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Barry Pythagoras
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Posted: 28th May 2017 14:52

Put any image in there it just grabs the colour off the screen. I haven't used DB Pro for a long time. The program above never used to flicker, but now it does. The sync can't be fixed, I have tried changing my hardware settings. It just flickers. I don't think that it can be fixed, but is there a way to do the same thing in AppGameKit? I couldn't find a command to get a colour off the screen.
Barry Pythagoras
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Posted: 28th May 2017 15:37
I managed to write it in AppGameKit instead.
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Posted: 28th May 2017 19:59
Could be a double buffering issue. Basically you're loading the bitmap into one of the back buffers, so every other frame you'll have a blank (black by default) bitmap instead.
What DBPro version are you using?
Barry Pythagoras
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Posted: 28th May 2017 20:42 Edited at: 28th May 2017 20:43
I'm using 7.7 with the binary download added to it. I need a code to use the old version, but apparently the link to the code doesn't work any more.
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Posted: 29th May 2017 13:19
I made my own "Page1.bmp" file and changed the display mode to 1280,1024,32 and it worked without flickering at all. I am also using v7.7.

So many games to little time.
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Posted: 29th May 2017 14:30
i didn't test your code, but i had a similar problem with my video editor project. i work on a laptop with the intel graphics chip and a nvidia graphics card. starting the programm on the intel graphics chip, everything worked fine. but on the nvida card i had a lot of flickering. i'm not sure why.

Dark Basic Pro Help File wrote: " It is important to note the very first SYNC will only render the back buffer and reveal the contents of that buffer on the second SYNC command"
i like to make a sync call after the sync on. i don't think this is resolving the problem but i wanted to point it out.
there is a fastsync command you can give that a try. i've never used it but it may help you.

i would change


because the point command MAY slow your main loop down (not sure about that) and calling point 3 times can give different results for the R,G,B values because the mouse position might change between the point calls.
still probably not the answer you where searching for.

flickering can also be caused by your compiler settings. if your project set up to run in fullscreen mode then maybe you might try to change it to windowed mode and use

to position the window in the left top corner and hide window borders.
Barry Pythagoras
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Posted: 29th May 2017 19:36 Edited at: 29th May 2017 19:40
Thanks for all of the ideas! I re-installed everything from scratch, but this time I left everything in the Game Creators Folder instead of using the Binary instructions to rename a folder Dark Basic Pro. It worked this time without flicker. I also installed all of the updates one after the other from years ago, not sure if that helped or not.

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