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Raspberry Pi / It Wont work or start.

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Posted: 17th Dec 2017 19:30
So I got the new update for the PI version on stretch but... It wont work. I went into the terminal to see if it works but it give me this :
" Segmentation fault".....
What does that even mean?
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Posted: 27th Dec 2017 22:19
It should mean, that you have no direct access to the ressource. This means for you:
1. You may have no read/write permission for the folder/file
2. Kernel driver problems

A quick look at a search-engine game me a page:
Maybe you find more.

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Posted: 30th Dec 2017 15:40 Edited at: 30th Dec 2017 16:12
The older version of AGK2 for the raspberry PI worked fine for me but the newer release doesnt seem to work at all. (I cant even open projects with the new one!)

Can you tell us what version of AGK2 your running please Jack (and.... are you running Raspbian Jessie or stretch)??
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Posted: 30th Dec 2017 18:27 Edited at: 30th Dec 2017 18:35
I use:
- Pi3 / Zero,
- latest Jessie with latest updates apt-get update && apt-get upgrade,
- latest version of AppGameKit for Pi. (I just copy-pasted AppGameKit on the Pi, and it ran straight)

Can you start the AppGameKit Editor Binary?

Maybe you need to Chmod you though now...
can you compile on an old os version of some binary and copy the code to your new os?

Start your binaries/ AppGameKit Editor though console, see output

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Posted: 31st Dec 2017 14:44
Thanks Jack! I appreciate the help.

I have a very similar setup.

Raspberry Pi 3 (I also have a Pi Zero W too)
I run latest version of Jessie has been fully updated (via apt-get update and apt-get upgrade)

The previous version of AppGameKit 2017.08.25 runs fine. I just download it and then place the AGKPi directory where i want it and then start the editor. All programs run fine.

The latest version of AppGameKit 2017.12.12 does not work ok though for me. I download AGK2 then extracted the AGKPi directory as normal and then attempt to start the editor and nothing happens. If i try to start the editor (geany - in the tier 1 editor directory) from the command line....I get a geany window that is not configured for AGK. It just opens a very simple version of geany. It looks like the problem is with the custom setup of geany.

So for me...the old version works great but the new version seems to have a small problem of some sort.??
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Posted: 7th Jan 2018 08:28
Im running Raspbian Stretch Nov 2017 , Downloaded AppGameKit extracted and double clicked the AppGameKit executable , got a dialog asking if I want to executute, window or terminal, I tried both options nothing happened.
Either Im doing something wrong or it doesnt work on Stretch.
Just thought I would offer the feedback.

Shame I like the android version , would be nice to use the same code on the pi.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2018 17:52
Hi All,

I have a Pi 3 runnig agk perfectly.

Now I have bought a second Pi 3 and today I download AGK. After unpacking and try to execute the file it does..... nothing.

I have tried :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

This would not help.
Is there a way of downloading an older version of AKG?

This version is broken?

Admin please update the file because more people have problems with this or add a link to older files in the download page.
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Posted: 9th Jan 2018 06:41
The new version i also can't run in the terminal.

So I took the older version from the other Pi (V 15-05-2017) and it runs fine on the new Rasp Pi 3.

My conclusion is that the new version of AppGameKit for the Pi is broken.
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Posted: 9th Jan 2018 22:05
Same here,

Downloading the right Image (e.g. Raspbian Stretch 2017-11-29 V. 4.9)
Downloading AppGameKit 2017-12-12 (Raspberry Pi)

Nothing happened. Where do I get the older version? In my "Products" is only V2017-12-12 (Raspberry Pi), not more than this one
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Posted: 9th Jan 2018 23:25 Edited at: 9th Jan 2018 23:27
So.... its not just me then that cant get it to work !

It looks as if there are quite a few people with problems with the latest 2017.12.12 release. Paul says it works for him ok but ive never got it running and i think Jack had it running above. I have the same issues as listed above where it wont work and gives segmentation fault from the command line. I would guess its a file access issue

I was given a download link for the previous release (2017.08.25) by Rick V (thank you sir!! ) and its still valid. That release works fine too in Pi3 latest version..

...but I'm not sure I should really post up that link for everyone to download. I will let the mods/GameCreator people post a previous version or update the official download if its deemed necessary.
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Posted: 11th Jan 2018 15:33 Edited at: 11th Jan 2018 15:39
Quote: "I was given a download link for the previous release (2017.08.25) "

I must have missed that release.

I have a 2017.09.25, but no 2017.08.25

I do not download every update, but I do save the ones I download.

No Pi yet, but might pick up a pi zero soon (like that there is no need for a heat sink), so I will know then if any of my old versions will work.

I have been putting off getting a Pi for the same reason I put off using Linux... not keen on learning a bunch of technical stuff for command line typing.

However, the idea of using the Pi for an arcade machine is appealing enough to make the plunge.

I have already built a retro style cabinet that is scaled down a bit for small children, and I hope to create about 10+ games for a multi-game machine for youngsters.

Not sure if the Pi will be best for it, but we'll see.

Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1
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Posted: 11th Jan 2018 23:24 Edited at: 11th Jan 2018 23:27
Yes, i miss typed:

Current release is 2017.12.12 (I cant get it to work)
Previous release was: 2017.9.25 (Works fine for me)

The PI is awesome. I use it for loads of projects and its suprisingly powerful considering its £27 ($25??) and it can render really well. AppGameKit is great for building little projects on it. Programs wont work quite as fast as on a PC but they do work fine on the PI. Neither the Raspberry PI 3 or the PI Zero needs a heatsink at all - we use loads at work and never use one. Its only needed if you want to overclock really.

Yes, linux can be a bit of a pain but Raspbian (PI operating system) is simple enough and once you have opened the AppGameKit editor its just like working on windows really! Hardly ANY difference. All this on a little coputer you can fit in your pocket !!

The PI with Retro PI installed on it is a great arcade machine and there are thousands of games for it. Its a large download but very good and lots of people are building cabinets for it!
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Posted: 12th Jan 2018 23:01 Edited at: 12th Jan 2018 23:15
Quote: "Neither the Raspberry PI 3 or the PI Zero needs a heatsink at all - we use loads at work and never use one. Its only needed if you want to overclock really."


Quote: "The PI with Retro PI installed on it is a great arcade machine and there are thousands of games for it. Its a large download but very good and lots of people are building cabinets for it!"

I only want to use my own games, so that I can have coin mechanisms if I don't want to set it to free play.

Those X-in1 packages usually restrict commercial use, so for a home game room they are fine, but for a real arcade it would be illegal to use them.

On a side note: Will the Pi give me a unique device ID when using the GetDeviceID() ???

Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1
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Posted: 14th Jan 2018 12:17
Can I also get a link of the release of agk 2017.08.25 from Rick V? Maybe older version downloads could be added in the download section of TheGameCreators?
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Posted: 16th Jan 2018 21:14
What i believe to be the cause is that certain functions and/or bugs prevented the code to properly execute for certain people. It could also be from certain packages getting an update.

I honestly don't know.
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Posted: 18th Jan 2018 20:59
I tested an early version, I had on disk, but also didn't get it to work. Can somebody make a little tutorial, which AppGameKit version with which version Raspberry Pi and Rasbian working together and which libraries have to be installed or updated? Also which rights have to be set. A little "Hello World" example, compilation and the final start of the "Hello World"-Program itself.

I think, I got the AGK-Geany to run and be able to Compile, but I did not get the resulting Executable to run. I have to do alot with the command line, to execute the Comipiler and so on.

Would be realy helpful. If somebody could do it.

@Bengismo, maybe you could do an tutorial? Would be realy realy nice.

Kind regards.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2018 22:07
Basically, running AppGameKit on the PI is almost the same as on windows.

You just have to download AGKPi from the AppGameKit website from your products folder in your account on the game creators website. Once downloaded, you "unzip" (technically - unarchive it in raspian) to a location of your choice. Typically, this will be the /home/pi/AGK folder but you can call it whatever you want.

You then go into this folder and click on the AppGameKit link to start AppGameKit like you would on windows. This opens the Geany editor (looks the same as on windows) and you can open any of the Sample Projects that get shipped with AppGameKit and run them like you would in windows. You dont need to do anything special to get it to compile (other than hit compile). Or...Just hit the run button.

You dont need a special export option for the PI. Just like in the windows version, an executable file is created in your project folder every time you compile. So to produce the pi version you just run it once and then you can distribute the executable and media folder to other Pi's if wanted.

Homer S produced a good tutorial on creating a desktop shortcut in raspbian which is quite useful.

Its not hard to run AGKPi at all...The biggest problem is that the previous release worked fine (exactly like I described above) ....whereas the latest version IS causing problems at least for a few of us. The previous 2017.9.25 version works well for me but quite a few are struggling to get the latest 2017.12.12 to work at all. I'm still using the older version on the Pi for that reason and its good.
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Posted: 26th Jan 2018 05:21
I'd like to second the request for previous version download links. I was hoping to use AppGameKit with my students on their Pis because it's a good middle step between Scratch (the program) and coding a game from scratch in something like javascript.
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Posted: 29th Jan 2018 16:51
I was hoping too, to use AppGameKit Basic with the Pi for some educational things. But do not get AppGameKit running so, that I can recommand that for Pi. So for Kids it would be the best, to have an older PC or Laptop as well
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Posted: 15th Mar 2018 19:41
I got version 2017.09.25 working on my Stretch install today. I ran my app in a terminal and could see that some was missing or something, from this thread I gathered the last info I needed, in particular the commands I will list below.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo rpi-update (Don't know if this is needed, it updates the firmware, I did it and it went fine)
sudo apt-get install libgles2-mesa libsdl2-dev (The first one was already installed at this point but try to type it in anyway, the last one I installed)
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Posted: 19th Mar 2018 13:58 Edited at: 19th Mar 2018 13:58
I tried this on a fresh RaspPi Stretch installation with AGKPI 2017.09.25 and still no joy. Not working for me - the editor will start up but no programs will run and no broadcast working. This was the case without the additional libraries being installed.

The apt-get update and upgrade are standard and anyone should do those on a new install. Adding the mesa and SDL libraries gets rid of the cant find library issues at the command line but still doesnt give me working programs on stretch.
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Posted: 19th Mar 2018 17:06
@Bengismo, how much ram have you configured for the GPU? Mine is set at 64MB, and my desktop OpenGL is set for to Full.
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Posted: 19th Mar 2018 18:41
Ive tried 64Mb (default amount) and then 128Mb but neither result in the program even starting. My Open GL is set at Full (Full KMS) - I also tried other modes. This is on the latest version of stretch.

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Posted: 19th Mar 2018 19:22
I will see if I got a spare SD card and then do a fresh install myself tomorrow.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2018 11:30
I found a spare SD card, I am setting things up now. Are you using the standard PI user or a custom one? If you use a custom one you need to set some privileges for that user.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2018 13:21
I had problems with the fresh install as well, here is what I did to get it running with Tier 1 apps.

1. Installed fresh Raspbian Stretch 2018-03-13
2. Downloaded and unpacked AGKPi 2017-09-25
3. (Terminal) sudo apt-get update
4. (Terminal) sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
5. (From start menu) reboot
6. (Terminal) sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
7. (From start menu) reboot
8. (Terminal) sudo rpi-update (This seems to be the essential part as it also updates "Video something". First time I did this with the fresh install, it would not boot afterward, but it seems like the firmware lives on the SD card, so a new install made it work again)
9. (From start menu) Shutdown, wait until disk LED stops blinking, unplugged power, waited 10 sec, plugged power back in.
10. Compiled a simple AppGameKit Tier 1 app and ran it from terminal like this ./Core (Core being the app I ran). (I use ./ to get output to get an idea of what goes wrong)
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Posted: 20th Mar 2018 15:02 Edited at: 20th Mar 2018 15:03
Ahh, brilliant - thanks for the hard work. I will give this a go later on! I think I had got up to step 7 and just need to do a rpi-update and a cold boot.

I was running from the command line to see the errors but wasnt getting much useful back. Im hoping it will also run from geany's menu run command as well.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2018 15:50
I am excited to hear if it works for you
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2018 22:45
Unfortunately,still not working yet. I still get the same issue as before.

That's after a clean install on a RPI 3 Model B V1.2 and every instruction followed.

I might try it on the latest RPI 3 Model B+ or a PI Zero at the weekend but i'm not hopeful really. I will either continue to use Jessie on the RPI or stick with Android on ODROID's or Android on the Asus TinkerBoard as both work great and AppGameKit player works as does APK installs.
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2018 08:09
I will try again, I might have switched rpi-update and lidsdl2-dev, I was writing the instructions from memory. I will try my own instructions, and if I get the same result as you, I will try switching them.
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2018 11:37
I just tried my guide, rpi-update failed the first time but worked fine the second time (did your rpi-update perhaps fail?), and Core ran fine. I am doing this on a RPi 2, I will get a RPi 3 at some point and check on that.
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Posted: 28th Mar 2018 22:29
Hi, after messing around, I was able to make it work by:
1. Apply all the steps described by Cybermind up above
2. sudo raspi-config > 7 Advanced Options > A7 GL Driver > G3 Legacy > reboot
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Posted: 30th Mar 2018 11:47
@rTomas, was this on a RPi3?
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Posted: 4th Apr 2018 01:00
Yes it was in a RPi3 using 2018-03-13-raspbian-stretch
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Posted: 13th Apr 2018 08:52
Hey guys Does AppGameKit RPi still work for you after the new update for you? @Bengismo, did you get it working with rTomas final step? I am gonna try updating today, but I only have an RPi2.
Tone Dialer
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Posted: 13th Apr 2018 12:26

The new version 2018-04-12 is now working on Raspbian Stretch using a Pi3, it compiles, runs and broadcasts to my Android tablet for the first time.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2018 06:32
@Tone Dialer,
could you maybe make a video step by step. I can compile, but don't be able to run the compiled executable after that
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Posted: 15th Aug 2018 09:09
Hi all,

A user has offered this new advice re installing on Pi. I hope it can help others:

Quote: "I spent some time with this, as it didn't work on a more modern install of Jessie for me on a pi 3 b+ (I'll assume others), or Jessie lite either (I was installing Xwindows myself)
The first line were the minimum packages to get the editor to run (Geany).
The rest all ensure the games will build and run. Hopefully this works for other people.

These need to be run in a shell script as root or with sudo:

apt install libgail-common libgail18 libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-bin libgtk2.0-common
apt install libopenal1
cd /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
ln -s /opt/vc/lib/
ln -s /opt/vc/lib/"
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Posted: 21st Aug 2018 12:51 Edited at: 21st Aug 2018 16:14
Would it be possible, to run that version of AppGameKit also on a Nintendo Classic Mini or Super Nintendo Classic Mini?

From what I read, it's

Operating system Linux
System-on-chip used Allwinner R16
CPU 4 × ARM Cortex-A7
Memory 256 MB of DDR3 RAM
Storage 512 MB NAND flash memory
Graphics Mali-400 MP

So it could be somewhere between the Rapsberry Pi Zero or Raspberry Pi 2, but with a little bit less memory.

comparism between SNES Classic mini and Raspberries.

Quake (1996) on SNES Classic mini. 3D games are possible
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Posted: 5th Nov 2018 14:14

I receive an error message:

pi@raspberrypi:~/AGK/Test $ ./Test
1366, 768
Device does not support high precision pixel shader values
Vertex shader failed to compile:

I am using the latest version of Raspbian:

And AGKpi this version:
AppGameKit V2018.10.10 (Raspberry Pi) (129.00MB)

Something I'm doing wrong, in the steps to try to install the OpenGL libraries and activate the Legacy GL mode

Is this version of Raspbian and AGKpi correct?
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Posted: 8th Nov 2018 00:51 Edited at: 8th Nov 2018 00:52
1. Download and clean installation of Raspbian (latest version) in MicroSD
(it does not matter if sar NOOBS or only system)
Finish Configuration Wizard! Connect to the internet and Update!

2. Download latest version of AGKpi
Decompress AGKpi in the Home folder.

Steps to follow, Thanks to Cybermind:
3. (Terminal) sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
4. (From start menu) reboot
5. (Terminal) sudo rpi-update (This seems to be the essential part as it also updates "Video something". First time I did this with the fresh install, it would not boot afterward, but it seems like the firmware lives on the SD card, so a new install made it work again)
6. (From start menu) Shutdown, wait until disk LED stops blinking, unplugged power, waited 10 sec, plugged power back in.
7. Compiled a simple AppGameKit Tier 1 app and ran it from terminal like this ./Core (Core being the app I ran). (I use ./ to get output to get an idea of what goes wrong)

I run the execution of examples and AppGameKit games!!
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2018 11:28
is there a chance, to be able to run AppGameKit-Apps with links/aliases or symbols by double-clicking? And what would be needed, to make the compiled games run in RetroPie or RetroArch?
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2018 20:38

The first question;
Yes, create a "shortcut" if you can in Debian / Raspbian, it's Llnux.

Follow this tutorial and create access for your game, it's simple.

The second question, I personally doubt it enough ... But not impossible, consult it with expert users in RetroPie, RecallBox

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