Abhishek06 Hi..and a big welcome to the forums
Firstly, which version of fps-classic are you using? Do you have at least V1.20?
Quote: ",I want to change the weather to bright sunny or rainy"
If I understand you correctly you want to change the "skybox" background, or just make you
level "sunny or rainy" looking ? Both are very easy either way.
To brighten up your level with just lights place a "Light Marker" several layers above the player and
make it "yellow'ish" like sun light. Trial and error is needed here to get it right.
To change the "skybox", open fpsc, in the editor go to "file - Build Game" a box opens, click the tab "Level Settings"
Look and you will see "Global Script" click the "Edit" button for that one. Look and you will see "Level Setup" under that
is "Sky" to the right of that is the current skybox, if you click on that "Line" a button appears to open the "skybox" folder.
If you only have the stock skybox's only the scifi, ww2 and maybe generic are available. Skybox's can only be named with 3 letters,
so look for one call "ngt" ( that means night ) select that one and you can then click the "preview" button to decide if you like it
or change it to another skybox ?
Hope that helps some ?
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...