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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / Tree it by Evolved shadow help

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Posted: 21st Apr 2017 22:12 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2017 18:46
I have tried to work out how to get the shadows with the wind effect into DBP, as shown in the "Tree it" program but no luck so far, i suspect it's made with a shader and a shadow cam.
I have tried to use "set shadow shading on" but it just results in a kind of undetailed shadow with no wind effects, so if anyone knows how to do it, help will bee appreciated.
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2017 19:02
I am trying to make tree shadows with wind effects in DBP as it's looks in the "Tree it" program by Evolved, but no luck so far. I have tried to use set shadow shading on but this only results in a undetailed shadow with no wind effect
so if anyone knows how to do this any help will be appreciated.
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2017 03:26 Edited at: 24th Apr 2017 08:14
you basicly need to combine the "Tree" and "Cubic Shadow Mapping" sample projects found in the Shaders section on that site. i can't do it, so have fun with that.

"Apply Cube Map To Object" is not in my help file. it is used in those projects, maybe someone can clarify it's use?
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2017 20:44
Yes that is the program in your link zero32, i will have a go and try to merge those tow programs somehow, and your right abot the "Apply Cube Map To Object" command there dont seems to be much documentation
anyware about this command. But anywayes thanks for pointing me into the right direction.
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Posted: 25th Apr 2017 03:36
Evolved's advanced lighting framework will do what you are looking for. Check out the Palm tree demo included with it.

A single player RPG featuring a branching, player driven storyline of meaningful choices and multiple endings alongside challenging active combat and intelligent AI.
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Posted: 26th Apr 2017 18:56
I managed to get it working, here is the code if anyone is interested, the media you need to get from here

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Posted: 15th Jun 2017 12:03
New TreeIt update to June 14, 2017 :

New Map Scape update to June 14, 2017 :


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