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Joined: 4th Jan 2008
Posted: 23rd Mar 2017 19:36
I'm glad to be back and happy to still see this forum active what projects are you all working on?
Real men don\'t need sigs
Derek Darkly
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Joined: 22nd Sep 2011
Location: Whats Our Vector, Victor?
Posted: 24th Mar 2017 00:39

I don't know you, but welcome back anyway. =)

My 16 year old son and I are working on a simple 2D platformer to get him accustomed to game making.
I think it will end up being procedural, with seed randomization for nearly infinite yet repeatable levels.

We have no real theme yet, but lots of action planned!
Send your parents to noisy sprite demo hell... enter the D-Zone
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Joined: 28th Jul 2016
Posted: 11th Apr 2017 07:05 Edited at: 11th Apr 2017 07:16
Hello and welcome back ^^

finaly a chance to share my stuff *cough*

i also work on a 2d platformer, super mario stile.
i always hated collision detection because i could always find how to detect collision, but not what to do after collision happened. i didn't like to have seperate ground tiles that move the player up, or wall tiles, that move the player sideways. how to detect if the player is on the left or right side of a wall?
well i wrote this. it only uses the lock pixels command and the dot command for display (no sprites) and checks collision in small lines left, right, above and under the player.

here is the code:
EDIT: noooooooo my code seems to be too long, the site doesn't seem to like it. i will upload it on my homepage and post a link
please tell me if this runs at a reasonable speed. i can only test this on my gaming/3d rendering machine. some may have less CPU power and i would like to know it my code even works on anything than my machine.

and if anyone is interested, here is a little tool that i made (it's not finished, but it works for now). you can create simple images, output it as data statements and use it inside of dbpro itself
i used it in the above project for my... almost not as bad as the worst character images i've ever created. but it works and i'm not a pixel artist
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Joined: 4th Jun 2008
Location: france
Posted: 11th Apr 2017 07:53
hello, I have released my free 3D shooter made with DBC and turned myself from grafics/program mode to distribution/advertising mode...
you can download it from my website:

There comes some screenshots of the game.

sunset inner view:

sunset outer view:

when you drop a bomb and it destroys everything:

the game has got 9 stage:

the first stage focus on learning how to fly and shoot, then it gets harder and harder:

when you cannot see much outside of the car's lights:

after the crab invasion and the night, the king of the crabs is the first boss:

on stage 8 the second boss is a dragon whom strenght depends on your score:

when you try to reach the finish line after the 20 minutes of the game:

the arcade style high score system:
feel free to visit my web site
Derek Darkly
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Joined: 22nd Sep 2011
Location: Whats Our Vector, Victor?
Posted: 12th Apr 2017 12:48
Quote: "please tell me if this runs at a reasonable speed. i can only test this on my gaming/3d rendering machine. some may have less CPU power and i would like to know it my code even works on anything than my machine."

If you want more "juice" from your code on a slow machine I think 25-30 FPS is plenty for a sprite game, but others may disagree.
Send your parents to noisy sprite demo hell... enter the D-Zone
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Joined: 1st Dec 2002
Location: Spain
Posted: 17th Apr 2017 11:41
Hi bushido, welcome back!! I recall you

I keep on with my DGDK everlasting project, it should say "Loading level one, well, the only one"
Brian Lancaster
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Location: Oakland, CA
Posted: 17th Apr 2017 23:56 Edited at: 17th Apr 2017 23:57
Hi, I think I remember your name from years ago. I recently returned as well to promote my DBP game Brigand: Oaxaca. You can try out the demo here if you have time:

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