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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Mayhem Shopping Mall (opening soon?)

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Posted: 4th Sep 2017 23:39
I think I'm far enough along with this that you can tell where it's going and I can show it. I've been working on this for about 5/6 days now. I used to be faster but since my stroke I sometimes find I forget what I'm doing or how to do it. It's easier than game creation for me right now so that's what I'm doing, and I think my head is clearing daily. As for "opening soon", soon is a very loose term, but probably sooner than it would take to build a real mall.

As usual, it will be free when released. Any suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated and I promise to implement consider read them. You're looking at one wing, I'm thing of just four wings and a grand center. I'll try to make all the usual things; fountain, escalator, kiosk's, benches, trash cans, plants, signs, etc, but I don't think I'll be creating any store items.

Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!


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Posted: 5th Sep 2017 00:05
Nice Xplosys, great start Love the way the sun shines thru the ceiling windows.
Look terrific !
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Posted: 5th Sep 2017 05:40
I can't get an entity to position properly. If I want to offset an entity down a bit in the FPE, which axis is it and what is the value vs a full level?
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 5th Sep 2017 11:16
In the .fpe change "offy = X" for off setting an entity in the "Y" axis.
To go "down" use negative numbers (100 for a full segment...1 is 1%. you can go to one decimal if needed
as in offy = -10.3)
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Posted: 5th Sep 2017 13:43
Thanks for that. I thought that was it and I kept changing the value to no avail, until I realized that it didn't affect the ones I had already placed and moved manually in the editor.
I Needed to start over again anyway to allow for the foyers. I'll probably have to start over a few more times.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 5th Sep 2017 13:56

Great job!

Btw are most people in FPSC old or having some health problems?
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Posted: 5th Sep 2017 15:43 Edited at: 5th Sep 2017 15:44
I hope not.
Good job on your mall so far, xplosys !
Internet Thug.
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Posted: 6th Sep 2017 00:06
Quote: "Btw are most people in FPSC old or having some health problems?


Looking pretty cool xplosy. Keep it up.
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Posted: 6th Sep 2017 01:19
Quote: "Btw are most people in FPSC old or having some health problems?"

You'll find out what it does to you.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 6th Sep 2017 10:44
Quote: "Btw are most people in FPSC old or having some health problems?"

My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
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Posted: 6th Sep 2017 14:10
Me and Madcow02 are pretty young. I am having some digestive problems (hope that it's not too serious). Talking about the mall, I should start avoiding junk food. That stuff doesn't do any good to anyone.
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Posted: 6th Sep 2017 16:31
Quote: "Me and Madcow02 are pretty young"

"Madcow02 and I"
Corrected you to prove I'm old.

Somehow... I lost three folders of game content yesterday.
Accidentally deleting content - 2 seconds
Remaking content - 6 hours
Creating content backup - 1 minute

Nuff said.

Here's another look with some new content.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!


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Posted: 6th Sep 2017 18:29
Before I go off-topic. This mall looks good. Those chairs reminds me of our mall. It must be the thing today. Although one might want to use this legitimately (only shoppers) I can see this as a Zombie kill zone. Tons of Zombies spawning and roaming about while the player zeroes in on them. Or perhaps a werewolf finds his way into the mall and the player has to hunt him down while interacting with the shoppers.

Yes, xplosys, I have been there too many times -- accidentally deleting something or throwing something away I shouldn't have. This leads me to the following fact:

I'm both, "old and have some health problems!"
Sorry to spoil that for you, young ones.

It is sad that not enough younger people have an interest in FPSC. And if they think GG would be a better because they are attracted to the eye-candy that it has right now, then they better take another think. If you think FPI is difficult, then look at the following lua code simply fades out the screen to black:

GG is still in the early throws that FPSC was in back in the day. DX11 is now just being incorporated into GG. This should have been done in the very beginning; but I might have started out the same as Lee. So, there are still a lot of things that GG cannot do but FPSC with BIM can do. There's a few bugs but not many. It's just the features. Right now everything can be coded using lua but the coding can really be complex. It would be better if there are simple commands like in FPSC that will do all the work.

OK, enough rambling. Another sign of old age. On the lighter side, I was thinking of the "me and ..." -- that common error given to the younger generations. I used to say that myself, all the time some sixty years ago. :LOL:
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For me, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and I don't know why.
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Posted: 6th Sep 2017 20:34 Edited at: 6th Sep 2017 23:47
Quote: "Zombies spawning and roaming about"

Quote: "a werewolf finds his way into the mall"

Both great ideas.
I actually started to do this in abandoned style (past), then sci-fi (future), before I settled for the present. I'm thinking maybe a terrorist scenario?

Did I say I deleted the content? I meant to say... the computer did it.

I'm having a little fun with the "mayhem" theme.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!


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Posted: 7th Sep 2017 00:36
"Anarchy, Mayhem & Chaos" Wow, this is Classic" stuff here
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...
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Posted: 7th Sep 2017 05:55 Edited at: 7th Sep 2017 05:59
Had to remove all lighting as it's taking 20 minutes to build now. The level is 38 x 38 units and 6 levels high. I still need to make a couple of hallways (offices, bathrooms, etc).
Can someone explain lightmapsun to me?

Image of mall under construction...
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!


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Posted: 7th Sep 2017 10:55
Quote: "Can someone explain lightmapsun to me"

It creates a nice "sun light" glow on the map in whatever color you choose (r,g,b)
You can also position the 'sun" overhead (x,y,z) where you like to match the skybox sun ( if it has one)
Postprocess is not needed, but together with "postprocess=3" for LightRays it's a nice effect, but takes a hit on performance.
During a test run you can use Pg Up and Pg Down to manipulate the position.
Not much on "tutorials", but here is a link to some testing/builds I did awhile ago.
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Lots and lots of random features...
Mr Love
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Posted: 7th Sep 2017 20:42 Edited at: 7th Sep 2017 20:48
Good job xplosys! It really gives a felling a of a real shopping mall. If I shourld complain about something, I think that carpet looks weird and also the chairs.. I wourld also change color of the stairs and railings to something mutch brighter.
Thats My opinion, love the roof windows... (You had a stroke? I have had one too, It was like turning of a lightbulb!!)
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Posted: 8th Sep 2017 03:24
ncmako, thanks for the link. Always supportive.

Thanks Mr Love. As promised, I read your comments and suggestions.

Finished the escalators and been playing around with some plants and things.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!


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Posted: 9th Sep 2017 05:04 Edited at: 9th Sep 2017 14:59
You know that line across the bottom of the editor that shows you when you're approaching terminal memory? It just came out the sides of my TV and knocked over the lamp.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!


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Mr Love
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Posted: 9th Sep 2017 19:24
Looks awesome xplosys! It looks very mutch like the mall in GTA Vice City. What kind of enemys or story will You use in this mall? Terrorists wourld be cool here!
Keep it up Man!
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Posted: 9th Sep 2017 20:16
Thanks. Yes, terrorists was my thought as well, though I will not be making a game with this. I'm just practicing my modeling again and will release it soon.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 10th Sep 2017 00:54 Edited at: 10th Sep 2017 00:55
Quote: " It just came out the sides of my TV and knocked over the lamp"

Sounds like "Chaos" to me ?
Looking good. Do the escalators work, can they carry the player?
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Posted: 10th Sep 2017 03:12
@xplosys Do you still have Alfresco up for downloads?
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Posted: 12th Sep 2017 02:09
Quote: "Do the escalators work, can they carry the player?"

They installed them but never got them to work.

You should be able to get Alfresco here.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 20th Sep 2017 01:11
I spent the last week with my Dad, brother and sister from Okeechobee, Fl. They came north to get away from the hurricane (Irma) and stayed with me. My Dad (90 years old) got to feeling ill so we took him to the hospital. They say he had a heart attack, and they found a major artery that was 95% blocked, so they put in a stent. It's amazing what they can do today! Anyway, long story short, they have gone back to Florida so I have the house to myself again and I can get a little more work done.

I think the mall is about finished and I'm getting all the files together for dist.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!


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Posted: 20th Sep 2017 02:16 Edited at: 20th Sep 2017 18:39
And here is the download. I hope it's useful.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 20th Sep 2017 08:45
Thanks so much and a great job. I just downloaded the pack. One thing about a time traveler game is that you can have levels that depict anything and in any era. A shopping mall can be the main part of a level. Thumbs UP!

xplosys wrote: "You'll find out what it does to you"

Yup, I have been so obsessed with FPSC that when I went to Reloaded/GG, I had to come back to FPSC even though it sent me to the hospital in October last. :LOL:
THEORY - you know everything but nothing works. PRACTICE - when everything works but don't know why.
For me, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and I don't know why.
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Posted: 20th Sep 2017 11:23
Xplosys Sweet, Thank you xplosys I have a use for some of this right now!
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
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Posted: 20th Sep 2017 16:16
@xplosys - File removed due to inactivity.
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Posted: 20th Sep 2017 16:25
Quote: "@xplosys - File removed due to inactivity."

Wow! I just put it up last night.
I guess that's what you get for free file hosting. It's too big to upload here. I'll try to find another host.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 20th Sep 2017 17:44 Edited at: 20th Sep 2017 18:40
Content is now available here and on my website link below.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 20th Sep 2017 19:00 Edited at: 20th Sep 2017 19:01
Don't forget to upload the 130 GB of FPSFiles media

Btw I am getting a 404 error. They may not be uploaded?
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Posted: 20th Sep 2017 19:08
I was moving things around. Do a forced refresh and all should be there.

I think I'll just host my stuff for now.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 20th Sep 2017 21:55
Xplosys Wow, now that's what I call a web-site
Looks good!
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Posted: 21st Sep 2017 00:06
Great work. thanks for sharing.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2017 00:10
xplosys wrote: "I think I'll just host my stuff for now."

If you have the time you might as well. I've always enjoyed having my own website. I don't even care if I get very many hits. It just gives me something to do and keeps my mind active.

I thought I had posted recently in this thread but apparently I must have been dreaming. I had downloaded your zip file. The first time was very shortly after you uploaded it to the first website. I downloaded again after some apparent problems? I want to thank you for the assets. With a Dr. Who type game, I can have all sorts of possible scenarios; including a modern shopping mall after a level dealing with WWII.
THEORY - you know everything but nothing works. PRACTICE - when everything works but don't know why.
For me, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and I don't know why.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2017 00:30
You're welcome.
Quote: "including a modern shopping mall after a level dealing with WWII"

I always liked the simplicity of unrealistic games. You don't have to follow any rules.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 21st Sep 2017 00:43
Yes, games are to be fun and not necessarily realistic. BTW, I thank you for the map. I think I will use it so I don't have to worry about making the mall. People of FPSC have always provided maps that show how their assets work together. It seems that everyone who had sold their packs would do this. A few who gave them away would but not all of them and I can understand why. When I was amongst the GG crowd, I found out that they did not give away maps of their packs. It's a different crowd now. I guess because it's a different time of "everybody for themselves."
THEORY - you know everything but nothing works. PRACTICE - when everything works but don't know why.
For me, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and I don't know why.
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2017 23:42
Quote: " games are to be fun and not necessarily realistic"

Yes, I second that motion...
Quote: "With a Dr. Who type game"

OMG, that opens a lot of possibilities, where anything goes kind of game ?
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...

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