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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [WIP] ACE - A new IDE for AGK.

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Posted: 29th Nov 2017 08:29 Edited at: 29th Nov 2017 08:30
janbo wrote: "I tried to insert a module but it doesn't load the "External Dependencies"."

Confirmed. I will fix it.

Phaelax wrote: "
Quote: "* Auto code formatting (lower, upper, and mixed case)"

I hope that's optional, as I hate that feature.

Not yet. But maybe in the next release.

Phaelax wrote: "What about having a folder for shared libraries? Then I can select a library to add to my project and it'll copy it over automatically."

That's what I mean by modules. You can select a module and all files are copied to the project folder.
An info file is needed, which describes which files should be copied and which dependencies exist to other modules or eventuel plugins.

Phaelax wrote: "When I run my project, will it compile and run the project of whatever document I'm currently viewing? Or do I have to manually select the active project? Cause for me, the current way in the AppGameKit editor is annoying."

This is the common way of all IDE's i know.
Would you find it better if the project is being compiled and started from which you are currently editing a file? Regardless of the currently selected project.

Phaelax wrote: "
Quote: " Symbol representation of the entire active project and not just the currently selected document."
I don't know what this means."

If you have selcted a project under the original IDE. Then you have only the symbols (on the 'Symbol'-Tab) from the file wich you have currently selected. Regardless of the project or other files from the project.
On my IDE you have an entire overview of all Symbols of the currently active project. But you can also switch to the current file symbols if you want a clear representation (not yet fully implemented, only checkbox exist ).

I hope this help.
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Posted: 29th Nov 2017 11:52 Edited at: 29th Nov 2017 11:54
Hi MadBit,
I think I've found a bug. Please watch the video below

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Posted: 29th Nov 2017 13:12
@george++: Thanks I fixed it. This occurs because no active project has been selected.
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Posted: 29th Nov 2017 14:51
Here a fast update. Because there still very heavy bugs their. I do not know what's going on.

I hope it works better now.

here the changelog.
[2017-11-29] V0.1.3

[FIX] Crash when adding a file. If previously created a project without directory.
[FIX] Strange behavior when complete a CodeSnippets.
[FIX] Strange behavior when completing a Block-Code.
[FIX] Crash when complete a line with the keywords 'function' or 'type'.
[FIX] Symbol-Display for 'Current file only' completed.
[FIX] The automatic code formatting now has a new option "As It Is". Disables formatting.
[FIX] #Include will not update the external dependencies. - Known issue: Deleting the include line does not update the dependencies. Manual update via 'Reload Project' is necessary. Still looking for a solution for this problem.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2017 22:49 Edited at: 7th Dec 2017 22:58
Hi MadBit
Here are a few issues I found while I was playing with ACE:
1. If you create an empty workspace and import an existing project, the Build->Run or the Build->Run Debug command is not working

2. If I tick the check box left to the active project without a selected project then the ACE will crash
3. The command 'Project->Project Properties' does nothing.

1. It would be nice if the user could close all documents by a single click or keep only one (Close Other Documents)
2. ACE will open all project documents after the command 'Build->Run Debug'. Is this necessary?
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Posted: 8th Dec 2017 07:25
Thanks for trying it out.

george++ wrote: "If you create an empty workspace and import an existing project, the Build->Run or the Build->Run Debug command is not working"

ACE tries to compile the active project. Since none is selected, he can not start any. I will change that. If no active project is selected, the first project in workspace will be activated automatically.
george++ wrote: "If I tick the check box left to the active project without a selected project then the ACE will crash"

I will fix in the upcoming release.
george++ wrote: "The command 'Project->Project Properties' does nothing."

Sorry I forgot to implement it. But it is only called the already existing Project Settings panel.

george++ wrote: "It would be nice if the user could close all documents by a single click or keep only one (Close Other Documents)"

Good idea, I will implement it.
george++ wrote: "ACE will open all project documents after the command 'Build->Run Debug'. Is this necessary?"

I'll take a closer look.
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Posted: 10th Dec 2017 21:26 Edited at: 10th Dec 2017 21:28
So, a new update, with some improvements to download.
Please check it out.

Again, thank you george++ for testing.

here the changelog.
[2017-12-10] V0.2.4

[FIX] Some improvements in displaying the custom variables.
[FIX] Debugging the project no longer opens all files.
[FIX] Crash when opening the main.agc file of a newly created project.
[FIX] 'Project-> Project Properties' has no function.
[FIX] Automatic selection of an active project if no project is active.
[FIX] Crash when clicking on Project Only checkbox if no active project is selected.
[FIX] Path for APK export directory requires a file and not a folder.
[FIX] New design of welcome screen.
[FIX] AutoIndent changes the indentation of the line in the whole block and not line by line.

[ADD] Possibility to close all files and all but this file. (right click on source-tab)
[ADD] Possibility to save active file and save as. (right click on source-tab)
[ADD] Copy the path of the file to the clipboard and open the path in File Manager. (right click on source-tab)
[ADD] New theme 'Mint'

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Posted: 28th Dec 2017 09:45 Edited at: 31st Dec 2017 03:34
Hello it's time for a new update.

here the changelog.
[2017-10-28] V0.3.5

[FIX] Codetips do not always disappear when it should be.
[FIX] Modified variables are not correctly adopted in the symbol list.
[FIX] Enter a line in the code by pressing the Enter key when the cursor is at the beginning of the line. Are the lines formatted but no new one inserted.
[FIX] No symbols were displayed in the symbol tab.
[FIX] Possibility to switch Smartformat on / off. (Preferences).
[FIX] Possibility to switch Autoindent on / off. (Preferences).
[FIX] Possibility to switch Block-Completion on / off. (Preferences).
[FIX] Possibility to switch code folding on / off. (Preferences).
[FIX] BlockComplete does not work.
[FIX] Autocomplete turned off in comments.
[FIX] SmartFormat does not work correctly when completing a line.
[FIX] After insert new-line wrong cursor position.
[FIX] Missing file suggestion at #Insert.
[FIX] Filter out current file at #Include suggestions.

[ADD] Open the include file with the right mouse button on the include name (pop-up menu).
[ADD] Find all the symbols in the project. Code refactoring: Renaming of symbols is now possible via the search tab.
[ADD] Keywords in comments. For easy insertion of TODO's ( !TODO: ), bugfixes ( !FIX: ) and messeges ( !MSG: ).

George ++ has told me that the IDE crashes when importing a project from OneDrive and tries to edit the file (Enter key). I could not provoke this crash. Does one of you have the same problems?

Here is the video of george ++. There is shown where it crashes.
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Posted: 4th Feb 2018 19:50
Here I have a new big update for you. many fixes are included. Now it is also possible to export directly from ACE to APK or HTML5.
I hope you have fun with it.

here the changelog.
[2018-02-04] V0.4.6

[FIX] If you force code suggestions with'[CTRL]+[SPACE]' and the cursor is placed on a member of a type, the correct suggestions are not offered.
[FIX] Correct line numbers were not displayed when searching for all symbols.
[FIX] After replacing all search items found, the symbol tree was not updated correctly.
[FIX] Variables defined in functions as GLOBAL. Does not appear in the symbol list of the globally defined list.
[FIX] Incorrect parsing of special characters in the source code (also comments). (hopefully solved: ()
[FIX] Code tips multiply after finishing the settings dialog.
[FIX] Code tips of functions sometimes do not display the correct variable types.
[FIX] Local debug display does not sort the parameters correctly.
[FIX] Auto-complete within strings.
[FIX] If the plugin-definition-file is missing, the function symbols are now read from the standard-plugin-file. Function parameters are defined as Param1, Param2,..... enumerated.
[FIX] If a function is copied then renamed, the first function loses all variable contents.
[FIX] Symbols are not updated when deleting the source code.
[FIX] When marking with the mouse, the screen jumps unintentionally.
[FIX] In some cases ace crashes when adding a new file.
[FIX] Search does not always return reliable line numbers.
[FIX] Info panel has been made movable.
[FIX] Switch to the Help tab when F1 (Help) is pressed.
[FIX] SmartFormat with Local Variables does not work.
[FIX] Auto-complete with local variables does not work.
[FIX] When you start the Debugger, local variables are not displayed immediately.
[FIX] Comment tags multiply when lines above are deleted or added.
[FIX] Variables are not inserted correctly in Type's.
[FIX] Notification works only out of a function.
[FIX] No correct update of symbols in the tree. After Replace all.
[FIX] Crash when changing the workspace and then click in an open document of the new workspace.

[ADD] APK-Export (experimental please report issues)
[ADD] Html5-Export (experimental please report issues)

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Posted: 5th Feb 2018 08:36
Good job here MadBit. I'll check it out as soon as possible

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