Here is my personal code for my doors.
How the doors opens depends on how my character moves in. But its always on the same side of the object to give realism.
function door_plyr_maintenance()
for i = 0 to area_doors.length
dist_x# = abs( GetObjectX(game.player.objID) - GetObjectX( area_doors[i].ID ) )
dist_z# = abs( GetObjectZ(game.player.objID) - GetObjectZ( area_doors[i].ID ) )
print( dist_x# )
print( dist_z# )
if dist_x# < .51 and dist_z# < .51 and area_doors[i].open = 0 // this is very sensitive because I move my doors based off angle. My offset is the center and not the left side. If agk was //"better" with 3d animations I would have made an animated door. I encourage you to take this route
open_door( i ) // character controller
elseif dist_x# > 1.10001 and area_doors[i].open = 1 or dist_z# > 1.10001 and area_doors[i].open = 1 // slightly arbitrary but if its close to the open_door test you will have constant //opening and closing
close_door( i ) // character controller
next i
function open_door( i as integer )
doorID = area_doors[i].id
dir_x# = GetObjectX( doorID ) - GetObjectX( game.player.objID )
dir_z# = GetObjectZ( doorID ) - GetObjectZ( game.player.objID )
dr_angle# = GetObjectAngleY( doorID )
if dir_z# < 0 and round(dr_angle#) = 0 // players is headed south
SetObjectPosition( doorID, GetObjectX( doorID )-.5, GetObjectY( doorID ), GetObjectZ( doorID )-.3 )
SetObjectRotation( doorID, 0, 125, 0 )
area_doors[i].open = 1
if dir_z# > 0 and round(dr_angle#) = 0 //player is headed north
SetObjectPosition( doorID, GetObjectX( doorID )-.5, GetObjectY( doorID ), GetObjectZ( doorID )+.3 )
SetObjectRotation( doorID, 0, 240, 0 )
area_doors[i].open = 1
if dir_x# > 0 and round(dr_angle#) = 90// player headed east
SetObjectPosition( doorID, GetObjectX( doorID )+.3, GetObjectY( doorID ), GetObjectZ( doorID )-.5 )
SetObjectRotation( doorID, 0, 215, 0 )
area_doors[i].open = 1
if dir_x# < 0 and round(dr_angle#) = 90 // player headed west
SetObjectPosition( doorID, GetObjectX( doorID )-.3, GetObjectY( doorID ), GetObjectZ( doorID )-.5 )
SetObjectRotation( doorID, 0, 325, 0 )
area_doors[i].open = 1
function close_door( i as integer )
doorID = area_doors[i].id
dr_angle# = GetObjectAngleY( doorID )
if round(dr_angle#) = 125 or round(dr_angle#) = 240
SetObjectRotation( doorid, 0, 0, 0 )
area_doors[i].open = 0
elseif round(dr_angle#) = 215 or round(dr_angle#) = 325
SetObjectRotation( doorid, 0, 90, 0 )
area_doors[i].open = 0
i = search_for_door_id( doorid )
obj = house_construction[i].ID
SetObjectPosition( doorid, GetObjectX( obj ), GetObjectY( obj ), GetObjectZ( obj ) )