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Work in Progress / Pong Type Remake [WIP]

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Posted: 29th Jan 2018 23:09
Hi all I am working on a pong style remake in AppGameKit, I thought it is about time I actually got tucked in to AppGameKit and started making a few things. So what better place to start than something simple like a pong style clone. Please excuse the art though I am certainly no artist, but I do have an artist working on some new assets for me, so I will be sure to post progress updates as and when.

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Posted: 9th Feb 2018 16:29 Edited at: 9th Feb 2018 22:13
I thought I would post a small update!!

Progress is slow due to work and family life, but I got in touch with an artist friend (the same one who worked on the art for my Bop The Bad Elf Android Game, also made in AGK2, Link in my signature so if any moderators out there can issue the Developer badge for having a game released in a recognised market, that would be greatly appreciated ).

Anyway he has made a few new assets, but we still have a few to go, I have attached them so you can see what they will look like, but they are not in the game just yet. We had decided to go for a cartoon, top down, baseball style.. I know a real baseball would not really bounce, but its a game it doesn't need to be realistic

Plus who knows, maybe as the game progresses it could even achieve a cannon to shoot the ball out at random speeds and directions, and the aim of the game could be for the player to hit the ball to score points that way, but for now it will be kept simple.

New Fence for the edges of the screen to act as a wall

New ball

Player Bat (of course we don't have the player yet, the bat will also probably flip its facing direction depending on it being top half or bottom half of the screen).

The Trello board is private but I have attached a small screen shot just to give a better insight of the workflow I use, also we use a slack group for communication.

Also there will be a small gif of the new splash screen system in place, it will save the menu being all cluttered and full of too much info, the code is being ripped apart and modified slowly, it will also have a seperate credits screen. So look out for this soon.


As promised here is a small gif of the new splash screens (1 more to be added yet once my artist provides it) and also I just put the new assets in to see how they look..

This makes me wonder do you guys think I should have the batter (the player who will be holding the bat), have a facing direction of the top and bottom of the window to compliment the bat? Also is it possible to add a spinto the ball so it looks as if it is rotating in flight, I guess this would be as simple as having a for loop that increments the angle as time passes? Thanks

Kind Regards

PS - I know it's not a great deal of progress, but it's still good to share any progress for motivational purposes and feedback.


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Posted: 12th Feb 2018 02:21 Edited at: 12th Feb 2018 02:22
Cool game, GunnerJnr! Maybe your character could have a top-side view like the retro SpeedBall.

Also, I think would be great if you add some force by holding the mouse/pointer and then release.

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Location: Bridgwater, UK
Posted: 12th Feb 2018 09:56
Richard_6 wrote: "Maybe your character could have a top-side view like the retro SpeedBall."

Thanks @Richard_6, and Wow Yes! This is definitely an angle that can be used for reference it looks cool, and yes the ball needs working on the speed is too slow, it does increase as the game progresses but I think like you say it would be better to add some force, make it more like a brick breaker style than a pong style perhaps

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