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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9 - Black Ice Mod v10.5] A Dr. Who style game

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Posted: 21st Aug 2017 23:05 Edited at: 20th Sep 2017 08:23
I have always wanted to finish this game but I got side tracked with PTSD and massive exposure to agent orange I had brought home from Vietnam. It didn't help my situation with PTSD that I was captured and tortured until I escaped within 24 hours of my detainment.. PTSD ruined my marriage and lively hood as well as getting banned eventually from the forums. Things really went down hill from after the ban and I ended up in the hospital (VA) on October 14th, 2017. The first night I almost died. I now have dementia and a physical impairment.

Coming back to this is a form of healing and keeping my mind active. So here we go again. Inside the TASDIM has a different look and I really like it. It was redesigned prior to my getting really ill.


The Fantastic Adventures of The Doctor and Bob Corvine: Time Travelers Extrodinaire

When the Universe needs help, the professor is there. Whether to save a whole planet, an entire solar system/Universe, repair the time-line, or defeat the forces of evil.


1.) Name of Game: The Fantastic Adventures of The Doctor and Bob Corvine: Time Travelers Extrodinaire

2.) Developer name: Terry R. Cox

3.) DX and Mod: DirectX 9 with Black Ice Mod v10 beta 5 (10.5)

4.) Storyline: This game is based on the extremely popular SciFi show Dr. Who. I will not have any exact replications of stories, however, I may take bits and pieces and intertwine them in my own story. The TASDIM is where the player will decide on which adventure or quest to take. He will not have to take the quests in consecutive order. These adventures will more than likely be two to four levels; although, there could be some that are just one level or more than four.

The game starts out in the TASDIM where the Doctor returns from his last adventure. He is met by Bob and is told that he had received an audio message for help. The Doctor knows approximately where the message was sent from and he quickly goes into his hyper mode and is off to setting the TASDIM in motion. Soon he be will at the destination where the game will take off.


Note: I do not take credit for any of the models used. All have been made by TGC or other Third party modelers.

* Cosmic Prophet - Teleporter used as Time Machine (TASDIM)
* Decneo (KoKo) - Created Bob Corvine, the time traveler and I will be using some more of his characters
* Nbt - The RPW: Rhythmical Phase-Wand(aka sonic screwdriver), Office Segments and doors
* Nbt - The Panel - this is going to be very important for the game :wink wink:
* Starmind - The bubbly tube in the TASDIM
* Starmind - The aliens.
* Tax78 - The aliens who work in the TASDIM
* BeFun - SciFi Segments
* anayar - 3 from overlay pack (envelopes, efolder1, and enote2)
* Gunn3r - Music - Electrica #1 (Intro)

* If anybody recognizes their work please let me know so I can give credit. For example I can't remember who had done the banner for me.

Screen Shots
THEORY - you know everything but nothing works. PRACTICE - when everything works but don't know why.
For me, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and I don't know why.


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Posted: 21st Aug 2017 23:34
I hope working on your game will bring you some sort of peace and relaxation. Will stay tuned and follow your progress.
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Posted: 21st Aug 2017 23:44
Thanks, seppgirty
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2017 00:29 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2017 00:29
@Flatlander Do you have any available copies for the game The Fantastic Adventures of The Doctor and Bob Corvine? I think I saw a WIP of it once. Or was it a commercial project?
Will you be using shadermaps for the levels?
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2017 02:07

I'm afraid it never was finished because of personal circumstances. You probably had seen the WIP that I had started on 12th Aug 2010. I was banned on 20th Apr 2011 and my WIP thread was locked. The thread is still available so you could have seen it anytime after the 12th of Aug 2010.

I'm not new to FPSC and my expertise is scripting as my lively hood was a a computer programmer. I also created RPG Mod and had some clever things going on in the WIP.

Back in the day, light mapping was a bear. Especially for me. Wolf continued to get on my case about it but it was too darn complex and the engine was a dinosaur until S4Real came along and a couple of others whom I can't recall right now. Black Ice Mod as allowed my old levels to look pretty good without messing around with the lights. It took forever to get it just right. Shaders were just happening when I left. I have been in the process of figure out what fx files I could use with the some of the old models. Very difficult because I'm not sure how they work anyway. It's just been trial and error to get the effect I want.

I definitely don't know what shadermaps are for a level map? Could you enlighten me. Give a link that would explain it so you don't have to spend the time explaining the details. I could ask, "Why should I use shadermaps for a level?"

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-Jamie Hyneman
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2017 04:51
Glad to see you're back, this looks very promising, and I hope it helps you overcome this hard time you're going through. My prayers are to you and your family.

Stay strong.
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2017 09:34 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2017 09:39
Welcome back !

(I didn't know we could put colors in our messages ! )

I love your level's feel, very atmospheric, also that little robot is very cute !
Shaders are used to add effects on textures, it makes the lighting behave more realistically, see the reflections on your first screenie ? This is because of the shaders.

I'm currently writing a tutorial about what shaders are and how to use them.
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2017 12:19
Flatlander Great to see you again Hope all is well.
Will keep an eye on this.
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2017 00:04
Hang in there young man. It's nice to see you back on the job. I always liked your stories.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2017 18:35
Because of the fact that I have lapses in memory, I did something stupid like uninstalling (not intentional) FPSC classic. This happened yesterday. This led to something horrifying. When I made sure everything was out of the root directory, I re-insalled everything from scratch. However I have discovered that my level is not building like it was before. I have lost over half of my static lights and it seems all of the shaders or at least most of them. My lightmapping is horrible. Have I forgotten to set something in the setup.ini? I'm about ready to call it quits. I don't need the irritation
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-Jamie Hyneman
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2017 20:46
This is typically all I mess with in the setup.ini. BIM pretty much has all the rest setup.

Quote: "I'm about ready to call it quits. I don't need the irritation"

Tried that... didn't last.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 4th Sep 2017 02:23 Edited at: 4th Sep 2017 02:24
Yea, I know what you mean. It lasted just one day.

Thanks for pointing me to the setup.ini. I once again, uninstalled FPSC and deleted everything including the folders themselves after I made a backup copy to my backup drive.

Apparently there are some default values that BIM uses that caused the problem. The default values for using effects were zero. However, I changed them to 1.
I also changed text size to 2048 and mapquality to 50. Yes, this does require more memory in the build. However, I also changed the cap to off. That's when I
discovered that the real cap is no longer 2 GB but now must be 4 GB with BIM. I also disabled peeking so that I can use the 'E' key instead of the 'ENTER' key.

Xplosys, I thank you once again for being supportive. I really appreciate that.
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Posted: 4th Sep 2017 20:34
Flatlander Yes, a lot of improvements, but you do have to stay on top of the "settings" more than before.
I once cursed at FPSC for two days until I realized in the setup.ini I inherently somehow ( i don't know how )
switched the xbox controller to ON
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
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Posted: 15th Sep 2017 08:10 Edited at: 15th Sep 2017 08:11
Some screenshots of my map.
THEORY - you know everything but nothing works. PRACTICE - when everything works but don't know why.
For me, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and I don't know why.


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Posted: 16th Sep 2017 03:40
Lookin' promising!

Keep 'em coming.
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Posted: 16th Sep 2017 04:51
Same than Dark James !
By the way, why are there so many decals scattered around the holographic kiosk ? (third screenshot)
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Posted: 16th Sep 2017 08:53
Thanks guys. Soon I will be posting a Youtube link featuring a short tour of the TASDIM. There won't be any narration. There might be some music. I might load in music from Dr. Who if Youtube will let me.

@Madcow2, This creates a plasma ball. This was the only way to get it to look spherical.
THEORY - you know everything but nothing works. PRACTICE - when everything works but don't know why.
For me, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and I don't know why.
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Posted: 19th Sep 2017 22:12
@ FlatLander
Quote: "This creates a plasma ball"

If you can ? would love to see a screen shot when it's all done and in action.
Looks impressive How are your waypoints doing, are they ok so far with BlackIce ?
I'm using a lot also, getting a few hick-ups now and then.
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
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Posted: 20th Sep 2017 08:26 Edited at: 20th Sep 2017 08:35
You may never see more screen shots or videos if I wait until it's done.

So here is my first video. There is no narration. I'm just walking around the TASDIM (the main area) showing off the decals as well as the alien using waypoints and walking through the glass walls in which the player cannot go through.

You saw that there was a message that popped up when I had the player try to go through a glass wall. This had nothing to do with the glass wall. It came from a switch that is a layer below the floor the player was on. That's one of things I need to tweak. Don't want to make any other human player confused about it.

THEORY - you know everything but nothing works. PRACTICE - when everything works but don't know why.
For me, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and I don't know why.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2017 01:35
That looks mighty impressive! I might say it is a tad too dark for my taste, but I can definitely tell the aesthetic inspiration from Dr Who and the TARDIS, and that's a very hard thing to achieve I reckon!

Kudos, and keep up the good job.
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2017 21:48
FlatLander Yeah !!! The "Plasma Ball" is Awesome
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...

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