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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Model Pack Question

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Joined: 26th May 2017
Posted: 26th May 2017 09:53

I'm new here and just downloaded the open source FPS Creator and was wondering how to put model packs into the game?

I've downloaded a few but I'm not sure how to make them work with the game since they're not appearing in the level editor.

Thank you.
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Joined: 19th Feb 2012
Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 26th May 2017 19:23
Hi Achieve260, and welcome
Quote: "just downloaded the open source FPS Creator"

Which version did you install and running? If you only installed V1.0 you'll also need to download
the update V1.20. At least V1.19 to get it to run properly.

Quote: "they're not appearing in the level editor"

Yeah, the first few model packs had a self installer, after that (about packs #15 and up)
things change a bit. Due to win7's 64bit OS had file structure changes, the packs there after
are installed mostly manually. But it's straight forward. Once you have FPSC installed
correctly and look over the "files and folders" and how they are setup, you just open
newer model packs and drop those files into the corresponding folders. I know, may sound a bit
confusing, but trust me it's not.
So first what OS are you running xp, win7, win10?? And which Version of FPSC did you install?
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
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Joined: 26th May 2017
Posted: 29th May 2017 03:55
Thanks ncmako for your help, I'll try these and see if they work. Thanks again.

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