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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / move FPSC script system to DBPro

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Playing: Planescape:Torment
Posted: 7th May 2017 18:01
FPSC was written on DBPro and its have complex but easy to use script system.
So I think it is possible to create DBPro standalone script system using it.
It will be great because:
1) Since FPSC release there is a lot of scripts for all purposes
2)It uses only DBPro functions so there will be no troubles and glitches like with second side plugins
There is FPSC source code but its huge over 64k lines (!) so it will take time to get script system functions from it.
Here it is:
What do you think about it? Any advice?
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Posted: 8th May 2017 05:53
Wrote my own script system. Wrote my own script editor for my script system.
It's not terribly hard. All a script need be is a list. A command, then a line or two of information that command needs, then repeat with the next command. That's all compiled programs really are too.
FPSC Developer
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Posted: 9th May 2017 23:35
Quote: "FPSC was written on DBPro and its have complex but easy to use script system.
So I think it is possible to create DBPro standalone script system using it.
It will be great because:
1) Since FPSC release there is a lot of scripts for all purposes
2)It uses only DBPro functions so there will be no troubles and glitches like with second side plugins
There is FPSC source code but its huge over 64k lines (!) so it will take time to get script system functions from it.
Here it is:
What do you think about it? Any advice?"

Sounds like a great idea. There are hundreds of fpsc scripts.
gamer, lover, filmmaker

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