
played around with it for a while worked it out. Here's the code for anyone now or future needing it. will load an image make a memblock then read it and put it back onto screen.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2017 04:12
You could also read the color values from the memblock as dword values. Then if you need to break the color down to its red, green and blue components, you can use rgbr, rgbg and rgbb.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2017 05:52
substituted the memblock in my program today didn't do much to boost speed. to many bitmap switching commands and get image commands I think. if I switch to straight memblocks will the write byte command overwrite a byte or bump a byte?
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Derek Darkly
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Posted: 11th Feb 2017 15:03

Having any luck yet?
I'm trying to create meshes by inputting raw memblock data (something new for me)

This old tutorial has been useful:
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Posted: 12th Feb 2017 06:32 Edited at: 12th Feb 2017 06:45
yes I have the code in my post above works quite well Derek that's just for reading of corse. reading a mesh I suppose is basically the same just need to know what your looking for like header bytes that come before certain
data but that's beyond me don't deal with meshes much.

but your going in the right direction basically anything not within a 16x16chunk turn into a mesh and manually cull everything. and if ur using mesh data directly u could do simple lighting calculations on your cubes at the same time. Some say dbpo cant handle running a voxel but if done properly I think it could do it. ive have close to 200k separate objects on screen at a time and it was laggy of coarse but meshes are different .
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Posted: 25th Mar 2017 13:57
I know this post is a bit old, but I wrote a tutorial on image manipulation using memblocks. I wrote it probably at least 10 years ago or more (meaning I should probably rewrite a better one), but perhaps you'll find it useful.

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