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Posted: 1st Apr 2017 08:26
Hi guys,
I am looking for a talented 2D artist, for a game I am making. Since I am a hobbyist I cannot pay money
I am looking for someone who have the time and the will to make together a nice looking and polished game.
Here is the input for inspiration:
The type of game: Top down view, puzzle game (
Theme: Ancient Greece, cartoon style graphics.
Art needed: Backgrounds for the main screen and in game levels, game GUI elements, game characters and various tiles such as non moving/sliding blocks, towers, coins various bonuses etc.
The game so far has been implemented with simple rectangles as placeholders of the final graphics
I 've never cooperated as a programmer with a graphic artist and I don't know the rules of such a cooperation
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 00:09
Could you post your progress so far? With the boxes etc
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 02:18
This shouldn't really be in AppGameKit Showcase -as there is nothing at moment.

Come on guys - anyone like photoshop (yukkkk), GIMP (I am), paint ( good old bill) to create something for George++
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 06:00
thanks Damo!! I was feeling kind alone without any respond!!!

Does anyone know, by any chance, a website where I could find someone indie like me to assist me??
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 09:41 Edited at: 2nd Apr 2017 09:48
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 10:41 Edited at: 2nd Apr 2017 10:57
Here is a short video:

@Green7: Thank you for the links. I didn't find specific theme about ancient Greece in carton style
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 14:11
Quote: "I am looking for a talented 2D artist, for a game I am making. Since I am a hobbyist I cannot pay money
I am looking for someone who have the time and the will to make together a nice looking and polished game."

I'm afraid it's incredibly difficult to get people to take their time to make something for you for free. Green7 posted a few good links. A bit of Google searching can find you even more free game resources.
As they say however, beggars can't be choosers. If you can't find the graphics you're looking for, it's probably best to choose a new graphics theme.
That being said, there are a lot of amazing guys here on this forum. Maybe some of them can help you out. I wish I could, but I'm afraid anything I draw will probably look worse than programmer art

Anyways here are a couple of sites that might help you out in your quest for free graphics:

My Games - Latest WIP - My Website: Immortal.Digital - FB - Twitter
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AGK Tool Maker
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 16:13
OK, thanks for the info, another question that I have in mind is if anyone can tell me how much money it is needed for finding/hiring a person to help.
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2017 17:09
Previously I tried asking a guy on Steam to make me a 3D model, and he asked for $200 per model.
I don't know about 2D arts, but I guess it's not going to be very affordable too....
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2017 09:26
@george++: can you show me some example pics of the style you wish ot go for? I need inspiration and ideas. is it more pre-rendered or hand drawn, or pixel art? does it have to be historic accurate greek themed, or more fantasy-greek? If you could tell me about how many sprites you need, stills and animated, how complex the animations should be, so i can guess the overall workload.
I do not have much time to help you, but i may have some time in my break at mid day, if i eat in front of my screen. so i will do some samples, and you can chose to work with it or not, ok?
Do not fear about the price, it is for fame, not for the money, and for the challenge. I will do it for a line in your games credits. but brace yourself, i'm no professional artist, just doing this in my spare time.
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2017 15:06
You could try Graphic River. Not free, but usually very inexpensive:
AGK Tool Maker
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2017 21:19
@CJB: Thank you for another useful link. I'll check them all
@Green7: Thank you for the interest. I am also doing this on my free time just after the work and before my wife's orders

Quote: "I need inspiration and ideas. is it more pre-rendered or hand drawn, or pixel art?"

It can be anything it is more convenient for you. I am not fun of the pixel art, I really enjoy vector style graphics (Inkscape, Corel Draw etc.).

It is not necessary to be historically accurate. It would be nice to give a glimpse of humor.

Quote: "If you could tell me about how many sprites you need, stills and animated, how complex the animations should be, so i can guess the overall workload."

I can give the info that you need, so please tell my how would you like them, via e-mail or via this forum? On a second thought if we do it using the forum maybe we could attract some more helpers/ideas. Since the game is in top down view I don't think that the animations should be complicated: It is up to your choice

The following picture is a sample of what I have already made using Inkscape:

Take a look at the following pictures I found in the web that shows the style I have in my mind:

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Posted: 4th Apr 2017 01:36 is my go to for everything I need.
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Posted: 4th Apr 2017 07:57
@ george++: we can surely do this here, so maybe some more can jump in, or give advice...
so vector style be it then. i'm all new to vector, until now it was pixel, hand drawn, 3d and pre-rendered. so, if it does not look like totaly vector, maybe... let's try.
it will be a on-and-off thing as much happens around me by the time, so there may be no daily updates.
This is too one of my main "drawbacks".
Quote: "I am also doing this on my free time just after the work and before my wife's orders "
AGK Tool Maker
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Posted: 6th Apr 2017 19:58
Hi Green7,
Let's start with the main character. What do you think? I have Hercules in my mind. The animations needed are:
Idle, walk, push, death and jump (all top view).
Since the game is based on a rectangular map of tiles it is necessary while the character pushes, his hands needs to be reached out at the edge of the tile.
Jumping can be achieved by scaling the character to a maximum when he is on the highest point above the ground.
I think that the main character and a NPC are the most complicated animations, at least this is what I think since I am not so expert in this. Of course, for another one it may by too easy.
Below you can view the sheet from my previous game:
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Posted: 10th Apr 2017 10:12
now, that's the hardest part first. Animations are not my best part, but i will see what i can do.
what size does your grid have?
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Posted: 10th Apr 2017 13:59 Edited at: 10th Apr 2017 13:59
Would you like to start with something static? If so, we can jump to the level selection screen or to the intro screen or to the HUD elements while the game runs.
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Posted: 11th Apr 2017 01:12
What is the grid size?
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Posted: 11th Apr 2017 05:02 Edited at: 11th Apr 2017 05:02
Do you mean the size of each cell?. I am working in percentage mode. It can be different for every level. The size of the whole grid can be variable too because it is scrolling.
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Posted: 11th Apr 2017 05:59
Yes. Each cell. An artist will need to know this in order to scale the graphics properly.
I would suggest 16x16pix, 32x32 pix or 64x64 pix (This is very important for green7 to create the graphics)
I did a little mockup of a 3/4 view. Where the camera is looking down at about a 45o angle (Greek theme, though i think it's a but too "Ad Agency" style)

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Posted: 11th Apr 2017 13:51
@blink0k: this is really a very nice looking character!
Can someone tell me why I cannot draw or design what others do? LoL!!!
I think that many of my projects have not been completed due to the lack of inspiration from graphics
Feel free to join us if you like.
Quote: "I would suggest 16x16pix, 32x32 pix or 64x64 pix (This is very important for green7 to create the graphics)"

Yes you are right. I didn't mention this, since the grid cell size can be of any size.
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Posted: 12th Apr 2017 05:58 Edited at: 12th Apr 2017 07:57
I tidied up that spartan a little. It would suit a 32x32 tile i think. I don't know if i have time to contribute much more so i'll leave the rest to green7. Good luck!

Attached is the sprite sheet


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Posted: 12th Apr 2017 10:30
Thx blink0k! I'm working on a similar look, but completely top-down, no helmet, no mantle. Your Character gave me the inspiration. I will work on it the next days, maybe i can contribute some WIP this week.
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Posted: 12th Apr 2017 12:26 Edited at: 12th Apr 2017 12:30
Thank you both,
@Green7: please check your messages
Quote: "but completely top-down"

This is preferable because I can use it, without any modification to the code. I can use the perspective of blink0k' but minor code changes will be needed.
@blink0k: Is it possible to post a 128x128 size? I want to see the difference and I'll post a video of course.
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Posted: 12th Apr 2017 13:21
george++: checked, but nothing found. i can do the character in the same perspective as blink0k if you like.
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Posted: 12th Apr 2017 15:04 Edited at: 12th Apr 2017 15:07
On a second thought, the perspective view of blink0k its better since the whole figure can be visualed. I'll modify the code and post a demo with the character above.

EDIT: Pls check your msg again
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Posted: 12th Apr 2017 21:16 Edited at: 12th Apr 2017 21:23
I think the only difference in the code is to align the sprite to the bottom of the tile rather than the top. Maybe you could make it variable: maybe the top, maybe the bottom or maybe an offset from the top or bottom. Do you still want a 128x128 version?
PS: Maybe you could ask a mod to move this to the WIP section too
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Posted: 12th Apr 2017 21:52 Edited at: 12th Apr 2017 21:55
Here is the animation:

The character is 32x64 pixels
I added another row where the character has been flipped horizontally in order to make him walk left and right

Quote: "Maybe you could ask a mod to move this to the WIP section too"

Yap... you are right.
Mod please move this to the WIP section
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Posted: 12th Apr 2017 21:54
Says video is unavaliable
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Posted: 12th Apr 2017 21:56 Edited at: 12th Apr 2017 21:58
Is it OK now?
EDIT: I can add easily more animations (pushing, dead, idle etc) since the character is driven by states
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Posted: 12th Apr 2017 22:21 Edited at: 12th Apr 2017 22:24
yes. looks good. is that the actual size or is it shrunk a little?
ps: i think maybe the bottom of the character should align with the center of the tile. that way it will overlap with the tile behind and create more of a 3d effect
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Posted: 13th Apr 2017 14:23 Edited at: 14th Apr 2017 08:21
Test for walking, work in progress. have a nice weekend!


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Posted: 14th Apr 2017 00:08
That is looking good green7. Good luck with the project to the both of you
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Posted: 14th Apr 2017 18:11
Quote: " is that the actual size or is it shrunk a little?"

Yes I had to shrunk it since the size of the character is 32x64 pixels while the grid cell is rectangular (32x32)

Quote: "I think maybe the bottom of the character should align with the center of the tile. that way it will overlap with the tile behind and create more of a 3d effect"

I agree with the 3D effect but if I move it to the center of the tile when he pushes the object his hands would seem that are pushing the air instead I propose to move it not to the center but one third from the bottom so it will give us the 3D effect and at the same time he will push the object on the top of it. What do you think about that?

@Green7: Congrats on the movement that you have given him, it simulates the actual human movement!!! How easy for you is it to have the camera not on the top but similar to blink0k? Since the character is not completed is it possible to give him a more brutal and vicious look?...

Here is the video of your character
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Posted: 14th Apr 2017 22:59 Edited at: 14th Apr 2017 23:00
Quote: "I agree with the 3D effect but if I move it to the center of the tile when he pushes the object his hands would seem that are pushing the air instead"

This is a similar tile map to the one you're aiming for. Notice how the characters are centered on the tile and overlap the tile behind. This is OK because the
interactive objects (The coffins) are the same. Notice how you get a really nice 3D effect
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Posted: 15th Apr 2017 02:21
That is a really nice example. Thanks Blink! Something to think about if i ever want to go down this path.
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Posted: 15th Apr 2017 07:05
I agree, this is a really nice example. I have to learn to observe other games more carefully. Thanks.
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Posted: 15th Apr 2017 09:04
Quote: "Green7: Congrats on the movement that you have given him, it simulates the actual human movement!!! How easy for you is it to have the camera not on the top but similar to blink0k? Since the character is not completed is it possible to give him a more brutal and vicious look?... "

Sure. I can tilt the cam at every angle you actualy like. in fact, it is a 3d model i work with, so i can alter its size and look. i think about to resize its head, so it does not look that comic like.
I can alter the texture to a more spartan like look. but to add him a mantle would be a bit more tricky, i would rather not, if you do not need it.

I guess it is some kind of dumb question: did you ever think to do this in 3D?
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Posted: 15th Apr 2017 09:35 Edited at: 15th Apr 2017 09:37
I agree with you, it is not neccessary to give him a mantle.
Quote: "I guess it is some kind of dumb question: did you ever think to do this in 3D?"

That would be ideal!!!
I have to find a way not to change dramatically the code while keeping the 2D data same and changing the view.
I'll work on it but I'll need some more time
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Posted: 15th Apr 2017 18:09
Hmmm... I took a look to the 3D commands of AGK. I have to learn how to use them
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Posted: 17th Apr 2017 23:00 Edited at: 17th Apr 2017 23:02
Quote: "did you ever think to do this in 3D?"

I intend to use the following perspective:

So we will have the chance to use 3D models if you like. All the entities will be able move on a flat 2D surface. If this is better for you just let me know. I will need some more time to make changes to the code and make my self familiar with the 3D commands of AGK
For example, I have to learn how to pick a destination point, on a 3D surface, since the game will be controlled only by touch events for mobile platforms, how to load and animate textured models etc
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Posted: 18th Apr 2017 08:08 Edited at: 18th Apr 2017 09:24
i do not want to push you into 3D, but if you got your assets in 3d then you may tilt the cam as you wish, the animations are smoother and other benefits that you will get. On the other hand you will encounter new problems... maybe this may help at some point: Orthographic mode [ SetCameraFOV(1,0) ]

All on one flat surface will be good for fake blob shadows.

I will try to give you the animated player this week, at last walking. I will be offline next week, as I will be in Denmark, spring viking market in Ribe. As soon as I'm back i will continue the work.

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Posted: 18th Apr 2017 18:37 Edited at: 18th Apr 2017 18:44
ok, got something knocked up, feel free to use it. the character is please to be used for this project only. have fun!

edit: APK added, works as intended.


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Posted: 18th Apr 2017 23:28 Edited at: 19th Apr 2017 00:44
That looks awesome green dude. Well done!
Excellent model! What do you use to model/unwrap?
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Posted: 19th Apr 2017 07:42
Thx Blink0k! I got access to 3D studio Max at my office. I must admit i'm lazy. got the basemodel once from CGTraders (could do it myself, but...), have modified the shape to my needs, modified the texture to fit the greek theme. then i exportet it as *.fbx to mixamo, re- exportet it as *.fbx to max, merged the animations in one model and exportrt it as *.dae, as this sems to work. the *.fbx from max was broken in AppGameKit, but *.dae works fine. the animation steps are in seconds. 0-2.9 is idle, 3-5 is walk. got to add pushing anim.
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Posted: 19th Apr 2017 15:48
Hi guys, I am on a business trip, I can't wait to see Hercules in action.
Thank you Green7 for your time and all efforts. I have started working on the code. The grid will have the size 1.0 x 1.0 (AGK 3D units). I hope this will not a problem using your character
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Posted: 19th Apr 2017 16:17
Hey george, i have built it in a 50x50 grid, but you can resize the character at any time, so technicaly there is no problem. i would recommend at last a grid size of 10x10 units per cell, as 1x1 is really tiny. Even if you do not build in physics, as for physics there is a limitation i think, on how small a object can be, to avoid strange behaviours.
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Posted: 19th Apr 2017 23:08
Quote: "The grid will have the size 1.0 x 1.0 "

My mistake! I wanted to say 1.0 x 1.0 CELL size
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Posted: 20th Apr 2017 00:00
Quote: "1.0 x 1.0 CELL size "

i'd recommend at last 10.0 x 10.0 cell size.
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Posted: 20th Apr 2017 02:08 Edited at: 20th Apr 2017 02:08
When I was first starting out, I used to find artists on DeviantArt. I would look for artists with very few followers, which generally meant they were inexperienced, and asked if they'd like to get a video game credit for their portfolio, then, when I made the game, I would fully credit them and make sure their name was easy to see, that way it would help them launch their art career.

Nowadays I do all my art myself.
I work full-time making games in AGK2 and DBpro. Living the dream!

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