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Code Snippets / Simple Evolution Demo

Derek Darkly
Years of Service
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Joined: 22nd Sep 2011
Location: Whats Our Vector, Victor?
Posted: 16th Sep 2017 02:45 Edited at: 16th Sep 2017 02:48
Press 'r' to randomize the field
Press 'e' to randomize the environment color

The idea is that the creatures (cubes) who more closely resemble their environment (backdrop color) are less likely to get eaten.

-When a cube disappears, is was a predator (or random death)
-The cubes most like the background color are less likely to be killed
-Over time, the cubes will interbreed and their color will average out
-Sometimes this may take 1000 'years' or 1000*12 turns (one predatory attack per 'month')

Send your parents to noisy sprite demo hell... enter the D-Zone

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