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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / Change the "Game Guru" icon of the DBPro executable

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Posted: 15th Jun 2017 07:51
Hi all,

When I compile my program with DBPro, I always have the red icon of "Game Guru". In Synergy Editor, I found the setting to change the executable icon, but it does not work. It is still "Game Guru" icon that appears. I tried "Resource Hacker" program, but again, it can not be modified.

How do you proceed, please ?

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Posted: 17th Jun 2017 22:03
It likely has changed, but Windows is still showing you the old icon from cache on that machine

You can verify this by copying it to anther machine or compiling under a different executable name.

Clearing the icon cache is a little complicated unfortunately but Google can show you if

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Posted: 19th Jun 2017 07:33
Thanks for your reply.

I changed the name of the executable, but it is still the icon of game guru ...

I have copied the executable on my other computer, but it is still the icon of game guru ...

In my opinion, it is not possible to modify the icon of the executable with this compiled version of Synergy Editor. However, this is the compiled version found on the DBPro Open Source github !

I will appreciate an official response from Game Creators developers. I am annoyed because in the meantime, I can not distribute my program.

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Posted: 19th Jun 2017 08:11
for problems with the open source version, you can try my dark basic pro folder that i posted here: DBPro Open Source Version - Compiled Binary
for everything else, there is mastercard

the open source version is compiled with some game guru stuff. i think the release was rushed, but i am glad that the open source version was released. we just need people that can clean and manage the open source code. (maybe also port it to linux, using opengl instead of directx?)
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Posted: 19th Jun 2017 10:33 Edited at: 19th Jun 2017 10:41
zero32 :

Indeed, it goes much better with your version !

Your version dates from 2010 apparently. It's crazy... that a version of 2010 works better than that of 2014 ^^
You are right, they have rushed on the Github...

Now I need to find a database with all DBPro plugins (Official and unofficial). I hope I'll find it !

Thank you for your help.
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Posted: 19th Jun 2017 13:42
The open source version isn't an official release, and it wasn't built from the latest official version. They rolled back a bit then modified for game guru. They then dropped it and moved game guru off dbpro.

What was left has some improvements to the compiler, but was never intended to be an actual public update.

It was released to us as is when dbpro hit end of life. You will get no official word on this, because tgc no longer supports dbpro, it was given to the community and it is in our hands now.

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Posted: 19th Jun 2017 14:43 Edited at: 19th Jun 2017 14:43
Thank you for the clarification.

Do you know where I can find a GUI Editor for DarkBasic Pro ?
A GUI Editor that works on the visual, such as Visual C++ for the user interface.

Thanks in advance.
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Posted: 19th Jun 2017 18:04
it depends on what you want to use.
i do not use any gui editor so my help will be limited to what i read on the forums:

it seems like the blueGUI plugin has an editor, but it is a licenced plugin and i don't know if you can still get it.
i found GUI Studio, made by a user named Ric, but it is discontinued, it was released as a freeware, but on another forum, which is now nothing more than a "Not Found" error page.

take a look at this (old) thread:
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Posted: 20th Jun 2017 06:28
It's too complicated. I am looking for a visual interface.
I wrote to the creator of GUI Studio. I'm waiting for his answer.

But it's crazy... in 15 years of DBPro, no visual editor for the GUI ?
I can not believe it.

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