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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP] ACE - A new IDE for AGK.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2017 06:02 Edited at: 28th Nov 2017 12:11

I would like to present my current project. A new code editor for AGK. He is still in the alpha phase. But I can already show some pictures that I have already achieved.

Because I'm not a friend of big words . So I show you better pictures .

Feature List:
Better Syntax-Highlighting (function, labels, types, string, numbers, comments, preprocessor, constants) adjustable in fore-/backcolor, font size and style(bold / italic)
Clear representation of used symbols (function, labels, types variable, constants) in a tree view.
Load and save of the complete workspace in which your projects organized.
Intellisens of BuiltIn functions, user functions plugin functions and all other symbols in the current active project.
Better line folding of types, functions and loops.
Commenting / uncommenting lines - with a Hotkey or click
Auto indentation by typing
Automatic indentation when entering the code
Autocomplete in code blocks.
Codesnippet functionality, similar to geany.
Display help page, of the command by pressing F1.
Code beautification at one click.
Easy insertion of LIB/API modules.
Paragraph, fold level and base fold level selection mode.
Highlighting all occurances of selcted word in document.
remembers which part of the code has been folded in the last session
remembers the variable watch list of the last debug session.
add variable to watch list per hotkey and right click.
Smartformat can set to 'lowercase', 'UPPERCASE' or 'MixedCase'. And this for four different code sections:
  • AGK-Core-Commands (All loops, 'if ... then', 'select ... case' ect.
  • AGK-Commands (LoadImage, SetSprite...)
  • Preprocessor (#Include, #Import_Plugin, ...)
  • User symbols.

History Walker
Code Browser

Goto line and bookmarks.
Search and replace functionality.
Right click contex menu for tree (Workspace, Project, File, Symbols and Editor)
Property dialog


First Screenshot.

Make a new Project.

Import a project.

Import complete folder with projects.

Array completion

Include completion

Import completion

Here I show you a little workflow.

The last but not least. The debugger.

I hope you enjoyed these impressions.
I'm happy about every comment.
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Posted: 26th Aug 2017 08:09

Great job !
it's very interesting.

What are the features about edition of the code (togle case of selection, auto indent , reflow line/block, go to line, find/replace...) ?
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Posted: 26th Aug 2017 10:05
It's definitely a great project ! i like how the completion works

Keep up the good work MadBit
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Posted: 26th Aug 2017 13:36
That looks very smart indeed, a professional editor, when will it be available?

is this endorsed by TGC, will it be replacing the existing editor or be a DLC?

plugin function completion, if/endif folding, auto keyword case correction, array completion, auto code structure .... I see some really useful features here, you have done a superb job.
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Posted: 26th Aug 2017 14:28 Edited at: 26th Aug 2017 14:45
Hi MadBit,
Could you please let us know what are the advantages of your editor comparing to AppGameKit?
For example, something that I don't like regarding the AppGameKit it is that the proposed function does not show all the arguments of the function.
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Posted: 26th Aug 2017 15:13
That's nice .. just curious are you using an off the shelf highlighter library or a custom one ?

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Posted: 26th Aug 2017 20:46 Edited at: 23rd Sep 2017 16:19
Thank you all for your comments.

Blendman wrote: "What are the features about edition of the code (togle case of selection, auto indent , reflow line/block, go to line, find/replace...) ?"

These are almost all standard features which I already have in it or intend to implement.
For example, a configuration dialog for switching some features on and off is missing. Goto-Line I have never used with other editors yet but is implemented together with Bookmark. Search and Replace is not yet available but is also implemented together with "rename Function / Type" and "search all occurrences".

MikeMax wrote: "i like how the completion works "

I've been inspired by some IDE's that I use.

PartTimeCoder wrote: "That looks very smart indeed, a professional editor, when will it be available?
is this endorsed by TGC, will it be replacing the existing editor or be a DLC?"

I can not say when the first release will be. I hope this year. It must first run stable.
The editor is a pure self-development. Personal goal was to replace geany.

george++ wrote: "For example, something that I don't like regarding the AppGameKit it is that the proposed function does not show all the arguments of the function."

This and the debugger was the reason why I started writing my own IDE.

Quote: "Could you please let us know what are the advantages of your editor comparing to AppGameKit?"

hmm, it's hard to say.
Better code folding.
* Auto code formatting (lower, upper, and mixed case)
* Takes the spelling of user-defined types / functions and variables.
* Symbol representation of the entire active project and not just the currently selected document.

These are the things that come to mind. I must take the time and write down all the features.

Kevin Picone wrote: "That's nice .. just curious are you using an off the shelf highlighter library or a custom one ? "

The IDE is written with wxWidgets. Scintilla is used for highlighting and code folding. The original lexer who is responsible for the highlighting and folding, I have adapted to AGK.
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Posted: 27th Aug 2017 14:58
It looks amazing. I do not have the patience, where and how can I try?
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Posted: 28th Aug 2017 03:53
Can't wait to see it! Cheers!
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Posted: 29th Aug 2017 15:29
Wow, I have two new batches. Cool. Thank you.

OK, I have now updated the first post with a short feature list and what I am working on.
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Posted: 30th Aug 2017 21:57
Wow! That debug looks super cool.
One thing you might want to consider is renaming a project. I have seen a few people ask for it
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Posted: 30th Aug 2017 23:21
code refactoring would be a good addition ontop of search&replace.

I keep checking this thread with my credit card ready ......

MadBit, what lexer did you use as a base for AppGameKit Basic?
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Posted: 31st Aug 2017 09:01 Edited at: 1st Sep 2017 02:05
Custom icons in the interface?
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Posted: 1st Sep 2017 07:19
PartTimeCoder wrote: "code refactoring would be a good addition ontop of search&replace."

+1 !
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Posted: 1st Sep 2017 19:40
blink0k wrote: "One thing you might want to consider is renaming a project. I have seen a few people ask for it"

Thats alrady in.

PartTimeCoder wrote: "code refactoring would be a good addition ontop of search&replace"

This is alrady on my todo list.

PartTimeCoder wrote: "MadBit, what lexer did you use as a base for AppGameKit Basic?"

First i modified the basiclex.cxx from scintilla. later i've written my own lexer.

Quote: "Custom icons in the interface?"

I'm sorry. not for now. But you can theoretical overwrite the existing icons.
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Posted: 1st Sep 2017 20:35
Quote: "First i modified the basiclex.cxx from scintilla. later i've written my own lexer."

ah I see, I thought it might take a custom lexer for AppGameKit but although I know the Scintilla API pretty well a custom lexer is a little out of my scope, I cant wait to try out your editor.
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2017 00:26
The PureBasic IDE has this tool called 'Issue Browser'

PureBasic Help File wrote: "The issue browser tool collects comments in the source code that fit a defined format and lists them ordered by priority. It can be used to track which areas of the source code still need to be worked on.

Each displayed issue corresponds to one comment in the code. A double-click on the issue shows that code line. Issues can be displayed for the current file, or for multiple files (all open files, or all files that belong to the current project). The issue list can also be exported in CSV format.

you type a comment with a prefix ;TODO: or :FIXME: and its added to a list for easy access from the issue browser

I have suggested this among many other editor tweaks and tools but TGC don't seem to be interested in updating the IDE, this would make a super addition to your editor, //TODO: and //FIXME: and ability to add custom issue types.
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2017 00:56
I'm keen to give this a go.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2017 02:36 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2017 02:49
This is an interesting feature. Something similar I had already planned. I thought of marks on the left margin as editable notifications.
I like the idea of encrypting these notes as comments in the source text. Is more difficult to implement but more user friendly.
I will pack it on the Todo: list . But not with such high priority. Other things are more important.
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2017 21:09
Quote: "I'm sorry. not for now. But you can theoretical overwrite the existing icons. "

Well, I just thought they were built-in.
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2017 22:33
Quote: "I will pack it on the Todo: list . But not with such high priority. Other things are more important."

Hey I hear that, just nice to know its on the list.
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2017 01:24
any news on your Editor MadBit ?
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Posted: 24th Sep 2017 20:42 Edited at: 24th Sep 2017 20:48
Hi, I was not inactive lately. I had some problems with the editor, but most I could solve. I have provided three gifs.

I hope you like it.

Insert modules

selection modes

and search and replace
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Posted: 25th Sep 2017 14:05
Very good job MadBit!
Keep up the good work.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2017 04:43 Edited at: 27th Sep 2017 04:46
Very impressive!   -      -      -

I could never start anything this elaborate because I know I would never finish it.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2017 21:59 Edited at: 30th Sep 2017 22:17
How will you distribute it? Chargeable / free of charge.
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Posted: 1st Oct 2017 20:09 Edited at: 1st Oct 2017 20:09
Qugurun wrote: "How will you distribute it? Chargeable / free of charge."

I think I will make it freely available.

@Conjured Entertainment
Thank you.
Conjured Entertainment wrote: "I could never start anything this elaborate because I know I would never finish it. "

Maintaining the motivation is difficult. The thread should also help me a little.
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2017 18:59
Quote: "I think I will make it freely available"

It would be nice if you can give us the chance for supporting you maybe with a donation option
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2017 07:12
Will there be a Mac version?
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2017 11:41
It's great to see a third party IDE being developed.

Would be great if you can keep developing this while we (TGC) focus on the core engine. A similar development happened in the DarkBASIC days.

How is this coded? Is it cross platform?

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Posted: 4th Oct 2017 10:32 Edited at: 4th Oct 2017 10:32
JohnnyMeek wrote: "Will there be a Mac version?"

I do not have a Mac. Therefore, I can not compile for this system. Sorry.
I had read about cross-compiling. But for this I need the Mac-libs, which I do not have. Then it would be a shot into the dark, whether it is then running on the mac or not.

Thank you.

RickV wrote: "Would be great if you can keep developing this while we (TGC) focus on the core engine. A similar development happened in the DarkBASIC days."

That motivates.

RickV wrote: "How is this coded? Is it cross platform?"

It is written in C ++ and wxWidget. So yes, it would theoretically cross platform. I had planned to write the editor for Windows and Linux. For the Mac, I must see how an opportunity is arised for me.

For the people who have not seen it yet. I've 2-3 weeks ago, added the first post with a feature list. And two days ago, I update it.
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Posted: 4th Oct 2017 11:16
RickV wrote: "Would be great if you can keep developing this while we (TGC) focus on the core engine."

Can you elaborate on this? Would TGC like to stop developing the Geany based IDE? I wrote a good features IDE called IndeED back in the days and if there is a market for AppGameKit and an IDE I would like to know. I think the current Geany based one is pretty good.

@Madbit: Good job, I am sure people will like it. To bad you can support all needed platforms.
Running Windows 7 Home, 64 bit, 8 GB ram, Athlon II X2 255, ATI Radeon HD 4200. Using AGK2 Tier 1.
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Posted: 11th Oct 2017 11:19 Edited at: 11th Oct 2017 11:22
Here a little update.

The first look of the Properties settings. Included five color themes.
Comments are ever welcome.

MikeHart wrote: "@Madbit: Good job ..."

Thank you.
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Posted: 11th Oct 2017 16:23
Looking great Madbit. Any release timeline?
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Posted: 20th Oct 2017 12:55
Will there be any snippets?
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Posted: 21st Oct 2017 13:56
The ACE IDE looks great, can't wait to try it out.
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2017 07:54 Edited at: 22nd Oct 2017 07:59
I had been working lately on the Linux version. Here is the first screenshot. There are still many bugs in it. I did not assume that the differences between Windows -> Linux and VisualC --> GCC are so great.
But nothing is unsolvable.

I think the first beta release can be in December before Christmas.

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2017 10:34
This is looking superb.
I wonder if you could implement an API for a pre-processor so the user could specify a .DLL (or something) that could massage the code before compiling
This would be great for the Visual editor where all the code could be added at compile time
Imagine an XML pre-processor which setup all the code and constants from a .xml file
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2017 15:34
Quote: "I think the first beta release can be in December before Christmas."

Excellent news.

Quote: "I wonder if you could implement an API for a pre-processor so the user could specify a .DLL"

pre-processor IDE plugins would be great, imagine the things we could do, full class and OOP support (ok that's a pretty extreme example but its doable)

I would like to see more general scope IDE plugins, maybe as commandline tools launched from the menu that send in the script, line, pos ETC (maybe the Scintilla window handle to)

But hey lets get the beta out the door and running stable, This IDE is very good news for AppGameKit and with a TGC endorsement I cant wait to try it out.

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Posted: 27th Oct 2017 19:38
Good luck with the release MadBit; keep up the good work.
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2017 13:24
looks really great. any chance of sharing a alpha or beta with us ?
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Posted: 5th Nov 2017 03:34
Chris Tate wrote: "Good luck with the release MadBit; keep up the good work."

DemonHill wrote: "looks really great. any chance of sharing a alpha or beta with us ?"

Tahnk you.

I am currently revising the debugger. When I'm done with it, and it runs stable. Maybe then I release the first beta.
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Posted: 7th Nov 2017 12:23 Edited at: 7th Nov 2017 12:26
Two new features added.

- History Walker
- Code Browser

Still working on the debugger.

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Posted: 11th Nov 2017 18:33
Happy to try it as is, I never use the debugger. Seriously, can't wait to give this a try. Looks great so keep up the good work.
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Posted: 21st Nov 2017 11:23 Edited at: 21st Nov 2017 11:24
I think I dare to release ACE in the beta version now. I hope there are not too many problems with that. But if you find bugs then let me know.

There are some things that do not work. This is still being worked on. For example exporting to other systems (apk, ipa, html5, ect.). But when you save a project, a standart AppGameKit project file is created in addition to the ACE project file. You can then load it with the original IDE and export it from there.

I hope you will enjoy finding the bugs.

Some Descriptions

This is needed so that ACE correctly displays the modules in the menu and to properly solve the dependencies to other modules or plugins.
Each module has its own directory in the module directory. In this is the module definition file called '' this is a JSON file with the following content.

"ModulName" : "JSON-API", <- Name of the module. Is also displayed in the menu.
"ModulDescription" : "API for read, write and modify JSON files.", <- Beschreibung des Moduls.
"DependencyModules" : [], <- Names of the modules on which this is dependent.
"DependencyPlugins" : [], <- Names of the plugins on which this module depends.
"Files" : ["JSON.agc"] <- Files that need to be copied to the project directory.

Files to be copied in the project directory. Must match the ones copied here in the directory. Solve of the dependencies does not work yet.

In the default plugin directory, another file must be created. This describes all contained functions and parameters. This is required for Intellisense and Autocomplete to work for plugins.
It has the same format as the file 'main.agc.tags' by geany. Only here it is called 'Plugin.tags'. Here is an example of the example plugin.

AddFloat|Float|(Float fParam0, Float fParam1)|
ModifyString|String|(String szParam)|
DLLPrint||(String szParam)|
SetI||(Integer iParam)|
LotsOfParams||(Integer iParam0, Integer iParam1, Float fParam2, Float fParam3, Integer iParam4, String szParam5, Float fParam6)|

FunctionName|[ReturnValue]|([[ParameterType ParammeterName]...]|

I appreciate any feedback. Currently there is only the Windows version. The Linux version is not running yet stable enough.

The download is via my brand new site. (I hope it works )
Click here or on my Signature.

george++ wrote: "It would be nice if you can give us the chance for supporting you maybe with a donation option"

On my new site you have now the chance to support this project.
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2017 05:50 Edited at: 23rd Nov 2017 05:55
@MadBit: Thank you for releasing the ACE. At a first glance it works although I need more time to have a look in more depth.
Is there any chance for a smaller ribbon? (or at least an option for hide it)

EDIT: the 'Quit' command does nothing
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2017 07:42
Thank you for tewsting

george++ wrote: "Is there any chance for a smaller ribbon? (or at least an option for hide it)"

An option to hide the ribbon bar by shortcut keys, I can add to my todo-list. For a smaller ribbon I would like to hear other opinions.

george++ wrote: " the 'Quit' command does nothing"

Uups, I had always used the close button. Will be fixed in the next release.
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Posted: 28th Nov 2017 12:12
I am really very sorry. But something must have gone wrong during the release. There are 1 to 2 heavy bugs in it. Shame on me.
I have fixed them now and are now ready for download.
Now the editor should also be usable.

Here the changelog.
[2017-11-28] V0.1.2

[FIX] Modules could not be inserted.
[FIX] Strange behavior when closing a code line with the enter key.
[FIX] Menu entry 'Quit' is not used. (Without function!).
[FIX] SmartFormat changes the text as a whole block instead of line by line. (Was a problem in the Linux version.)
[FIX] Module dependencies can now be solved.
[FIX] Plugin dependencies can now be solved.

[ADD] Hide the ToolBar, Explorer and Info Panel with a keystroke or via View menu.

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Posted: 28th Nov 2017 14:42 Edited at: 28th Nov 2017 14:44
I tried to insert a module but it doesn't load the "External Dependencies".
I tried: Project->Insert Module->JSON-API
Then I include the JSON/JSON.agc file and I also get the autocomplete suggestion for the include file but after that I don't get any files on the left tree that says "External Dependencies" and no autocomplete for json commands.
This process pastes the JSON/JSON.agc file into the projects root folder.
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Posted: 28th Nov 2017 22:19
Quote: "* Auto code formatting (lower, upper, and mixed case)"

I hope that's optional, as I hate that feature.

Quote: " Symbol representation of the entire active project and not just the currently selected document."

I don't know what this means.

When I run my project, will it compile and run the project of whatever document I'm currently viewing? Or do I have to manually select the active project? Cause for me, the current way in the AppGameKit editor is annoying.

What about having a folder for shared libraries? Then I can select a library to add to my project and it'll copy it over automatically.

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