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Work in Progress / Kart racing game

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2017 06:24 Edited at: 3rd Nov 2017 06:25
Very very early stages. Just trying to get the physics/camera/way-points working. See attached. Give it a whirl and let me know what you think
Arrow keys to drive the red car (Green one is NPC)


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Posted: 3rd Nov 2017 21:51 Edited at: 3rd Nov 2017 22:00
I always wanted to make a game like that, but never really got far along. Best of luck! Looking good so far.

EDIT: My anti-virus software simply will not allow me to download the .exe file, so I can't run it to give you any feedback. Is this AGK2? I only use DBP, so I won't be able to run it anyway.

So many games to little time.
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2017 23:53 Edited at: 3rd Nov 2017 23:54
Yeah it's AGK. Here's some video. Gotta put some fizz in those collisions.
Right now i'm changing the road system from one big track to tiled
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Posted: 4th Nov 2017 06:32
Looks really cool, blink0k! Have you used box 2d physics or you built your own?
Chris Tate
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Posted: 4th Nov 2017 11:27
Smooth. Very nice.
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Posted: 4th Nov 2017 19:58
Yes it's box2d.
Thanks chris
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Posted: 8th Nov 2017 09:56
Where can I find this game to download, I'm glad to try something new. I want to download it!
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Posted: 8th Nov 2017 19:23
No game yet. There is a test you can download in the first post
Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 9th Nov 2017 19:12 Edited at: 9th Nov 2017 21:38
Cool Project

Glad to see your work around is coming along well.

Downloading now, so I can give it a try...

Quote: "Right now i'm changing the road system from one big track to tiled"

I started a WIP of a top down 2d racing game using tiles, and they worked out great.

Once you get that system in place with the tiles, then creating new tracks with arrays is a snap.

I never tried to automate track creating procedurally, but it should be easy enough with the tile method.

I think you will like the tile system better once you get the transfer finished.


At first I didn't really like the steering, but after a few laps I got the feel for it.

I never got to lap that green car, but after a couple dozen laps or so I could see him out in front of me, so I was about a half a lap ahead of him.

I had a little fun changing the track and car colors too! lol

Once you have some sounds effects for the engine, a few more competitor NPCs, and lap timers, I will be having some real fun with this bad boy.

This inspires me to get back to work on my racing game, but turn it from 2d to 3d and use the cars I made for my FPSC track back in the day.

They were a collection of modified textures for the stock TGC race car based on the Minicup circuit, but I think I lost those files when my old computer died.

Not sure if I can find any backups of them, but I guess I could start all over if I have to, because the move to AppGameKit would be worth it.

I like how you separated the objects for the kart to handle your animations.

Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1


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Posted: 16th Nov 2017 06:37 Edited at: 16th Nov 2017 08:04
Haha. Nice work CE. That car skin. It looks bad ass! Tip: Stick to the inside of the track and you'll catch up pretty quick

I am in the process of creating an environment (Finding it very difficult atm but i am slowly making progress.

Glad you tried it out. I got the same steering feedback from a number of people. Hopefully you'll be able to customize the various physics variables when it's complete.

I have abandoned the tile based track because the textures ended up being huge so now i have a very economical approach as far as polys and textures goes


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Posted: 17th Nov 2017 05:38 Edited at: 17th Nov 2017 05:39
Slow slow-de-slow progress. At least it's under 1k polys


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Posted: 30th Dec 2017 11:00
Look great !
Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2018 01:31
Quote: "I am in the process of creating an environment (Finding it very difficult atm but i am slowly making progress.


I have abandoned the tile based track because the textures ended up being huge so now i have a very economical approach as far as polys and textures goes"
Yeah man, that new track is looking much better than the other one.

Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1
Captain Ouais
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Posted: 7th Jan 2018 10:57
super !!!
I do what i do !!!
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Posted: 7th Jan 2018 16:02
Looking good. A couple of really nice projects coming out of DBP.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2018 02:19
Just keeping this open
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2018 08:03
Great stuff, really loving the new track style!
Steve Ancell
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Posted: 4th Mar 2018 23:37
OK the steering may need a bit of tweaking, but this project has potential. I would more than likely buy a copy if you're planning to put it on sale, great stuff fella.
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Posted: 6th Mar 2018 23:21
Have neglected this for a while for a number of reasons, thinking of another approach so i'll prolly throw this one away. Here's a demo of the environment. Very boring


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