well no, if you use SetCameraRange and SetObjectScreenCulling then the engine only has to deal with a finite area, whats infront of the camera to the desired distance, if the engine if calculating distance in meters and you move the camera 100 kilometers the engine is still working in meters just 100km from your start point, thats the way I see anyway
maybe there is some recommended limit but I cant see why there would be
Edit, so ok there does seem to be a limit of around just under 100 million units, that should be plenty enough! lol
#constant KEY_1 49
#constant KEY_2 50
box1 = CreateObjectBox(100,100,100)
SetObjectPosition(box1, -km, -km, -km)
SetObjectColor(box1, 255, 0, 0, 255)
box2 = CreateObjectBox(100,100,100)
SetObjectPosition(box2, km, km, km)
SetObjectColor(box2, 0, 255, 0, 255)
SetCameraRange(1, 10, 10000)
SetCameraPosition(1, km-500, km-500, km-500)
SetCameraLookAt(1, GetObjectX(box2), GetObjectY(box2), GetObjectZ(box2), 0)
if GetRawKeyState(KEY_1)
SetCameraPosition(1, GetObjectX(box1)-500, GetObjectY(box1)-500, GetObjectZ(box1)-500)
SetCameraLookAt(1, GetObjectX(box1), GetObjectY(box1), GetObjectZ(box1), 0)
if GetRawKeyState(KEY_2)
SetCameraPosition(1, GetObjectX(box2)-500, GetObjectY(box2)-500, GetObjectZ(box2)-500)
SetCameraLookAt(1, GetObjectX(box2), GetObjectY(box2), GetObjectZ(box2), 0)