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Posted: 5th Feb 2017 16:08
I am working on a quite long term project which will show UK decimal coinage and whether the user has managed to either obtain yearly BU sets or find coins in loose change, i.e circulated coins.
It starts with a "Summary Page" which identifies at a glance coins/sets obtained.
It then allows you to enter "Detailed" pages by selecting denominations and year to pull up coin images, the obverse and reverse sides alternate so you can see both heads and tails, as well as mintage and either a selectable "tick" or a "X" depending on whether you have those coins/sets in your collection.
Here are a few screen shots to give you a better idea.

This is something that i am making primarily for my own use, its nice to have details when out and about at collectors fairs or car-boot sales etc but if there is enough interest i'll make sure you are kept up to date as i progress.

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Posted: 13th Mar 2017 17:32
Hi, I'm actually a fairly avid coin collector. I recently downloaded an app called 'My British Coins' by Andrej Zacharenkov on the recommendation of another coin collecting buddy of mine. My first reaction was 'How can I write a better version' (As it quite often is whenever I find a cool new app), but I have too much other stuff on at the mo to consider a new project.

I wish you luck with this, and look forward to seeing it.

Drop me a dm/email if you want to chat about my collection?
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Posted: 14th Mar 2017 11:53 Edited at: 15th Mar 2017 15:07
Hi =PRoF=, I had almost given up that another forum member might have an interest in saving coins, so it was nice to hear from you. Strangely enough i too had tried the app you mentioned but found it not quite right other than for maybe kids so decided to create my own.

I have been plodding on with it and have made some good progress.

I have upgraded the "Summary" page so that where more than 1 coin of a particular denomination has been released, I show it as a fraction with the numerator being how many i have collected out of the total available, the denominator.
Here is an example:

then to get more details, select "DETAILS" then the YEAR required to see coins in more detail.

I also have an example of the head/tail flip which i don't believe is shown anywhere else, book or app.
It may seem unimportant but if you take 2015 as an example, coins 1p through to 20p were issued in 2 different formats, both having the same reverse but having different obverses. In layman's terms, an old portrait and a newer portrait of the Queens head.
In this example the heads and tails change every 5 seconds which i find about right, but any comments appreciated.

My app also shows coins which were inadvertently released even though they may have had errors, such as the 1983 2p reverse showing NEW instead of TWO, the 2008 dateless 20p, and the 2011 50p Aquatics swimmer with water ripples over his face.

If you can think of anything that you would like to see please let me know and i will try to include.

I will probably introduce a pre-decimal version as well but only after this one is completed up to the current year.

I will drop you a line a little later about your collection.


If anyone else has any ideas that could make it better, it would be great to hear from you.
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Posted: 14th Mar 2017 17:41 Edited at: 14th Mar 2017 17:42
The only real comments/criticisms I have about your app (based purely on the screen shots) is the colour scheme? It's a little bright in places. Other than that I think it looks fantastic

I know not strictly UK coins, but I have a few Jersey/Guernsey/Isle of Man coins in my collection, are these featured in your app?

And I'm not sure how 'doable' this would be for you, but storing the collection info online in a MySQL db, so ppl wouldn't have to re-enter their collection if they replace their device
Chris Tate
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Posted: 16th Mar 2017 11:34
This is an interesting concept.
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Posted: 16th Mar 2017 13:16
Great to see AppGameKit being used for apps other than games. Good job!
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Posted: 16th Mar 2017 13:40
Thank you =PRoF=, great feedback.

Quote: "It's a little bright in places."

If you mean the Summary page then yes I agree. It was originally done that way to make the coins i still needed to stand out but i have toned it down a little to see if that appears a little better.
I have also added a "settings" icon, cog with new 2017 £1 overlay where i will add some necessary options.
Screenshot below;

Quote: "I have a few Jersey/Guernsey/Isle of Man coins in my collection, are these featured in your app?"

I have a few of these as well, together with loads of others from around the world.
I guess my road map will be finish UK decimals off, although it will need to be updated each year, tackle pre-decimal, then either go for Channel Islands or bank notes.
So it isn't included yet but should be once other time consuming chapters have been looked at.

Quote: "And I'm not sure how 'doable' this would be for you, but storing the collection info online"

This is a good one, and i too would love to be able to do this.
I am trying to learn PHP at the same time but i'm hoping more that Paul will introduce JSON into AppGameKit which might not be such a steep learning curve for me.
Rick has stated that we should get an idea of their road map later this month. If JSON is included for the not too distant future then i will go down that road.

Quote: "This is an interesting concept."

Hi Chris, many thanks for you comment.
Like many current users, i came through DBPro which supported any type of App.
I'm one who believes AGK2 isn't totally games, although many ardent game makers will argue.
Lets face it TGC made the drivers training apps with AppGameKit and that will be hard to beat.

I have however pencilled out an original coin game which i may include, just in case i need to.

Any further comments/suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Posted: 16th Mar 2017 16:58 Edited at: 16th Mar 2017 16:59
Yeah, that looks much better.

Another thing that springs to mind is the scroll bar. (I'm assuming your planning this as an app for mobiles, rather than PC's). One of the comments I got when I published my first few apps was that my help/about pages used a scroll bar similar to what you have. (Also coming from DBP and never having thought about mobile apps before, it just made sense to use one), But for mobiles they are a little fiddly to use and not very intuitive. I found it better to be able to swipe up and down the page. It didn't take much to convert between the two methods tbh, and a bonus you can use the old slidey bar sprite as a semi transparent position marker.

I've made a few app's with AppGameKit which have been published on Google Play and/or Amazon, including 'Percentage Resolution Tool' (Handy for converting sprite size/position from pixel to percentage and back); and 'Best Night Light' which has been downloaded nearly 90k times!
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Posted: 16th Mar 2017 18:06 Edited at: 16th Mar 2017 19:15
Hi CJB, sorry i appeared to have missed your post, we must have overlapped somehow.
Quote: "Great to see AppGameKit being used for apps other than games. Good job!"

Many thanks.
It might inspire some to make some non-gaming apps and maybe AGK2 might be further expanded to strengthen its command base whilst not detracting from the gamers hopes,wants and needs.

@ =PRof=,
Quote: "Yeah, that looks much better."

I carried out a quick tweak to the sprite images to lessen the brightness and was hoping you found it better.
At first i tried to set up a colour changer option in the new "settings" page, and although it was pretty easy to do changing a white sprite to whatever, i needed another sprite, a layer above, to provide the tick, X, and N/A indicators. Unfortunately this would mean adding a whole load more sprites which i feel could have a negative impact on some devices since i am already using a lot of images etc.

Quote: "Another thing that springs to mind is the scroll bar."

I have tested it on my mobile and it works well, however i am still tempted on occasions to swipe up or down.
At the moment you can either swipe the slider up/down or touch the arrows at top/bottom of the slider rail to get the data to move up/down. I did this purposely so that the ticks/X's wouldn't be accidentally changed but I will look into make an adjustment to introduce swipe movement as well as or instead of the current formats. Thanks.

Also congrats on your non-gaming apps. Well done.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2017 13:56
Quote: "Hi CJB, sorry i appeared to have missed your post, we must have overlapped somehow"
Haha... Don't sweat it. I'm not going to do a Damo!
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Posted: 20th Mar 2017 18:39
Quote: "Haha... Don't sweat it. I'm not going to do a Damo!"

Phew, lol, Dr Jekyll did however have quite a bit to offer, but .......

Anyway back to my project. Just completed 2015, what a nightmare with so many variations. I might get up to date sooner than i thought.

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Posted: 27th Mar 2017 16:46
I added "swipe" movement to move the screen data up and down but then decided to remove the original scroll bar and arrows as it now seems superfluous. It was a lot of coding for no real advantage so i took it out. The swipe coding is far less and the action is more natural.

In the summary page i have made it less bright again and also added text colour where more than one coin of a particular value has been issued, using black if all coins of that value have been collected and white, which stands out more, for when at least 1 more coin of that value is still required.

I have also attached an image of the selection filter working differently to the earlier images where for example the £2 coins are shown for ALL years, although not shown here, you would swipe the screen to see more of them.

Hope some of you like and again any comments or suggestions to help improve it, would be really appreciated.

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Posted: 27th Mar 2017 18:13
You have a new £1 coin to add to your app tomorrow
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Posted: 28th Mar 2017 11:57
Quote: "You have a new £1 coin to add to your app tomorrow"

Hi BatVink, nice to hear from you.
Yes the day has come but i think you will have to be very lucky to get one today. You may have to wait a week or 3 before you find one in your change or even be able to get one from your bank. But soon enough there will be plenty going around.

To be honest uncirculated twelve sided £1 coins dated 2016 are available but i doubt very much if you will find one in your change since only 10,000 uncirculated ones are issued.

So technically it has been added in 2016.

There are a few more new coins destined to be released later this year, 50p and £2 coin designs, but i don't have details yet so 2017 won't be completed i guess until about August.
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Posted: 30th Mar 2017 00:12
Great work It's looking much better now. I can't wait to actually try it
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 11:53 Edited at: 2nd Apr 2017 12:20
Quote: "Great work It's looking much better now. I can't wait to actually try it "

Hi =PRoF=, thank you. I think i'm pretty close now, just tidying up a few loose ends as far as i can. Some mintage numbers to check, mainly for latter years and for uncirculated coins but you will get the idea.

I have made it a little more obvious which coins you are searching for in the selection/filter page and at the same time removed an option to search for ALL denominations for ALL years. i just felt this search wasn't necessary.

So you can search/filter for:
All denominations for any 1 year OR
Any 1 denomination for any 1 year OR
Any 1 denomination for All years.

Here is an image example;

I have also created an HTML5 version and uploaded that for a much better idea. This version will not permanently save any changes you make, a limitation of this format as it is.

On the summary page you will see a settings cog. Have a go in that where you can set or reset all ticks and X's for coins collected/needed.

Link is :

I'm hoping for any feedback for areas which may need improvement or where i should make changes before release, including info on any coin i have missed.

Many thanks,
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 19:27
Hmm, I tried looking at the HTML5 version, but sadly all I get is this...

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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 20:22 Edited at: 3rd Apr 2017 11:09
I tried it earlier on my pc and it appeared to work ok. Just tried it on phone and it fails. The earlier ok must have been down to the cache for an earlier attempt. I find that exporting to html5 fails to load quite often. I will try to get time tomorrow to export again and then upload for trying it out. I will test on a different device before posting again.
Thanks for trying and sorry it failed to load. It will work next time. , i hope.
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2017 11:13
I have exported it again to HTML5 and uploaded it to web site. I had to clear cache as it seemed to remembered failing, but after clearing cache it did load ok, although on my phone it took a few seconds to appear on screen after reaching 100% loading.

Anyway, I hope you get a chance to try again.

Cheers and good luck
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Posted: 4th Apr 2017 11:55 Edited at: 4th Apr 2017 11:57
Just had a thought,
Quote: "Invalid argument"
happens if you are using I.E or Edge browser.

For AGK2 HTML5 to work, you need to use Chrome or Firefox.
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Posted: 5th Apr 2017 17:20 Edited at: 5th Apr 2017 17:21
Yeah, you're right. I will look on a different browser later on

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